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I changed the groub id to 4 (administrator id) and I test it. the queue still empty
The queue will be empty unless you have around 21 people in the group you are sending mail to and no-one else is using the forum when you send it.

As for it not sending the mail, well it uses the built in MyBB mail function so can you try the Mass Email function in the ACP (maybe try sending to the admins again) and see if that works.
I see how it works now. The mailing list group just seems to make everything complicated..when I joined it took over from my "registered" group. Which meant I couldn't post in all forums.

Not sure if there is a workaround...
That shouldn't happen unless you somehow managed to set it as your primary usergroup. I've tested adding it to both admin and regular accounts as an additional usergroup and on both occasions I lost none of my posting or access rights.

Can you go to your ACP and find the account which has lost its privileges and check that the group you want the user in is set as primary, and that the Mailing List group is set as one of it's additional.
pepotiger Wrote:I changed the groub id to 4 (administrator id) and I test it. the queue still empty
I've just realised why you get no mail. The plugin only checks the additional usergroup column when looking for the GID; this is because it is intended to be used with the Mailing List group which would (unless you wanted absolutely no permissions) always be added as an additional usergroup.
Hi, I have a problem with permissions, the thing is that my site is pretty restricting so only certain people can get into certain forums. When the new mail list group comes in, it screws it all up. If i make it so that the mail list has no access, nobody can access anything, if i make it so that the mail list has access to every thing, they can access anything. It also doesn't matter if it's the primary or secondary group. Currently i have it set on the 'Registered' group (which also is affected by multiple forum permissions) but I'm still having problems as long as a member is in more than one group. At this moment I can't really send to everyone, just a select group, because the group their part of i just made the only and primary one.

Appreciate any help, Thanks
Firstly, this isn't designed to be used with a Primary usergroup.

Secondly, although some people have said that they have had permission issues with this, it is not something I have every been able to replicate.

The Mailing List group is set up with "No" access to everything and because a "Yes" in any of the users usergroups (primary or secondary) will override a "No", the users permissions should not be affected.

It is possible however that it could be in someway related to this bug, in which case there is nothing I can do about it and you would just have to wait for MyBB 1.2.10.
Finally a newsletter. I've been wondering why this wasn't implented as a standard feature already, but here it is anyway then. Thanks. Smile

I have installed mybb 1.2.9 on my site GENi

I have also installed the Newsletter Plugin 1.3 but when i activate it the follwoing error given below is shown
Quote:MySQL error: 1364
Field 'disporder' doesn't have a default value
Query: INSERT INTO mybb_usergroups (gid, type, title, description, namestyle, usertitle, stars, starimage, image, isbannedgroup, showforumteam, candisplaygroup, canview, canviewprofiles, candlattachments, canpostthreads, canpostreplys, canpostattachments, canratethreads, caneditposts, candeleteposts, candeletethreads, caneditattachments, canpostpolls, canvotepolls, canusepms, cansendpms, cantrackpms, candenypmreceipts, pmquota, cansendemail, canviewmemberlist, canviewcalendar, canaddpublicevents, canaddprivateevents, canviewonline, canviewonlineips, cancp, issupermod, cansearch, canusercp, canuploadavatars, canratemembers, canchangename, usereputationsystem, cangivereputations, reputationpower, maxreputationsday, canviewwolinvis, cancustomtitle, attachquota, canviewthreads) VALUES ('NULL', '3', 'Mailing List', 'This is the Mailing List group for the Newsletter Plugin.', '{username}', '', '', '', '', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', '0', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', '1', '0', 'no', 'no', '0', 'no')

Please tell me what is the problem ..... I need this plugin very much

the name of any other plugins which I have installed are:

Quote:Ad Managment system - 4.0.0 - Nitemare
Downloads Section - 2.0.1 - Musicalmidget
Hello World! - 1.0 - MyBB Group (Default Installation)
Reputation Manager - 1.0.2 - Paretje
That's strange, disporder should default to 0.

Anyway, open newsletter.php and find:
"image" => "",
AFTER it, on the next line, add:
"disporder" => "0",

Then re-upload that file and try activating it again.
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