So after some research, I haven't been able to find anything that has worked for me on adding an image to the postbit background. if anyone's able to provide some assistance with this that would be great.
This depends on how you want to use the image, is it to show on first thread and all replies, or just on first thread only?
(2019-04-27, 07:11 PM)Michael2014 Wrote: [ -> ]This depends on how you want to use the image, is it to show on first thread and all replies, or just on first thread only?
I want it show on every post whether that be a thread or reply posted. I'm just trying to add an image to my postbit background that's displayed behind my avatar and such.
Don't add a background to post bit if you want to show a background image on the entire thread, you need to add your background to the template: showthread
(2019-04-27, 07:51 PM)Michael2014 Wrote: [ -> ]Don't add a background to post bit if you want to show a background image on the entire thread, you need to add your background to the template: showthread
I'm not trying to add a background image to my thread, I'm trying to add a background image in the postbit.
Here's an example of what I'm trying to do -
You could do this many ways, you could add custom background images to the avatar block based on usergroups, based on category types, but the simplest way to add a background image to the avatar block it to use an inspector to inspect the avatar block, then add your background image within the inspector, to see how it will look, because the inspector will pretty much tell you how and where to place your bg image. I could easily do it for you and post the code here just by seeing any postbit page on your website but without seeing it, the best I can offer is the above explanation. Good luck
(2019-04-27, 09:01 PM)Michael2014 Wrote: [ -> ]You could do this many ways, you could add custom background images to the avatar block based on usergroups, based on category types, but the simplest way to add a background image to the avatar block it to use an inspector to inspect the avatar block, then add your background image within the inspector, to see how it will look, because the inspector will pretty much tell you how and where to place your bg image. I could easily do it for you and post the code here just by seeing any postbit page on your website but without seeing it, the best I can offer is the above explanation. Good luck
You can go here and inspect the postbit and see what you can do. -
open your global css file
and add some background properties like
background-image: url(image-address.png);
background-color: #cccccc;
.post.classic .post_author {
border: 1px solid #3A3939;
float: left;
width: 15%;
margin: 0;
margin-top: -15px;
padding: 0px 10px;
![[Image: HEOe5fG.png]](
let me see what I can do.