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Full Version: ın what ways ip seeing can be prevented??
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how can ı preven the moderator and s. moderator to see the ip numbers of users thread and messages..

Good question. This should actually be an option. Just verified and they are grouped with admins. Anyone know how to change this in the code?
Can you try this ?
Run this query:: [ change mybb_ to your prefix ]

UPDATE `mybb_settings` SET `optionscode` = 'radio 
no=Do not log IP 
admin=Show to Admins 
hide=Show to Admins & Mods 
show=Show to all Users' WHERE `name` = 'logip' ;

Open ./inc/functions_post.php

			if($mybb->settings['logip'] == "show")
				eval("\$post['iplogged'] = \"".$templates->get("postbit_iplogged_show")."\";");

Replace by
			if($mybb->settings['logip'] == "show")
				eval("\$post['iplogged'] = \"".$templates->get("postbit_iplogged_show")."\";");
			else if($mybb->settings['logip'] == "admin" && $mybb->user['usergroup'] == 4)
				eval("\$post['iplogged'] = \"".$templates->get("postbit_iplogged_hiden")."\";");

There will be four options for showing the IP then.
* Do not log
* Show to Admins
* Show to Admins & Mods
* Show to all Users
Looks like a winner! Thanks for figuring that out for us, Lex! Big Grin

OH, but I did want to point out that it doesn't appear that regular mods can see any IP's outside of the forum(s) he/she moderates anyway. I hadn't thought to check that until now, so it's just FYI to anyone concerned. Super Mods are the only ones that can see all IP addresses in the original code (well, other than admins, of course).
everything is ok there is no problem,wery thankings LeX- Smile