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Full Version: Blocking members from seeing Moderator Notes/Reports
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Some members have been made mods on certain forums of the board. But they're not global Mods, how do I block them from viewing the global mod notes?
Which "notes" are you refering to?
DennisTT Wrote:Which "notes" are you refering to?

When someone reports a post, there's something that appears near under the banner saying "Moderator Note".

It's becoming annoying since these members take it upon themselves to deal with the issue and soon PM me saying I mind as well make them a full Mod.
Do you mean this notice? "Moderator Notice: There is 1 unread reported post."
Oh yup
I wrote a code snippet that shows only moderator reports on their own forums, if you want that?
That would be wonderful, please do Smile
In global.php find:

// Read the reported posts cache
$reported = $cache->read("reportedposts");

Add after

if($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] != "yes" && $mybb->usergroup['issupermod'] != "yes" && $mybb->user['usergroup'] == 6)
		$query = $db->simple_select(TABLE_PREFIX."moderators", "fid", "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'");
		while($fid = $db->fetch_array($query))
			$modfids[] = $fid['fid'];
			$query = $db->simple_select(TABLE_PREFIX."reportedposts", "COUNT(rid) as unread", "reportstatus = '0' AND fid IN (".implode(',', $modfids).")");
			$reported['unread'] = $db->fetch_field($query, "unread");
			$reported['unread'] = 0;

In moderation.php find:

		$multipage = multipage($postcount, $perpage, $page, "moderation.php?action=reports");
		if($postcount > $perpage)
			eval("\$reportspages = \"".$templates->get("moderation_reports_multipage")."\";");

		$query = $db->simple_select(TABLE_PREFIX."forums", "fid,name");
		while($forum = $db->fetch_array($query))
			$forums[$forum['fid']] = $forum['name'];

add after:

		$fids = "";
		if($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] != "yes" && $mybb->usergroup['issupermod'] != "yes" && $mybb->user['usergroup'] == 6)
			$query = $db->simple_select(TABLE_PREFIX."moderators", "fid", "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'");
			while($fid = $db->fetch_array($query))
				$modfids[] = $fid['fid'];
				$fids = "AND r.fid IN (".implode(',', $modfids).")";

Also in moderation.php find:

		$query = $db->query("
			SELECT r.*, u.username, up.username AS postusername, up.uid AS postuid, t.subject AS threadsubject
			FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."reportedposts r
			LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON (p.tid=t.tid)
			LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (r.uid=u.uid)
			LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users up ON (p.uid=up.uid)
			WHERE r.reportstatus ='0'
			ORDER BY r.dateline ASC
			LIMIT $start, $perpage

replace with

		$query = $db->query("
			SELECT r.*, u.username, up.username AS postusername, up.uid AS postuid, t.subject AS threadsubject
			FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."reportedposts r
			LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON (p.tid=t.tid)
			LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (r.uid=u.uid)
			LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users up ON (p.uid=up.uid)
			WHERE r.reportstatus ='0' {$fids}
			ORDER BY r.dateline ASC
			LIMIT $start, $perpage
Thanks, but it doesn't seem to work - members still seem to be able to see all Moderator Notices.
Sorry, but it works fine for me