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Full Version: Some Problems with Inlinemoderation, Attachments and register...
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Hello Guys,

sadly I have to post an issue again. I have problems with the Inline Moderation and I checked the Threads here in the forums and applied the fixes. Sadly they were not working.

Second problem, the Register Button is simply not working it happens nothing. Logging in works totally fine.

Third Problem: It is not possible to upload Attachments.

Testaccount: Username test | Password test12345
Theme: Focus MyBB Theme

I hope you can help me with this,
thanks in advance thunfischbaum
Did not fix the Problem... Sad
(2018-07-06, 08:12 PM)thunfischbaum Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Guys,

sadly I have to post an issue again. I have problems with the Inline Moderation and I checked the Threads here in the forums and applied the fixes. Sadly they were not working.

Second problem, the Register Button is simply not working it happens nothing. Logging in works totally fine.

Third Problem: It is not possible to upload Attachments.

Testaccount: Username test | Password test12345
Theme: Focus MyBB Theme

I hope you can help me with this,
thanks in advance thunfischbaum

Read this Thread to fix the Inline Moderation issue.

Then, read this Thread to fix the Login issue.

Report back to us if you still have issues.

Hi, i forgot to mention that Iam still on 1.8.15 .

All Issues fixed by myself, but thanks for your help. Have a great weekend!

Best regards,