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Full Version: MyFacebook Connect 3.2 - not working
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I want my users to be able to register through facebook. So I use to plugin Myfacebook Connect 3.2 - version that is supposedly checked by mybb community.

My steps:
1. I download the plugin and unzip it. I see the folder structure as the following:
- images
- inc
- myfbconnect 
- myfbconnect.php

I Upload all the files to my server website. Content of images is pasted into images, inc as well, myfbconnect folder and the php file are in the main directory (/forum).

2. I go to admin panel, I install the plugin. Installation is successful.

3. I log out and see my forum as a user would see. Boom! A new button appears - Login with Facebook. That makes me happy! 

4. I press the button.. and here is what I see..

You haven't configured MyFacebook Connect plugin yet: either your Facebook Application ID or your Facebook Application Secret are missing. If you are an administrator, please read the instructions provided in the documentation.

What is it that I have to do, what is that facebook application ID and facebook application secret that are missing. How can I.. repair it?

Thanks in advance!
(2018-07-06, 12:15 PM)Ramireo Wrote: [ -> ]
You haven't configured MyFacebook Connect plugin yet: either your Facebook Application ID or your Facebook Application Secret are missing. If you are an administrator, please read the instructions provided in the documentation.

There's no way it would work that way! You'be barely begun the installation.
Go to your admin section > Configuration and look for the plugin's settings.
You'll need to insert some values obtained from the Facebook Developers' website
Thanks Hovatek!
Please read how to install and how to configure tutorials.