Still learning this, but could I simply just take the post bit code from another theme and use it for this one to fix this problem? Or how would I go about fixing our post bit.
Still need assistance with this.
link would be better if possible.
(2018-09-15, 09:14 PM)Barrickz Wrote: [ -> ]Still learning this, but could I simply just take the post bit code from another theme and use it for this one to fix this problem? Or how would I go about fixing our post bit.
Still need assistance with this.
My recommendation?
It's wise to stop messing around too much with the theme because if you mess up the wrong stuff, you will break the website and that's bad.
Seriously... take it from someone who's been there!
It's not worth the hassle to nitpick every section of the theme.
If it was me making a decision... I'd find a good quality theme and work with that.
Or find someone to customize the theme for you. I know of 2 that will do that at a very reasonable price.