When posting, it takes quite a long time for it to load the page. It's pretty minor but if you're like me and post alot, it becomes annoying.
If you're refering to "this" forum (MyBBoard.com/community) then it must be a problem your end, as i don't seem to "feel" any slowness while posting.
Not just posting, the forum is just running a little slowly.
Must be on my end too because I noticed it's really slow doing a search.
I've got it!
it has a function goslow() in it!!!
not slow at my end... but then agen i'v always had problems with the serch function on this board.
Edit:Ok to make this reply it took me like 2 mins!!
snake1131 Wrote:not slow at my end... but then agen i'v always had problems with the serch function on this board.
Edit:Ok to make this reply it took me like 2 mins!!
And that's not slow?

slow here too. When posting, search and navigate. The load of other web sites are fast.
Its been running fine for me and im on 56k
same here. As fast as normal. 56k