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Hello everybody,
I'm trying to create a plugin to login to my existing site using OAuth in password grant mode (the one that you can send username/password to the api).

My current idea is to hook the login process to instead of querying MyBB user table, to run my own procedure, and if required, add a new user to MyBB table.

Looking through the docs, I found some hooks that I believe could be used to do achieve this, these being the datahandler_login_* ones.

So I thought about using validate_start to run my own login check, but looking through MyBB code it looks like even if I do that, it will still run MyBB authentication, which would end up giving me errors.

Is there a way around this? Or am I taking the entirely wrong way?

Thanks in advance.

I managed to make it work using some tricks. If someone has a better idea I'll be glad to hear, though.

I've used PluginLibrary edit_core function, and MyBBIntegrator's createUser ( )

Here is an overview of my code, you should probably check inc/datahandlers/login.php to understand the entire process:
function myplugin_install()
		'inc/datahandlers/login.php', array (
				'search' => ['$this->verify_attempts($mybb->settings[\'captchaimage\']);', '}'],
				'after' => [ 'my_auth($this, $user);', '/*' ]
				'search' => '$plugins->run_hooks(\'datahandler_login_validate_end\', $this);',
				'before' => '// */' // This is actually a trick, PL uses /* */ comment to mark where changes happened
						    // so it actually closes our /* already, but we need some kind of edit
						    // in order for its close block comment to appear, so we put an empty comment.
						    // this block close is actually optional, but let's keep it in case something changes
						    // in the future
		), true

This will disable MyBB default username/password handling, and call my_auth instead. Which is something like that:
function my_auth($loginClass, $user)
	global $db;

	// Retrieve user from my other service
	// ...

	// Retrieve myBB user for this user
	$localUser = get_user_by_username(...);

	// if not exists, create a MyBB user
	// -- MyBB Integrator createUser function --

	// Set MyBB user data to $loginClass, so MyBB login process will
	// go on by itself from here on.
	$loginClass->login_data = $result;

	return true;

If something goes wrong in any steps, you should use:
	if ($result === false) {
		return false;

Hope this helps someone else Big Grin
(2019-01-29, 12:38 PM)nour Wrote: [ -> ]But does not that expose the authentification information if the plugin is attacked ?
I'm not sure but if someone could somehow add some lines of code, he would be able to retreive informations during authentication.

You mean just like they could edit the core file?

@Kiriez, why don't you hook to datahandler_login_validate_start and nullify everything unneeded at datahandler_login_validate_end? Just unset any error in $this->errors.