2018-09-20, 09:36 AM
I'm trying to merge a new installation with SMF 2.
Everything works with, except for the last step, importing attachments.
It say 83 attachements ti import, then it freezes on 65 left. After that this was once in PHP Log
The only thing I can do is pause or resume. Every time I do that I got the same log entries.
Had an permission problem, and maxpostsize an php upload size was to small for some attachments.
Everything works with, except for the last step, importing attachments.
It say 83 attachements ti import, then it freezes on 65 left. After that this was once in PHP Log
PHP message: PHP Warning: require_once(/srv/hps/f/pub/mybb/inc/config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /srv/hps/f/pub/mybb/merge/index.php on line 58
PHP message: PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/srv/hps/f/pub/mybb/inc/config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php7:/usr/share/php') in /srv/hps/f/pub/mybb/merge/index.php on line 58" while reading response header from upstream,
The only thing I can do is pause or resume. Every time I do that I got the same log entries.
File: /merge/resources/class_debug.php Line: 290 Function: Log->trace0 ->
File: [PHP] Line: Function: Log->__destruct ->
Generated in 0.0028469562530518 seconds (3.44% PHP / 96.56% MySQL) / Initialize Load Time: 0.0017390251159668 / SQL Queries: 11 / Memory Usage: 2 PHP version: 7.1.22 / Server Load: 0.58

File: /merge/index.php Line: 56 Function: Log->trace0 ->
MyBB Merge System Started: $version_code: 1811 $merge_version: 1.8.11

File: /merge/index.php Line: 518 Function: Log->event ->
Setting up board module specific classes: import_attachments

File: /merge/index.php Line: 854 Function: Log->event ->
Running a specific module

File: /merge/index.php Line: 876 Function: Log->trace0 ->
Setting up our module

File: /merge/resources/class_converter.php Line: 158 Function: Log->trace0 ->
File: /merge/index.php Line: 890 Function: Converter->db_connect ->
Setting up connection to Convert DB.

File: /merge/resources/class_converter.php Line: 462 Function: Log->trace2 ->
File: /merge/index.php Line: 896 Function: Converter->check_if_done ->
Checking to see if we have more importing to go: import_attachments

File: /merge/resources/class_converter.php Line: 466 Function: Log->datatrace ->
File: /merge/index.php Line: 896 Function: Converter->check_if_done ->
total_attachments, start_attachments: array (
0 => '103',
1 => '18',
File: /merge/resources/modules/attachments.php Line: 147 Function: Log->trace0 ->
File: /merge/resources/modules/attachments.php Line: 58 Function: Converter_Module_Attachments->check_attachments_dir_perms ->
File: /merge/index.php Line: 916 Function: Converter_Module_Attachments->pre_setup ->
Checking attachment directory permissions again
File: /merge/resources/functions.php Line: 55 Function: Log->datatrace ->
File: /merge/index.php Line: 919 Function: update_import_session ->
$debug_import_session: array (
'resume_module' =>
array (
1 => '',
2 => 'import_attachments',
'disabled' =>
array (
0 => 'import_usergroups',
1 => 'import_users',
2 => 'import_categories',
3 => 'import_forums',
4 => 'import_forumperms',
5 => 'import_threads',
6 => 'import_polls',
7 => 'import_pollvotes',
8 => 'import_posts',
9 => 'import_posts',
10 => 'import_posts',
11 => 'import_posts',
12 => 'import_posts',
13 => 'import_posts',
14 => 'import_privatemessages',
15 => 'import_moderators',
16 => 'import_settings',
17 => 'import_events',
18 => 'import_avatars',
'completed' =>
array (
0 => 'db_configuration',
1 => 'import_usergroups',
2 => 'import_users',
3 => 'import_categories',
4 => 'import_forums',
5 => 'import_forumperms',
6 => 'import_threads',
7 => 'import_pollvotes',
8 => 'import_polls',
9 => 'import_posts',
10 => 'import_privatemessages',
11 => 'import_moderators',
12 => 'import_settings',
13 => 'import_events',
14 => 'import_avatars',
'newdb_query_count' => 162281,
'total_query_time' => 389.86550736427307,
'allow_anonymous_info' => 0,
'first_page' => 1,
'requirements_pass' => 1,
'requirements_check' => 1,
'board' => 'smf2',
'start_date' => 1537433602,
'module' => 'import_attachments',
'autorefresh' => 'no',
'old_db_engine' => 'mysqli',
'encode_to_utf8' => 0,
'flash_message' => NULL,
'olddb_query_count' => 18839,
'total_usergroups' => '2',
'usergroups_per_screen' => 1000,
'column_length' =>
array (
'usergroups' =>
array (
'gid' => 5,
'type' => 1,
'title' => 120,
'description' => 65535,
'namestyle' => 200,
'usertitle' => 120,
'stars' => 4,
'starimage' => 120,
'image' => 120,
'disporder' => 6,
'isbannedgroup' => 1,
'canview' => 1,
'canviewthreads' => 1,
'canviewprofiles' => 1,
'candlattachments' => 1,
'canviewboardclosed' => 1,
'canpostthreads' => 1,
'canpostreplys' => 1,
'canpostattachments' => 1,
'canratethreads' => 1,
'modposts' => 1,
'modthreads' => 1,
'mod_edit_posts' => 1,
'modattachments' => 1,
'caneditposts' => 1,
'candeleteposts' => 1,
'candeletethreads' => 1,
'caneditattachments' => 1,
'canviewdeletionnotice' => 1,
'canpostpolls' => 1,
'canvotepolls' => 1,
'canundovotes' => 1,
'canusepms' => 1,
'cansendpms' => 1,
'cantrackpms' => 1,
'candenypmreceipts' => 1,
'pmquota' => 3,
'maxpmrecipients' => 4,
'cansendemail' => 1,
'cansendemailoverride' => 1,
'maxemails' => 3,
'emailfloodtime' => 3,
'canviewmemberlist' => 1,
'canviewcalendar' => 1,
'canaddevents' => 1,
'canbypasseventmod' => 1,
'canmoderateevents' => 1,
'canviewonline' => 1,
'canviewwolinvis' => 1,
'canviewonlineips' => 1,
'cancp' => 1,
'issupermod' => 1,
'cansearch' => 1,
'canusercp' => 1,
'canuploadavatars' => 1,
'canratemembers' => 1,
'canchangename' => 1,
'canbereported' => 1,
'canchangewebsite' => 1,
'showforumteam' => 1,
'usereputationsystem' => 1,
'cangivereputations' => 1,
'candeletereputations' => 1,
'reputationpower' => 10,
'maxreputationsday' => 10,
'maxreputationsperuser' => 10,
'maxreputationsperthread' => 10,
'candisplaygroup' => 1,
'attachquota' => 10,
'cancustomtitle' => 1,
'canwarnusers' => 1,
'canreceivewarnings' => 1,
'maxwarningsday' => 3,
'canmodcp' => 1,
'showinbirthdaylist' => 1,
'canoverridepm' => 1,
'canusesig' => 1,
'canusesigxposts' => 5,
'signofollow' => 1,
'edittimelimit' => 4,
'maxposts' => 4,
'showmemberlist' => 1,
'canmanageannounce' => 1,
'canmanagemodqueue' => 1,
'canmanagereportedcontent' => 1,
'canviewmodlogs' => 1,
'caneditprofiles' => 1,
'canbanusers' => 1,
'canviewwarnlogs' => 1,
'canuseipsearch' => 1,
'import_gid' => 11,
'users' =>
array (
'uid' => 10,
'username' => 120,
'password' => 120,
'salt' => 10,
'loginkey' => 50,
'email' => 220,
'postnum' => 10,
'threadnum' => 10,
'avatar' => 200,
'avatardimensions' => 10,
'avatartype' => 10,
'usergroup' => 5,
'additionalgroups' => 200,
'displaygroup' => 5,
'usertitle' => 250,
'regdate' => 10,
'lastactive' => 10,
'lastvisit' => 10,
'lastpost' => 10,
'website' => 200,
'icq' => 10,
'yahoo' => 50,
'skype' => 75,
'google' => 75,
'birthday' => 15,
'birthdayprivacy' => 4,
'signature' => 65535,
'allownotices' => 1,
'hideemail' => 1,
'subscriptionmethod' => 1,
'invisible' => 1,
'receivepms' => 1,
'receivefrombuddy' => 1,
'pmnotice' => 1,
'pmnotify' => 1,
'buddyrequestspm' => 1,
'buddyrequestsauto' => 1,
'threadmode' => 8,
'showimages' => 1,
'showvideos' => 1,
'showsigs' => 1,
'showavatars' => 1,
'showquickreply' => 1,
'showredirect' => 1,
'ppp' => 6,
'tpp' => 6,
'daysprune' => 6,
'dateformat' => 4,
'timeformat' => 4,
'timezone' => 5,
'dst' => 1,
'dstcorrection' => 1,
'buddylist' => 65535,
'ignorelist' => 65535,
'style' => 5,
'away' => 1,
'awaydate' => 10,
'returndate' => 15,
'awayreason' => 200,
'pmfolders' => 65535,
'notepad' => 65535,
'referrer' => 10,
'referrals' => 10,
'reputation' => 11,
'regip' => 16,
'lastip' => 16,
'language' => 50,
'timeonline' => 10,
'showcodebuttons' => 1,
'totalpms' => 10,
'unreadpms' => 10,
'warningpoints' => 3,
'moderateposts' => 1,
'moderationtime' => 10,
'suspendposting' => 1,
'suspensiontime' => 10,
'suspendsignature' => 1,
'suspendsigtime' => 10,
'coppauser' => 1,
'classicpostbit' => 1,
'loginattempts' => 2,
'loginlockoutexpiry' => 10,
'usernotes' => 65535,
'sourceeditor' => 1,
'import_uid' => 11,
'import_usergroup' => 11,
'import_displaygroup' => 11,
'passwordconvert' => 65535,
'passwordconverttype' => 65535,
'passwordconvertsalt' => 65535,
'import_additionalgroups' => 65535,
'aim' => 65535,
'forums' =>
array (
'fid' => 5,
'name' => 120,
'description' => 65535,
'linkto' => 180,
'type' => 1,
'pid' => 5,
'parentlist' => 65535,
'disporder' => 5,
'active' => 1,
'open' => 1,
'threads' => 10,
'posts' => 10,
'lastpost' => 10,
'lastposter' => 120,
'lastposteruid' => 10,
'lastposttid' => 10,
'lastpostsubject' => 120,
'allowhtml' => 1,
'allowmycode' => 1,
'allowsmilies' => 1,
'allowimgcode' => 1,
'allowvideocode' => 1,
'allowpicons' => 1,
'allowtratings' => 1,
'usepostcounts' => 1,
'usethreadcounts' => 1,
'requireprefix' => 1,
'password' => 50,
'showinjump' => 1,
'style' => 5,
'overridestyle' => 1,
'rulestype' => 1,
'rulestitle' => 200,
'rules' => 65535,
'unapprovedthreads' => 10,
'unapprovedposts' => 10,
'deletedthreads' => 10,
'deletedposts' => 10,
'defaultdatecut' => 4,
'defaultsortby' => 10,
'defaultsortorder' => 4,
'import_fid' => 11,
'import_pid' => 11,
'forumpermissions' =>
array (
'pid' => 10,
'fid' => 10,
'gid' => 10,
'canview' => 1,
'canviewthreads' => 1,
'canonlyviewownthreads' => 1,
'candlattachments' => 1,
'canpostthreads' => 1,
'canpostreplys' => 1,
'canonlyreplyownthreads' => 1,
'canpostattachments' => 1,
'canratethreads' => 1,
'caneditposts' => 1,
'candeleteposts' => 1,
'candeletethreads' => 1,
'caneditattachments' => 1,
'canviewdeletionnotice' => 1,
'modposts' => 1,
'modthreads' => 1,
'mod_edit_posts' => 1,
'modattachments' => 1,
'canpostpolls' => 1,
'canvotepolls' => 1,
'cansearch' => 1,
'threads' =>
array (
'tid' => 10,
'fid' => 5,
'subject' => 120,
'prefix' => 5,
'icon' => 5,
'poll' => 10,
'uid' => 10,
'username' => 80,
'dateline' => 10,
'firstpost' => 10,
'lastpost' => 10,
'lastposter' => 120,
'lastposteruid' => 10,
'views' => 100,
'replies' => 100,
'closed' => 30,
'sticky' => 1,
'numratings' => 5,
'totalratings' => 5,
'notes' => 65535,
'visible' => 1,
'unapprovedposts' => 10,
'deletedposts' => 10,
'attachmentcount' => 10,
'deletetime' => 10,
'import_tid' => 11,
'import_uid' => 11,
'import_poll' => 11,
'import_firstpost' => 11,
'posts' =>
array (
'pid' => 10,
'tid' => 10,
'replyto' => 10,
'fid' => 5,
'subject' => 120,
'icon' => 5,
'uid' => 10,
'username' => 80,
'dateline' => 10,
'message' => 65535,
'ipaddress' => 16,
'includesig' => 1,
'smilieoff' => 1,
'edituid' => 10,
'edittime' => 10,
'editreason' => 150,
'visible' => 1,
'import_pid' => 11,
'import_uid' => 11,
'privatemessages' =>
array (
'pmid' => 10,
'uid' => 10,
'toid' => 10,
'fromid' => 10,
'recipients' => 65535,
'folder' => 5,
'subject' => 120,
'icon' => 5,
'message' => 65535,
'dateline' => 10,
'deletetime' => 10,
'status' => 1,
'statustime' => 10,
'includesig' => 1,
'smilieoff' => 1,
'receipt' => 1,
'readtime' => 10,
'ipaddress' => 16,
'total_users' => '29',
'users_per_screen' => 1000,
'total_categories' => '3',
'categories_per_screen' => 1000,
'total_forums' => '14',
'forums_per_screen' => 1000,
'total_forumperms' => 14,
'forumperms_per_screen' => 1000,
'total_threads' => '3843',
'threads_per_screen' => 1000,
'total_polls' => '0',
'total_posts' => '19876',
'posts_per_screen' => 1000,
'counters_threads_start' => 6843,
'counters_forum' => 1,
'counters_user_posts' => 1,
'total_privatemessages' => '74',
'privatemessages_per_screen' => 1000,
'total_moderators' => '0',
'total_settings' => '25',
'settings_per_screen' => 1000,
'total_events' => '0',
'total_avatars' => 13,
'uploads_avatars_test' => 1,
'avatarspath' => '/srv/hps/f/pub/Forum/attachments/',
'avatars_per_screen' => 20,
'error_logs' =>
array (
'import_avatars' =>
array (
0 => 'Error could not find the avatar (ID: 3)',
1 => 'Error could not find the avatar (ID: 3)',
2 => 'Error could not find the avatar (ID: 9)',
3 => 'Error could not find the avatar (ID: 11)',
'total_attachments' => '103',
'uploads_test' => 1,
'uploadspath' => '/srv/hps/f/pub/Forum/attachments/',
'attachments_per_screen' => 20,
'attachments_create_thumbs' => '1',
File: /merge/resources/modules/attachments.php Line: 100 Function: Log->datatrace ->
File: /merge/boards/smf2/attachments.php Line: 58 Function: Converter_Module_Attachments->insert ->
File: /merge/index.php Line: 946 Function: SMF2_Converter_Module_Attachments->import ->
$data: array (
'id_attach' => '39',
'id_thumb' => '40',
'id_msg' => '6090',
'id_member' => '0',
'attachment_type' => '0',
'filename' => 'DSC07052.JPG',
'size' => '1131139',
'downloads' => '222',
'width' => '3240',
'height' => '4320',
'file_hash' => 'aa60b918f4f1f767e2bc31c1f6a2716c3613eb32',
'fileext' => 'jpg',
'mime_type' => 'image/jpeg',
'id_folder' => '1',
'approved' => '1',
File: /merge/resources/modules/attachments.php Line: 112 Function: Log->datatrace ->
File: /merge/boards/smf2/attachments.php Line: 58 Function: Converter_Module_Attachments->insert ->
File: /merge/index.php Line: 946 Function: SMF2_Converter_Module_Attachments->import ->
$insert_array: array (
'import_aid' => 39,
'pid' => 6018,
'uid' => 0,
'filename' => 'DSC07052.JPG',
'filetype' => 'image/jpeg',
'filesize' => 1131139,
'attachname' => 'post_0_1537435460_39.attach',
'downloads' => 222,
'dateuploaded' => 0,
'visible' => 1,
'thumbnail' => 'post_0_1537435460_39_thumb.png',
'posthash' => '4fb8aebbeb6f05a3d8608a5fe3724830'
Had an permission problem, and maxpostsize an php upload size was to small for some attachments.