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Full Version: Online Today [plugin] by Dark Neo
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im facing this issue with plugin Online Today
How to fixed this.
I also face this issue. Could not get it working, but I have answer for you he gave me. I couldnt figure it out myself. Maybe u can:

Yeah commas are in the core file but maybe it's due alignment of your contents, but use traditional method that will REMOVE commas and only remove manually avatars and done customize it at your owns <- Source
This is a very easy and quick todo.

And since i have released this due the user who pay for this mod requests only i can cover their sugestions. But this is a really easy. Use default method with avatars that does not show commas, remove avatars and customize at your owns, there are Templates to do so.

Then it is a waste of time for me and right now i am focused into important things like my forums improvements, design and more.
(2019-07-05, 01:53 AM)Whiteneo Wrote: [ -> ]This is a very easy and quick todo.

And since i have released this due the user who pay for this mod requests only i can cover their sugestions. But this is a really easy. Use default method with avatars that does not show commas, remove avatars and customize at your owns, there are Templates to do so.

Then it is a waste of time for me and right now i am focused into important things like my forums improvements, design and more.


1. go to your
Must important to backup.
    die("This file cannot be accessed directly.");

$plugins->add_hook('index_start', 'add_onlinetoday', 20);
$plugins->add_hook("fetch_wol_activity_end", "onlinetoday_wol_activity");
$plugins->add_hook("build_friendly_wol_location_end", "onlinetoday_friendly_wol_activity");

function onlinetoday_info()
	global $mybb;
	$onlinetoday_opts = "";
	if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_active'] == 1)
		$onlinetoday_opts = '<div style="float: right;"><a href="index.php?module=config&action=change&search=onlinetoday" style="color:#035488; no-repeat 0px 18px; padding: 21px; text-decoration: none;">Configure</a></div>';		
	return array(
		"name"			=>	"Online Today",
		"description"	=>	"Shows the users online on your forums.".$onlinetoday_opts,
		"website"		=>	"",
		"author"		=>	"Dark Neo",
		"authorsite"	    =>	"",
		"version"		=>	"2.0.5",
		"codename"	=>	"online_today",
		"compatibility" =>	"18*",

function onlinetoday_activate()
	global $db;

	// Add settings group for this plugin
    $query = $db->simple_select("settinggroups", "COUNT(*) as item_rows");
    $item_rows = $db->fetch_field($query, "item_rows");
	$options_group = array(
		"name"			=> "onlinetoday",
		"title"			=> "Users Online",
		"description"	=> "Shows online users nicely",
		"disporder"		=> $item_rows+1,
		"isdefault"		=> 0
	$db->insert_query("settinggroups", $options_group);
	$gid = $db->insert_id();
	// Add every setting to be used by this plugin
	$options[]= array(
		"name"			=> "onlinetoday_active",
		"title"			=> "Enable/Disable Plugin",
		"description"	=> "Set to no if you wish to disable this plugin (enabled by default)",
		"optionscode" 	=> "onoff",
		"value"			=> 1,
		"disporder"		=> 10,
		"gid"			=> (int)$gid,

	$options[] = array(
		"name"			=> "onlinetoday_items_index",
		"title"			=> "Users to display on index page",
		"description"   => "Set ammount of users displayed on index (values between 5 and 25 are the best option)",
		"optionscode" 	=> "text",
		"value"			=> '18',
		"disporder"		=> 20,
		"gid"			=> $db->escape_string($gid),

	$options[] = array(
		"name"			=> "onlinetoday_items_all",
		"title"			=> "Users to display in onlinetoday.php page",
		"description"   => "Set ammount of users displayed in online.php page (values between 25 and 50 are the best option)",
		"optionscode" 	=> "text",
		"value"			=> '50',
		"disporder"		=> 30,
		"gid"			=> $db->escape_string($gid),

	$options[] = array(
		"name"			=> "onlinetoday_orderby",
		"title"			=> "Set the order to be showed for users online list",
		"description"   => "Select from the list what order is setting up to display online today data",
		"optionscode" 	=> 'select \n1=Order by Username \n2=Order by Last activity',
		"value"			=> 2,
		"disporder"		=> 40,
		"gid"			=> $db->escape_string($gid),

	$options[] = array(
		"name"			=> "onlinetoday_formatname",
		"title"			=> "Show formatted name ?",
		"description"   => "Do you want to show formatted names by htmls usergroups configuration",
		"optionscode" 	=> 'yesno',
		"value"			=> 1,
		"disporder"		=> 50,
		"gid"			=> $db->escape_string($gid),

	$options[] = array(
		"name"			=> "onlinetoday_avatars",
		"title"			=> "Show avatars ?",
		"description"   => "Do you want to display avatars of users",
		"optionscode" 	=> 'yesno',
		"value"			=> 1,
		"disporder"		=> 60,
		"gid"			=> $db->escape_string($gid),

	$options[]= array(
		"name"			=> "onlinetoday_time",
		"title"			=> "Time to search online stats",
		"description"	=> "Select from the options if you wish to show weekly, monthy or today",
        'optionscode' 	=> 'select \n1=Today \n2=Weekly \n3=Monthly',
		"value"			=> 1,
		"disporder"		=> 70,
		"gid"			=> $db->escape_string($gid),
	// Insert settings to db...
	foreach($options as $opt)
		$db->insert_query("settings", $opt);
	$template = array(
		"tid"		=> 0,
		"title"		=> "online_today_all",
		"template"	=> "<html>
<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"{\$theme[\'borderwidth\']}\" cellpadding=\"{\$theme[\'tablespace\']}\" class=\"tborder\">
		<td class=\"thead{\$collapsedthead[\'boardstats\']}\">
			<div class=\"expcolimage\"><img src=\"{\$theme[\'imgdir\']}/collapse{\$collapsedimg[\'boardstats\']}.png\" id=\"onlinetoday_img\" class=\"expander\" alt=\"[-]\" title=\"[-]\" /></div>
	<tbody style=\"{\$collapsed[\'boardstats_e\']}\" id=\"onlinetoday_e\">
<br />	
		"sid"		=> "-1"
	$db->insert_query("templates", $template);
	$template = array(
		"tid"		=> 0,
		"title"		=> "online_today_index",
		"template"	=> "<tr>
	<td class=\"tcat\"><strong>{\$lang->online_title}</strong> {\$online_today_all}</td>
	<td class=\"trow1\"><span class=\"smalltext\">{\$lang->online_today_note}<br />{\$onlinemembers}</span></td>
		"sid"		=> "-1"
	$db->insert_query("templates", $template);

	$template = array(
		"tid"		=> 0,
		"title"		=> "online_today_rows",
		"template"	=> "<div class=\"avatarep_online_row\">
	<span><img src=\"{\$user[\'avatar\']}\" alt=\"avatar\" class=\"avatarep_image {\$class}\" /></span>
	<span class=\"avatarep_span\">{\$status}{\$user[\'profilelink\']}{\$invisiblemark}</span>
		"sid"		=> "-1"
	$db->insert_query("templates", $template);

	$template = array(
		"tid"		=> 0,
		"title"		=> "online_today_rows_nor",
		"template"	=> "<div class=\"avatarep_online_row_nor\">
	<span class=\"avatarep_span_nor\">{\$user[\'profilelink\']}{\$invisiblemark}</span>
		"sid"		=> "-1"
	$db->insert_query("templates", $template);
//Create stylesheet for this plugin...
	$style = '.avatarep_online_row{text-align:center;width:100px;display:inline-block;padding:0px 4px;}
.avatarep_online_row_nor{width:auto;display:inline-block;padding:0px 2px;}
.avatarep_image{display:block;width:80px;height:60px;border: 1px solid #cacaca; background: #fff;padding:8px;border-radius:4px;}
.ot_offline{border-left: 4px solid #bf5656;}
.ot_online{border-left: 4px solid #399c3a;}
@media screen and (max-width:650px){
.avatarep_span_nor{font-size: 8px;}
.ot_offline{border-left: 2px solid #bf5656;}
.ot_online{border-left: 2px solid #399c3a;}
	$stylesheet = array(
		"name"			=> "onlinetoday.css",
		"tid"			=> 1,
		"attachedto"	=> 0,		
		"stylesheet"	=> $db->escape_string($style),
		"cachefile"		=> "onlinetoday.css",
		"lastmodified"	=> TIME_NOW

	$sid = $db->insert_query("themestylesheets", $stylesheet);
	//Archivo requerido para cambios en estilos y plantillas.
	require_once MYBB_ADMIN_DIR.'/inc/functions_themes.php';
	cache_stylesheet($stylesheet['tid'], $stylesheet['cachefile'], $style);
	update_theme_stylesheet_list(1, false, true);
	require MYBB_ROOT."/inc/adminfunctions_templates.php";
	find_replace_templatesets('index_boardstats', '#{\$whosonline}#', "{\$whosonline}\n{\$online_today}");

function onlinetoday_deactivate()
	global $db;
	$db->delete_query("templates", "title IN ('online_today_index','online_today_all','online_today_rows','online_today_rows_nor')");
	$db->delete_query("settings", "name IN ('onlinetoday_active', 'onlinetoday_items_index', 'onlinetoday_items_all', 'onlinetoday_options')");
	$db->delete_query("settinggroups", "name='onlinetoday'");
  	$db->delete_query('themestylesheets', "name IN('onlinetoday.css','online_today.css','onlinenow.css')");
	$query = $db->simple_select('themes', 'tid');
	while($style = $db->fetch_array($query))
		require_once MYBB_ADMIN_DIR.'inc/functions_themes.php';
		cache_stylesheet($style['tid'], $style['cachefile'], $style['stylesheet']);
		update_theme_stylesheet_list($style['tid'], false, true);	
	require MYBB_ROOT."/inc/adminfunctions_templates.php";
	find_replace_templatesets('index_boardstats', '#(\n?){\$online_today}#', '', 0);

$plugins->add_hook("global_start", "online_today_load_templates");
function online_today_load_templates()
	global $mybb, $GLOBALS;
	if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_active'] == 0)
		return false;
		if(THIS_SCRIPT == "index.php" || THIS_SCRIPT == "onlinetoday.php" && $mybb->settings['onlinetoday_avatars'] == 0)
			$GLOBALS['templatelist'] .= 'online_today_rows_nor, online_today_index';
		else if(THIS_SCRIPT == "index.php" || THIS_SCRIPT == "onlinetoday.php" && $mybb->settings['onlinetoday_avatars'] == 1)
			$GLOBALS['templatelist'] .= 'online_today_rows, online_today_index';
function add_onlinetoday()
	global $db, $mybb, $templates, $online_today, $lang, $theme, $spiders, $lang;
	if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_active'] == 0)
		return false;
	$lang->load('onlinetoday', false, true);	
	$online_today = '';
		global $cache;
		$spiders = $cache->read('spiders');
	if($mybb->settings['showwol'] != 0 && $mybb->usergroup['canviewonline'] != 0)
		$limit = (int)$mybb->settings['onlinetoday_items_index'];
		if($limit == 0)
			$limit = 18;
		if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_time'] == 1)
			$time_rest = 86400;	
			$lang->online_title = $lang->online_title_today;
		else if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_time'] == 2)
			$time_rest = 604800;
			$lang->online_title = $lang->online_title_weekly;
		else if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_time'] == 3)
			$time_rest = 2592000;
			$lang->online_title = $lang->online_title_monthly;
			$time_rest = 86400;			
			$lang->online_title = $lang->online_title_today;
		$timesearch = TIME_NOW - $time_rest;			
		if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_orderby'] == 1)
			$order_by = " ORDER BY u.username ASC, s.time DESC";
		else if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_orderby'] == 2)
			$order_by = " ORDER BY u.lastactive DESC, s.time DESC";
			$order_by = " ORDER BY u.username ASC, s.time DESC";		
		$numusers = $db->fetch_field($db->simple_select('users', 'COUNT(*) AS numtot', "lastactive>'{$timesearch}'"), 'numtot');
		$numguests = $db->fetch_field($db->simple_select('sessions', 'COUNT(*) AS numguests', "time>'{$timesearch}'"), 'numguests');		
		$queries = array();
		$queries[] = $db->simple_select(
			"users u LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."sessions s ON (u.uid=s.uid)", 
			"s.sid, s.ip, s.time, s.location, u.uid, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup, u.avatar, u.lastactive",
			"u.lastactive>'{$timesearch}'{$order_by} LIMIT {$limit}"
		$queries[] = $db->simple_select(
			"sessions s LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (s.uid=u.uid)",
			"s.sid, s.ip, s.uid, s.time, s.location, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup, u.avatar, u.lastactive",
			"s.time>'{$timesearch}'{$order_by} LIMIT {$limit}"
		$onlinemembers = $comma = '';
		$membercount = $guestcount = $anoncount = 0;
		$doneusers = $ips = array();
		foreach($queries as $query)
			while($user = $db->fetch_array($query))
					$botkey = my_strtolower(str_replace("bot=", '', $user['sid']));

				if($user['uid'] > 0)
					if($doneusers[$user['uid']] < $user['time'] || !$doneusers[$user['uid']])
						if($user['invisible'] == 1)
						if($user['invisible'] != 1 || $mybb->usergroup['canviewwolinvis'] == 1 || $user['uid'] == $mybb->user['uid'])
							$invisiblemark = ($user['invisible'] == 1) ? "*" : "";
							$compare = TIME_NOW - $mybb->settings['wolcutoffmins']*60;		
							if(isset($user['time']) && $compare <= $user['time'])
								$status = '<img src="images/buddy_online.png" alt="Online" style="position: absolute; margin-left: -20px;" />';
								$class = "ot_online";
								$status = '<img src="images/buddy_offline.png" alt="Offline" style="position: absolute; margin-left: -20px;" />';								
								$class = "ot_offline";								
							$user['username'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($user['username']);
							$user['lastactive'] = my_date('normal', $user['lastactive']);
							if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_formatname'] == 1)
								$user['username'] = format_name($user['username'], $user['usergroup'], $user['displaygroup']);	
								$user['link'] = $mybb->settings['bburl']."/".get_profile_link($user['uid']);
								$user['profilelink'] = $comma."<a href=\"{$user['link']}\" title=\"{$user['lastactive']}\">{$user['username']}</a>";
							if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_formatname'] == 0)
								$user['link'] = $mybb->settings['bburl']."/".get_profile_link($user['uid']);
								$user['profilelink'] = $comma."<a href=\"{$user['link']}\" title=\"{$user['lastactive']}\">{$user['username']}</a>";
								$user['profilelink'] = $comma.build_profile_link($user['username'], $user['uid']);
							if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_avatars'] == 0)
							if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_avatars'] == 1)
								$user['avatar'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($user['avatar']);
								$user['avatar'] = "images/default_avatar.png";								
								$user['avatar'] = "";
							if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_avatars'] == 0)
							eval("\$onlinemembers .= \"".$templates->get("online_today_rows_nor", 1, 0)."\";");
							else if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_avatars'] == 1)
							eval("\$onlinemembers .= \"".$templates->get("online_today_rows", 1, 0)."\";");								

							$doneusers[$user['uid']] = $user['time'];
							$doneusers[$user['uid']] = $user['lastactive'];
				// Otherwise this session is a bot
				else if(my_strpos($user['sid'], "bot=") !== false && $spiders[$botkey])
					$user['bot'] = $spiders[$botkey]['name'];
					$user['usergroup'] = $spiders[$botkey]['usergroup'];
					$guests[] = $user;
					$user['avatar'] = "images/".$user['bot'].".png";			
					$compare = TIME_NOW - $mybb->settings['wolcutoffmins']*60;		
					if(isset($user['time']) && $compare <= $user['time'])
						$status = '<img src="images/buddy_online.png" alt="Online" style="position: absolute; margin-left: -20px;" />';
						$class = "ot_online";
						$status = '<img src="images/buddy_offline.png" alt="Offline" style="position: absolute; margin-left: -20px;" />';								
						$class = "ot_offline";								
					$guests[] = $user;
					$uname = htmlspecialchars_uni($user['bot']);
					$uname = trim($user['bot']);
					$uname = strtolower($user['bot']);				
					if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_formatname'] == 1)					
						$user['username'] .= $comma.format_name($user['bot'], $user['usergroup']);
						$user['username'] .= $comma.$user['bot'];
					if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_formatname'] == 0 && $mybb->settings['onlinetoday_avatars'] == 0)
						$comma = ", ";
					if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_avatars'] == 1)
						$template = "<div class=\"avatarep_online_row\"><span><img src=\"images/onlinetoday/".$uname.".png\" class=\"avatarep_image ".$class."\" /></span><span class=\"avatarep_image_sp\">".$user['username']."</span></div>";
						$template = "<span class=\"avatarep_image_sp\">".$user['username']."</span>, ";
					$onlinemembers .= $template;
				// Or a guest
					$guests[] = $user['ip'];
		$online_today_all = "[<a href=\"onlinetoday.php?my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}\">{$lang->complete_list}</a>]";
		$membercount = (int)$numusers;	
		$guestcount = (int)$numguests;
		$onlinecount = (int)$numtot + (int)$guestcount;
		$numtotal = $membercount + $guestcount;
		$onlinebit = ($onlinecount != 1) ? $lang->online_plural : $lang->online_singular;
		$memberbit = ($membercount != 1) ? $lang->online_member_plural : $lang->online_member_singular;
		$anonbit = ($anoncount != 1) ? $lang->online_anon_plural : $lang->online_anon_singular;
		$guestbit = ($guestcount != 1) ? $lang->online_guest_plural : $lang->online_guest_singular;
		$my_time = dnt_my_time($time_rest);
		$lang->online_today_note = $lang->sprintf($lang->online_today_note, my_number_format($numtotal), $onlinebit, $my_time, my_number_format($membercount), $memberbit, my_number_format($anoncount), $anonbit, my_number_format($guestcount), $guestbit);
		eval("\$online_today = \"".$templates->get("online_today_index")."\";");

function dnt_my_time($time){
	global $mybb, $lang;
	if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_active'] == 0)
		return false;
	$lang->load('onlinetoday', false, true);	
	if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_time'] == 1)
		$lang->online_time = $lang->online_time_today;
	else if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_time'] == 2)
		$lang->online_time = $lang->online_time_weekly;
	else if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_time'] == 3)
		$lang->online_time = $lang->online_time_monthly;
	return $lang->online_time; 

// Load location for user...
function onlinetoday_wol_activity($user_activity)
	global $mybb, $user, $session;

	if(!$mybb->settings['onlinetoday_active'] || !empty($session->is_spider))
		return false;
	$split_loc = explode(".php", $user_activity['location']);
	if($split_loc[0] == $user['location'])
		$filename = '';
		$filename = my_substr($split_loc[0], -my_strpos(strrev($split_loc[0]), "/"));
	if ($filename == "onlinetoday")
		$user_activity['activity'] = "onlinetoday";
	return $user_activity;
// Set location for user and then show it ...
function onlinetoday_friendly_wol_activity($plugin_array)
	global $mybb, $lang, $session;

	if(!$mybb->settings['onlinetoday_active'] || !empty($session->is_spider))
		return false;
	$lang->load('onlinetoday', false, true);
	if ($plugin_array['user_activity']['activity'] == "onlinetoday")
		$plugin_array['location_name'] = $lang->sprintf($lang->onlinetoday_wol, "onlinetoday.php?my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}", $lang->whos_online_today);
	return $plugin_array;

3. Go to TEMPLATES >> GLOBAL TEMPLATES >> online_today_rows_nor - then find this code below.

<div class="avatarep_online_row_nor">
	<span class="avatarep_span_nor">{$user['profilelink']}{$invisiblemark}</span>

<div class="avatarep_online_row_nor">
	<span class="avatarep_span_nor">{$user['profilelink']}{$invisiblemark},</span>
(2019-07-05, 02:08 AM)vonmhel1995 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2019-07-05, 01:53 AM)Whiteneo Wrote: [ -> ]This is a very easy and quick todo.

And since i have released this due the user who pay for this mod requests only i can cover their sugestions. But this is a really easy. Use default method with avatars that does not show commas, remove avatars and customize at your owns, there are Templates to do so.

Then it is a waste of time for me and right now i am focused into important things like my forums improvements, design and more.


1. go to your
2. Search for in line 380:

if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_avatars'] == 0)
$comma = ",";

replace with:

if($mybb->settings['onlinetoday_avatars'] == 0)
$comma = "";

3. Go to TEMPLATES >> GLOBAL TEMPLATES >> online_today_rows_nor - then find this code below.

<div class="avatarep_online_row_nor">
	<span class="avatarep_span_nor">{$user['profilelink']}{$invisiblemark}</span>

<div class="avatarep_online_row_nor">
	<span class="avatarep_span_nor">{$user['profilelink']}{$invisiblemark},</span>

Easy enough. Worked like a charm. Thank u so much dude Smile