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Full Version: Open Buddy List Option Not working...
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Open Buddy List Option Not This Community as well as in my Community.
Or maybe I duno how to use this Option...
can any one Brief?
The buddy list should pop-up after you clicked it.. maybe something is blocking it? Smile
It Pops Up, But don't show Online & Offline Members.

Why 1.2.9 Should be Upgraded ASAP?
any Specific Reason?
You'll have to add buddy's first.

It's always recommended to upgrade to the latest MyBB version. 1.2.9 was a security fix.
bitslinker Wrote:Why 1.2.9 Should be Upgraded ASAP?
any Specific Reason?
Quote:MyBB 1.2.9 is a security update to the MyBB 1.2 series. It fixes a HIGH risk vulnerability just internally discovered in MyBB. We recommend everybody upgrades to this release as soon as possible or patches their boards with the manual patching instructions below.

bitslinker Wrote:It Pops Up, But don't show Online & Offline Members.
Do you actually have anyone in your buddy list?
How to Put Buddies in my Buddy List?
& How to Upgrade The 1.2.9.
I am scared of Upgrading bcoz once i have Installed a Theme & my all community got Fu****
ahh Thank GOD I Had a Backup! lol

[Wiki: upgrading] (Broken link, head over to instead)
If you backup beforehand (Database and Files), upgrading is nothing to worry about. [Wiki: Upgrading] (Broken link, head over to instead)

To add someone to your buddy list, go to Buddy / Ignore Lists in your User CP. (I have to admit that isn't the most natural way to do that Confused)