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Does anybody know how I can remove the Post count from showing under user's profile. I want users not to know their post count as I am working on a rank system which does not involve users knowing their post count. However I still want admins to be able to view the users post count (maybe in AdminCP?). Anybody know how I can achieve this!?

Many thanks.Smile[/i]
Admin CP -> Templates -> Modify / Delete -> Expand *Your Theme's Template* -> Post Bit Templates -> postbit_author_user

{$lang->postbit_posts} {$post['postnum']}<br />
Hello. Thanks for your reply. But for some reason I don't have the "Expand" part. I clicked on Edit Theme, and I also don't have the "Post Bit Templates". I currently have MyBB 1.2.1

Thanks in advance.
You are in the Theme Manager, not the Template part.

The Template section is found below the Theme section in the Admin CP navigation panel.
Oh, I am sorry. My bad. But now when I click on Expand, I get this error: =(

MySQLi error: 1104
The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay
Query: SELECT t1.* FROM mybb_templates t1 LEFT JOIN mybb_templates t2 ON (t1.title=t2.title AND t2.sid='-2') WHERE t1.sid='10' AND ISNULL(t2.template) ORDER BY t1.title ASC

Thanks for helping, appreciated.
m4rk0551 Wrote:Oh, I am sorry. My bad. But now when I click on Expand, I get this error: =(

If you have access to myphpadmin execute this query:

SELECT * FROM `mybb_templates` WHERE `title` = 'postbit_author_user'

You will get 2 results. Open the second one for edit and delete the {$lang->postbit_posts} {$post['postnum']}<br /> part; but will that be enough? I don't know.
It did not work. I removed it, but the posts still appear.
m4rk0551 Wrote:It did not work. I removed it, but the posts still appear.

I think there is a missing step. Could it be the cache or recount & rebuild? I'm not sure. It could be something totally different. Let's wait for DrPoodle's reply.
How many themes do you have installed?
DrPoodle Wrote:How many themes do you have installed?

DrProodle has a good point here. I think this is the missing thing. You have to remove all the instances of {$lang->postbit_posts} {$post['postnum']}<br /> from all the results of the query. In other words if you have two themes, you will get two results, and 3 if you have 3, and so on. Once you edit and remove them the post count will disappear.

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