Hi, if anyone is interested in an IMDb plugin please let me know.
I have two version one using the IMDb site and downloading the pictures on your server (IMDb doesn't allow hot links to its pics) you can see it here:
Second it an OMDb plugin, for this one you don't have to download anything to your server but if you have too much traffic you will have to pay a small monthly fee to the omdb site owners.
From my side both of the plugins are free with the only request: if you modify them please keep a comment in the plugin acknowledging that I was the one to develop first.
Please, let me know what else you will want to have these plugins do or show. The OMDb one is at the maximum and I don't have a test site for it but it looks like the IMDb one with a couple of extras - a link to the official site and some error messaging.
looks good
you should put it on mybb extend site
(2018-09-28, 02:07 AM)8guawong Wrote: [ -> ]looks good
you should put it on mybb extend site
I was waiting to see if there are any requests (one of the things that I can add to the IMDb plugin are the pictures for the actors. I am not sure if is not too much yet. There are other things or information that can be added.
The plugin work by copying the link from the IMDB site and paste it in the post. Automatically will parse everything.
It doesn't need any "myBB code"
It looks good so far
Release it and after user have used it then you'll get more feedback
Good job! I need something similar for CSFD.cz

but I think that they dont have any API
My feedback? I think that there is everything what is needed, if not you can create a new thread with support where users could write ideas/request/bugs

(2018-09-29, 12:56 PM)Eldenroot Wrote: [ -> ]Good job! I need something similar for CSFD.cz
but I think that they dont have any API 
My feedback? I think that there is everything what is needed, if not you can create a new thread with support where users could write ideas/request/bugs 
I think it can be done, but I have a big show stopper, I don't know czech language, and to be able to create the regular expression I need to know what I am looking for. I also don't know if is legal to be parse or not their web site (same issue, the language barrier - but this can be overcomed with google translator). But is possible to make one.
Send me an email with what you will like to see in it (write the points in english and in czech to see at least what I am searching for. Also send some links with different things that can be found there and you want it embedded (e.g. movies, series, games...)
OK that is very easy to make. You don't need an api, it is only regex and putting the things together, I can spend some time on it but I have a few other plugins in work and to update from my former 1.4 releases.
When I am done I can try to make one for you f you are still interested. What sets of characters is czech language using? and the above question is still valid: what do you want to have in it? Keep in mind that I can't provide more info than on the original site.
(2018-09-29, 08:58 PM)Eldenroot Wrote: [ -> ]@thor2705 - there is no official API for ČSFD (csfd.cz), anyway there is a 3rd party API - https://www.npmjs.com/package/csfd-api - maybe it could help.
I don't need an API to do what my plugin is doing. I am using the API for the ones that don't want to "risc" parsing IMDb page. That is why I will have two different plugins one with an apikey and one without
Now legal, you can parse it if you access images from a stored location. And I already have a plugin that is doing IMDb parsing, it has more data and a lot more can be added.
The site that you asked about is much easy than IMDb because it has everything on the first page. If they allow you to parse the information (and according to copyright laws they can't do anything about it) you can get whatever you want from it. The only problem is the same as with IMDb - the images, but I will need the help of a czech speaking person that can tell me what they accept and what not, solutions exist for everything.
So if you want a plugin for that site, I can create one for you if we work together, I still need the information that I asked you for in both english and czech with all the czech characters.
OK, no problem here - please write me a PM what do you exactly need and I will try to help you.
I am on Discord channel - MyBB - just contact me via PM or via Discord