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Planning upgrade from 1.8.10 to 1.8.15
Two domains, one is live platform, the other is test bed.
In root directory of home are folders:
Domains point to /hlf and /test folders respectively.

hlf/forum is live 1.8.10
test/forum is clean install 1.8.15
test/forum3 is copied live updated to 1.8.15

Clean install works as expected.
Forum3 is picking up customized php from live forum, unless the server is delivering from cache somewhere else.
I have checked files and file sizes against distribution, and all seem to be correct. I'm finding no anomalous file locations.
Forum3 used to be named Forum2 when it was the test bed for updating from 1.6 to 1.8
The name change was an attempt to force delivery from a new location.

Process to copy live for test update is
1. Delete all files in Forum3 except for Uploads folder
2. Copy all files from live Forum to Forum3
3. Edit Forum3 config.php for database source, settings.php for: 4. Upload SQL backup of live forum database into new database
5. myPHPadmin to edit database record to change same settings modified in settings.php
6. Upload 1.8.15 files, not overwriting settings.php and config.php
7. Perform upgrade starting at
8. Check operation.

Customization created and working satisfactorily is working in live forum, but should not be showing up in upgraded forum, yet it is.

I welcome your thoughts on this.
Solved. Combination of server issue and operator error.