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Full Version: Disable Edit after X Time on selected forums only
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I would like to be able to turn off the ability to edit a post, for selected usergroups, after a set amount of time has passed.

- Choose which usergroups the plugin applies to
- Choose the time frame during which edits can be made
- Choose who has permission to edit posts that have been 'locked'.

Once the time frame has been passed (eg, 1 hour) the post will not be able to be edited, except by the usergroup/s with Permission to edit (eg, Administration).

Essentially, each individual post would self-lock after a set amount of time has passed, if it was posted by someone in the applicable usergroup.

Thank you for your time!

Please see third post! Looking to have more power over where this edit lock takes place instead of across the forum as a whole.
All the desired features you can set for every usergroup in acp group settings.
:o ! I didn't realise! Thank you!

I implemented the disable edit after X time and have no issues with it, etc.

However, I’m wondering if it’s possible to make a plugin could enable the Admin to dictate which forums the edit lock does or does not apply to? Without having to make groups moderators? I don’t want them able to edit anyone but their own posts, in set locations.
You’d have to add a setting which specifies the forum ids, explode that list and do an if statement on it and the current forum ID. All of that may not have made much sense to you, so post which plugin you’re using and I’ll be able to assist further.
(2018-06-19, 07:43 AM)Wires Wrote: [ -> ]You’d have to add a setting which specifies the forum ids, explode that list and do an if statement on it and the current forum ID. All of that may not have made much sense to you, so post which plugin you’re using and I’ll be able to assist further.

Not a lick lol! Thanks for replying though!

I'm not actually using a Plugin for this, just the default setting:
[Image: 037b1a26320daffbc6d0fa234937b6a5.png]

So I'd just really like to be able to dictate which boards it does/doesn't apply to Smile Something like this (this is a Prefix related Plugin) which would allow me to choose which boards the Edit lock applies to.
[Image: 8f0d285554a2e48516f6af20910e792f.png]
For now, I could offer you only core changes. But they could get overwritten automatically at next version update.

That's why core edits are suboptimal.
OK, but you can use plugin called "Patches" for easier core files modifications...