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I've just started to track error messages in class_error.php; I get a copy of the query by mail. Line 397
if($message['query'] != "")
mail('myemail', 'class_error.php notification', "{$message['error_no']} - {$message['error']}\r\nQuery: {$message['query']}".print_r(debug_backtrace(), true));

1366 - Incorrect string value: '\xBFHas' for column 'location' at row 1:
REPLACE INTO mybb_sessions SET `uid`='0',`sid`='ce681f09aa33d8dc518fcec6f8f623d1',`time`='1540528653',`ip`='',`location`='/member.php?action=register\\">Regístrate<\\/a>";',`useragent`='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safa',`location1`='0',`location2`='0',`nopermission`='0'

1366 - Incorrect string value: '\xEDstrat...' for column 'location' at row 1
REPLACE INTO mybb_sessions SET `uid`='0',`sid`='248855e8577b556aab10cdf081c4118e',`time`='1540528653',`ip`='',`location`='/member.php?action=lostpw\\">¿Has',`useragent`='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safa',`location1`='0',`location2`='0',`nopermission`='0'

I guess I can just change the DB field to utf8mb4_unicode_ci but anyway I just wanted to notify the error (and a confirmation of the fix would be nice as well).