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Full Version: MySQL Query for last week's most liked and rep
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I am not good at sql queries. I wanted to make a php sub page of the forum to show the past weeks (last 7 days) top liked and top received reputation users. It could be top 10-20 or just a list of all users in order. What would this sql query be?

The reputation is default MyBB, but the likes are from a plugin. I cant even find the like plugin page anymore. It was NOT the "thank you/like" plugin. It was a lite version from another author.

this is the simple likes plugin code in /inc/plugin
 *  Core Plugin File
 *  A simple post like system.
 * @package Simple Likes
 * @author  Euan T. <[email protected]>
 * @license MIT license
 * @version 2.0.0

) or die('Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br />Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined.');

defined('MYBBSTUFF_CORE_PATH') or define('MYBBSTUFF_CORE_PATH', MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/plugins/MybbStuff/Core/');
define('SIMPLELIKES_PLUGIN_PATH', MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/plugins/MybbStuff/SimpleLikes');

defined('PLUGINLIBRARY') or define('PLUGINLIBRARY', MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/plugins/pluginlibrary.php');

require_once MYBBSTUFF_CORE_PATH . 'ClassLoader.php';

$classLoader = new MybbStuff_Core_ClassLoader();
$classLoader->registerNamespace('MybbStuff_SimpleLikes', [SIMPLELIKES_PLUGIN_PATH . '/src']);

$importManager = MybbStuff_SimpleLikes_Import_Manager::getInstance();

function simplelikes_info()
	return [
		'name'          => 'Like System',
		'description'   => 'A simple post like system.',
		'website'       => '',
		'author'        => 'euantor',
		'authorsite'    => '',
		'version'       => '2.0.0',
		'codename'      => 'mybbstuff_simplelikes',
		'compatibility' => '18*',

function simplelikes_install()
	global $db, $cache;

	$pluginInfo = simplelikes_info();
	$euantorPlugins = $cache->read('euantor_plugins');
	$euantorPlugins['simplelikes'] = [
		'title'   => 'SimpleLikes',
		'version' => $pluginInfo['version'],
	$cache->update('euantor_plugins', $euantorPlugins);

	if (is_dir(SIMPLELIKES_PLUGIN_PATH . '/database/tables')) {
		$dir = new DirectoryIterator(SIMPLELIKES_PLUGIN_PATH . '/database/tables');
		foreach ($dir as $file) {
			if (!$file->isDot() AND !$file->isDir() AND pathinfo($file->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION) === 'sql') {
				$createTableQueryString = str_replace(
					['{PREFIX}', '{COLLATION}'],
					[TABLE_PREFIX, $db->build_create_table_collation()],



	if (!$db->field_exists('simplelikes_can_like', 'usergroups')) {
		$db->add_column('usergroups', 'simplelikes_can_like', "INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");

	if (!$db->field_exists('simplelikes_can_view_likes', 'usergroups')) {
		$db->add_column('usergroups', 'simplelikes_can_view_likes', "INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");

			'simplelikes_can_like'       => 1,
			'simplelikes_can_view_likes' => 1,
		'gid IN (2,3,4,6)'

function simplelikes_is_installed()
	global $db;

	return $db->table_exists('post_likes');

function simplelikes_uninstall()
	global $db, $PL, $cache;

	if (!file_exists(PLUGINLIBRARY)) {
		flash_message('This plugin requires PluginLibrary, please ensure it is installed correctly.', 'error');

	$PL or require_once PLUGINLIBRARY;

	if ($db->table_exists('post_likes')) {


	$PL->settings_delete('simplelikes', true);

	if ($db->field_exists('simplelikes_can_like', 'usergroups')) {
		$db->drop_column('usergroups', 'simplelikes_can_like');

	if ($db->field_exists('simplelikes_can_view_likes', 'usergroups')) {
		$db->drop_column('usergroups', 'simplelikes_can_view_likes');


function simplelikes_activate()
	global $mybb, $db, $PL, $cache;

	if (!file_exists(PLUGINLIBRARY)) {
		flash_message('This plugin requires PluginLibrary, please ensure it is installed correctly.', 'error');

	$PL or require_once PLUGINLIBRARY;

	if ($PL->version < 9) {
		flash_message('This plugin requires PluginLibrary 9 or newer', 'error');

	$oldVersion = '';
	$newVersion = '';

	$pluginInfo = simplelikes_info();
	$pluginsCache = $cache->read('euantor_plugins');

	if (isset($pluginsCache['simplelikes']['version'])) {
		$oldVersion = $pluginsCache['simplelikes']['version'];
	$newVersion = $pluginInfo['version'];

	$pluginsCache['simplelikes'] = [
		'title'   => 'SimpleLikes',
		'version' => $pluginInfo['version'],
	$cache->update('euantor_plugins', $pluginsCache);

	simplelikes_upgrade($oldVersion, $newVersion);

		'Like System Settings',
		'Settings for the like system.',
			'num_users'                  => [
				'title'       => 'Number of "likers" to show per post',
				'description' => 'Set the number of most recent likers to show in the post like bar.',
				'value'       => '3',
				'optionscode' => 'text',
			'can_like_own'               => [
				'title'       => 'Let users like own posts?',
				'description' => 'Set whether users can "like" their own posts.',
				'value'       => '0',
			'get_num_likes_user_postbit' => [
				'title'       => 'Number of likes received in postbit?',
				'description' => 'Do you wish to get how many likes a user has received in the postbit? Beware that this adds an extra query.',
				'value'       => '0',
			'likes_per_page'             => [
				'title'       => 'Likes per page',
				'description' => 'The number of likes to show per page.',
				'value'       => 1,
				'optionscode' => 'numeric',
			'avatar_dimensions'          => [
				'title'       => 'Avatar Dimensions',
				'description' => 'The maximum avatar dimensions to use in the "who liked this" modal; width by height (e.g. 64|64).',
				'value'       => '64|64',
				'optionscode' => 'text',

	$stylesheet = file_get_contents(
		SIMPLELIKES_PLUGIN_PATH . '/stylesheets/simplelikes.css'
	$PL->stylesheet('simplelikes.css', $stylesheet, 'showthread.php');

	if (is_dir(SIMPLELIKES_PLUGIN_PATH . '/templates')) {
		$dir = new DirectoryIterator(SIMPLELIKES_PLUGIN_PATH . '/templates');
		$templates = [];
		foreach ($dir as $file) {
			if (!$file->isDot() && !$file->isDir() && pathinfo($file->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION) === 'html') {
				$templates[$file->getBasename('.html')] = file_get_contents($file->getPathName());

			'Like System',

	require_once MYBB_ROOT . '/inc/adminfunctions_templates.php';

	$simpleLikesJavascript = <<<HTML
<script type="text/javascript" src="{\$mybb->asset_url}/jscripts/like_system.min.js"></script>


	// Like bar
		"#" . preg_quote('{$post[\'attachments\']}') . "#i",
		'{$post[\'simplelikes\']}' . "\n" . '{$post[\'attachments\']}'
		"#" . preg_quote('{$post[\'attachments\']}') . "#i",
		'{$post[\'simplelikes\']}' . "\n" . '{$post[\'attachments\']}'

	// Like button
		"#" . preg_quote('{$post[\'button_edit\']}') . "#i",
		"#" . preg_quote('{$post[\'button_edit\']}') . "#i",

	// Profile
		"#" . preg_quote('{$referrals}') . "#i",
		'{$postsLiked}' . "\n" . '{$likesReceived}' . "\n" . '{$referrals}'

function simplelikes_deactivate()
	require_once MYBB_ROOT . '/inc/adminfunctions_templates.php';

	$simpleLikesJavascript = <<<HTML
<script type="text/javascript" src="{\$mybb->asset_url}/jscripts/like_system.min.js"></script>

		"#" . preg_quote($simpleLikesJavascript) . "#i",

	// Like bar
	find_replace_templatesets('postbit', "#" . preg_quote('{$post[\'simplelikes\']}') . "#i", '');
	find_replace_templatesets('postbit_classic', "#" . preg_quote('{$post[\'simplelikes\']}') . "#i", '');

	// Like button
	find_replace_templatesets('postbit', "#" . preg_quote('{$post[\'button_like\']}') . "#i", '');
	find_replace_templatesets('postbit_classic', "#" . preg_quote('{$post[\'button_like\']}') . "#i", '');

	// Profile
		"#" . preg_quote('{$postsLiked}' . "\n" . '{$likesReceived}') . "#i",

function simplelikesInstallMyAlerts()
	global $db, $cache;

	if (function_exists('myalerts_is_activated') && myalerts_is_activated()) {
		$alertTypeManager = MybbStuff_MyAlerts_AlertTypeManager::getInstance();

		if ($alertTypeManager === false) {
			$alertTypeManager = MybbStuff_MyAlerts_AlertTypeManager::createInstance($db, $cache);

		$alertType = new MybbStuff_MyAlerts_Entity_AlertType();



function simpleLikesUninstallMyAlerts()
	global $db, $cache;

	if (function_exists('myalerts_is_activated') && myalerts_is_activated()) {
		$alertTypeManager = MybbStuff_MyAlerts_AlertTypeManager::getInstance();

		if ($alertTypeManager === false) {
			$alertTypeManager = MybbStuff_MyAlerts_AlertTypeManager::createInstance($db, $cache);


function simplelikes_upgrade($oldVersion, $newVersion)
	if (empty($oldVersion)) {
		$oldVersion = '1.0.0';

	if (version_compare($oldVersion, $newVersion) === -1) {
		if (version_compare($newVersion, '2.0.0', '>=')) {
			global $db;

			if (!$db->field_exists('created_at', 'post_likes')) {
				$db->add_column('post_likes', 'created_at', 'TIMESTAMP');

$plugins->add_hook('admin_user_groups_edit_graph_tabs', 'simplelikes_usergroup_perms_tab');
function simplelikes_usergroup_perms_tab(&$tabs)
	global $lang;

	if (!isset($lang->simplelikes)) {

	$tabs['simplelikes'] = $lang->simplelikes;

$plugins->add_hook('admin_user_groups_edit_graph', 'simplelikes_usergroup_perms');
function simplelikes_usergroup_perms()
	global $form, $mybb, $lang;

	if (!isset($lang->simplelikes)) {

	echo '<div id="tab_simplelikes">';
	$form_container = new FormContainer('Like System');
		$form->generate_yes_no_radio('simplelikes_can_like', $mybb->get_input('simplelikes_can_like'), true),
		$form->generate_yes_no_radio('simplelikes_can_view_likes', $mybb->get_input('simplelikes_can_view_likes'),
	echo '</div>';

$plugins->add_hook('admin_user_groups_edit_commit', 'simplelikes_usergroup_perms_save');
function simplelikes_usergroup_perms_save()
	global $updated_group, $mybb;

	$updated_group['simplelikes_can_like'] = $mybb->get_input('simplelikes_can_like', MyBB::INPUT_INT);
	$updated_group['simplelikes_can_view_likes'] = $mybb->get_input('simplelikes_can_view_likes', MyBB::INPUT_INT);

$plugins->add_hook('postbit', 'simplelikesPostbit');
function simplelikesPostbit(&$post)
	global $mybb, $db, $templates, $pids, $postLikeBar, $lang;

	if (!isset($lang->simplelikes)) {

	$likeSystem = new MybbStuff_SimpleLikes_LikeManager($mybb, $db, $lang);

	if (is_string($pids)) {
		static $postLikes = null;
		if (!is_array($postLikes)) {
			$postLikes = [];
			$postLikes = $likeSystem->getLikes($pids);
	} else {
		$postLikes[(int)$post['pid']] = $likeSystem->getLikes((int)$post['pid']);

	$post['simplelikes'] = '';

	if (!empty($postLikes[$post['pid']])) {
		$likeString = $likeSystem->formatLikes($postLikes, $post);

		$post['simplelikes'] = eval($templates->render('simplelikes_likebar'));

	$post['button_like'] = '';

	$canLikePost = true;

	if ($mybb->user['uid'] == $post['uid'] && !$mybb->settings['simplelikes_can_like_own']) {
		$canLikePost = false;

	if ($mybb->usergroup['simplelikes_can_like'] && $canLikePost) {
		$buttonText = $lang->simplelikes_like;
		if (isset($postLikes[(int)$post['pid']][(int)$mybb->user['uid']])) {
			$buttonText = $lang->simplelikes_unlike;

		$post['button_like'] = eval($templates->render('simplelikes_likebutton'));

	// Get number of likes user has received
	if ($mybb->settings['simplelikes_get_num_likes_user_postbit']) {
		if (is_string($pids)) {
			static $postLikesReceived = null;
			if (!is_array($postLikesReceived)) {
				$postLikesReceived = [];
				$queryString = "SELECT p.uid, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %spost_likes l LEFT JOIN %sposts mp ON (l.post_id = WHERE mp.uid = p.uid) AS count FROM %sposts p WHERE {$pids} GROUP BY p.uid";
				$query = $db->query(sprintf($queryString, TABLE_PREFIX, TABLE_PREFIX, TABLE_PREFIX));
				while ($row = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
					$postLikesReceived[(int)$row['uid']] = (int)$row['count'];
		} else {
			$postLikesReceived = [];
			$pid = (int)$post['pid'];
			$queryString = "SELECT p.uid, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %spost_likes l LEFT JOIN %sposts mp ON (l.post_id = WHERE mp.uid = p.uid) AS count FROM %sposts p WHERE pid = {$pid} GROUP BY p.uid";
			$query = $db->query(
			$postLikesReceived[(int)$post['uid']] = (int)$db->fetch_field($query, 'count');

		if (array_key_exists((int)$post['uid'], $postLikesReceived)) {
			$post['likes_received'] = $postLikesReceived[(int)$post['uid']];
		} else {
			$post['likes_received'] = 0;

$plugins->add_hook('member_profile_end', 'simplelikesProfile');
function simplelikesProfile()
	global $mybb, $db, $lang, $memprofile, $templates, $postsLiked, $likesReceived;

	if (!isset($lang->simplelikes)) {

	$uid = (int)$memprofile['uid'];

	// Number of likes user has made
	$query = $db->simple_select('post_likes', 'COUNT(id) AS count', 'user_id = ' . $uid);
	$usersLikes = (int)$db->fetch_field($query, 'count');
	$postsLiked = eval($templates->render('simplelikes_profile_total_likes'));

	// Number of likes user's posts have
	$queryString = "SELECT COUNT( AS count FROM %spost_likes l LEFT JOIN %sposts p ON (l.post_id = WHERE p.uid = {$uid}";
	$query = $db->write_query(sprintf($queryString, TABLE_PREFIX, TABLE_PREFIX));
	$postLikes = (int)$db->fetch_field($query, 'count');
	$likesReceived = eval($templates->render('simplelikes_profile_likes_received'));

$plugins->add_hook('myalerts_load_lang', 'simplelikesAlertSettings');
function simplelikesAlertSettings()
	global $lang;

	if (!isset($lang->simplelikes)) {

	$lang->myalerts_setting_simplelikes = $lang->simplelikes_alert_setting;

$plugins->add_hook('global_start', 'simplelikesGlobal');
function simplelikesGlobal()
	global $templatelist, $mybb;

	if (!isset($templatelist) || empty($templatelist)) {
		$templatelist = '';


	$templatelist .= ',';

	if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'misc.php' && $mybb->input['action'] == 'post_likes_by_user') {
		$templatelist .= 'multipage_page_current,multipage_page,multipage_nextpage,multipage,simplelikes_likes_by_user_row,simplelikes_likes_by_user';

	if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'misc.php' && $mybb->input['action'] == 'post_likes_received_by_user') {
		$templatelist .= 'multipage_page_current,multipage_page,multipage_nextpage,multipage,simplelikes_likes_received_by_user_row,simplelikes_likes_by_user';

	if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'misc.php' && $mybb->input['action'] == 'post_likes') {
		$templatelist .= 'simplelikes_likes_popup_liker,simplelikes_likes_popup';

	if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'member.php' && $mybb->input['action'] == 'profile') {
		$templatelist .= 'simplelikes_profile_total_likes,simplelikes_profile_likes_received';

	if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread.php') {
		$templatelist .= 'simplelikes_likebutton,simplelikes_likebar';

function simplelikesInitMyAlertsFormatter()
	if (function_exists('myalerts_is_activated') && myalerts_is_activated()) {
		global $mybb, $lang;

		/** @var MybbStuff_MyAlerts_AlertFormatterManager $formatterManager */
		$formatterManager = MybbStuff_MyAlerts_AlertFormatterManager::getInstance();

		if ($formatterManager === false) {
			$formatterManager = MybbStuff_MyAlerts_AlertFormatterManager::createInstance($mybb, $lang);


$plugins->add_hook('misc_start', 'simplelikesMisc');
function simplelikesMisc()
	global $mybb;

	if ($mybb->input['action'] == 'post_likes') {
		if (!$mybb->usergroup['simplelikes_can_view_likes']) {

		global $db, $templates, $theme, $headerinclude, $lang;

		if (!isset($lang->simplelikes)) {

		if (!isset($mybb->input['post_id'])) {

		$pid = $mybb->get_input('post_id', MyBB::INPUT_INT);
		$post = get_post($pid);

		$likeSystem = new MybbStuff_SimpleLikes_LikeManager($mybb, $db, $lang);

		$likeArray = $likeSystem->getLikes($pid);

		if (empty($likeArray)) {

		$maxAvatarDimensions = str_replace('|', 'x', $mybb->settings['simplelikes_avatar_dimensions']);

		$likes = '';
		foreach ($likeArray as $like) {
			$like['username'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($like['username']);

			$like['avatar'] = format_avatar($like['avatar'], $mybb->settings['simplelikes_avatar_dimensions'],

			$like['profile_link'] = build_profile_link(
				format_name(htmlspecialchars_uni($like['username']), $like['usergroup'], $like['displaygroup']),

			$createdAt = new DateTime($like['created_at']);

			$like['created_at'] = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'],
					$createdAt->getTimestamp()) . ' ' . my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'],

			$likes .= eval($templates->render('simplelikes_likes_popup_liker', true, false));

		$page = '';
		$page = eval($templates->render('simplelikes_likes_popup', true, false));
		echo $page;
	} else {
		if ($mybb->input['action'] == 'post_likes_by_user') {
			if (!$mybb->usergroup['simplelikes_can_view_likes']) {

			global $db, $templates, $lang;
			global $headerinclude, $header, $footer, $theme, $multipage;

			if (!isset($lang->simplelikes)) {

			if (!isset($mybb->input['user_id']) || (int)$mybb->input['user_id'] == 0) {

			$userId = $mybb->get_input('user_id', MyBB::INPUT_INT);
			$user = get_user($userId);

			$count = (int)$db->fetch_field(
				$db->simple_select('post_likes', 'COUNT(*) AS count', "user_id = {$userId}"),

			$page = $mybb->get_input('page', MyBB::INPUT_INT);
			$perPage = $mybb->settings['simplelikes_likes_per_page'];
			$pages = $count / $perPage;
			$pages = ceil($pages);
			if ($mybb->input['page'] == "last") {
				$page = $pages;

			if ($page > $pages OR $page <= 0) {
				$page = 1;

			if ($page AND $page > 0) {
				$start = ($page - 1) * $perPage;
			} else {
				$start = 0;
				$page = 1;
			$multipage = multipage($count, $perPage, $page, "misc.php?action=post_likes_by_user&user_id={$userId}");

			$lang->simplelikes_likes_by_user = $lang->sprintf(

			add_breadcrumb($lang->simplelikes_likes_by_user, "misc.php?action=post_likes_by_user&user_id={$userId}");

			$likes = '';
			$queryString = "SELECT * FROM %spost_likes l LEFT JOIN %sposts p ON (l.post_id = WHERE l.user_id = {$userId} ORDER BY DESC LIMIT {$start}, {$perPage}";
			$query = $db->query(sprintf($queryString, TABLE_PREFIX, TABLE_PREFIX));
			while ($like = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
				$altbg = alt_trow();
				$like['postlink'] = get_post_link((int)$like['post_id']) . '#pid' . (int)$like['post_id'];
				$like['subject'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($like['subject']);

				$createdAt = new DateTime($like['created_at']);

				$like['created_at'] = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'],
						$createdAt->getTimestamp()) . ' ' . my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'],

				$likes .= eval($templates->render('simplelikes_likes_by_user_row'));

			$page = eval($templates->render('simplelikes_likes_by_user'));
		} else {
			if ($mybb->input['action'] == 'post_likes_received_by_user') {
				if (!$mybb->usergroup['simplelikes_can_view_likes']) {

				global $db, $templates, $lang;
				global $headerinclude, $header, $footer, $theme, $multipage;

				if (!isset($lang->simplelikes)) {

				if (!isset($mybb->input['user_id']) OR (int)$mybb->input['user_id'] == 0) {

				$userId = $mybb->get_input('user_id', MyBB::INPUT_INT);
				$user = get_user($userId);

				$queryString = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM %spost_likes l LEFT JOIN %sposts p ON (l.post_id = WHERE p.uid = {$userId} GROUP BY";
				$query = $db->query(sprintf($queryString, TABLE_PREFIX, TABLE_PREFIX));
				$count = 0;

				while ($row = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
					$count += (int)$row['count'];

				$page = $mybb->get_input('page', MyBB::INPUT_INT);
				$perPage = $mybb->settings['simplelikes_likes_per_page'];
				$pages = $count / $perPage;
				$pages = ceil($pages);
				if ($mybb->get_input('page') == "last") {
					$page = $pages;

				if ($page > $pages OR $page <= 0) {
					$page = 1;

				if ($page AND $page > 0) {
					$start = ($page - 1) * $perPage;
				} else {
					$start = 0;
					$page = 1;
				$multipage = multipage(

				$lang->simplelikes_likes_received_by_user = $lang->sprintf(


				$likes = '';
				$queryString = "SELECT *, COUNT(id) AS count FROM %spost_likes l LEFT JOIN %sposts p ON (l.post_id = WHERE p.uid = {$userId} GROUP BY ORDER BY DESC LIMIT {$start}, {$perPage}";
				$query = $db->query(sprintf($queryString, TABLE_PREFIX, TABLE_PREFIX));
				while ($like = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
					$altbg = alt_trow();
					$like['postlink'] = get_post_link((int)$like['post_id']) . '#pid' . (int)$like['post_id'];
					$like['subject'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($like['subject']);
					$like['count'] = (int)$like['count'];

					$createdAt = new DateTime($like['created_at']);

					$like['created_at'] = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'],
							$createdAt->getTimestamp()) . ' ' . my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'],

					$likes .= eval($templates->render('simplelikes_likes_received_by_user_row'));

				$page = eval($templates->render('simplelikes_likes_received_by_user'));

$plugins->add_hook('xmlhttp', 'simplelikesAjax');
function simplelikesAjax()
	global $mybb, $db, $lang, $templates, $theme;

	if ($mybb->get_input('action') == 'like_post') {
		if (!verify_post_check($mybb->get_input('my_post_key'), true)) {

		if (!isset($lang->simplelikes)) {

		if (!isset($mybb->input['post_id'])) {

		$postId = $mybb->get_input('post_id', MyBB::INPUT_INT);
		$post = get_post($postId);

		if (!$mybb->settings['simplelikes_can_like_own'] AND $post['uid'] == $mybb->user['uid']) {
			if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) AND strtolower(
				) == 'xmlhttprequest'
			) {
				header('Content-type: application/json');
				echo json_encode(['error' => $lang->simplelikes_error_own_post]);
			} else {


		if (!$mybb->usergroup['simplelikes_can_like']) {
			if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) AND strtolower(
				) == 'xmlhttprequest'
			) {
				header('Content-type: application/json');
				echo json_encode(['error' => $lang->simplelikes_error_perms]);
			} else {


		$likeSystem = new MybbStuff_SimpleLikes_LikeManager($mybb, $db, $lang);

		$buttonText = $lang->simplelikes_like;

		$result = $likeSystem->likePost($postId);

		if ($result === MybbStuff_SimpleLikes_LikeManager::RESULT_LIKED) {
			$buttonText = $lang->simplelikes_unlike;

		if ((int)$post['uid'] !== (int)$mybb->user['uid']) {
			if (function_exists('myalerts_is_activated') && myalerts_is_activated()) {
				global $cache, $plugins;

				$alertTypeManager = MybbStuff_MyAlerts_AlertTypeManager::getInstance();

				if ($alertTypeManager === false) {
					$alertTypeManager = MybbStuff_MyAlerts_AlertTypeManager::createInstance($db, $cache);

				$alertType = $alertTypeManager->getByCode('simplelikes');

				if ($alertType != null && $alertType->getEnabled()) {
					/** @var MybbStuff_MyAlerts_AlertManager $alertManager */
					$alertManager = MybbStuff_MyAlerts_AlertManager::getInstance();

					if ($alertManager === false) {
						$alertManager = MybbStuff_MyAlerts_AlertManager::createInstance($mybb, $db, $cache, $plugins,

					if ($result === MybbStuff_SimpleLikes_LikeManager::RESULT_UNLIKED) {
						$query = $db->simple_select(
							"alert_type_id = '{$alertType->getId()}' AND object_id = {$postId} AND uid = " . (int)$mybb->user['uid']
						$alertId = $db->fetch_field($query, 'id');
					} else {
						$alert = new MybbStuff_MyAlerts_Entity_Alert($post['uid'], $alertType, $post['pid']);
							'tid' => (int)$post['tid'],


		if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower(
			) == 'xmlhttprequest'
		) {
			header('Content-type: application/json');
			$postLikes = [];
			$postLikes[$postId] = $likeSystem->getLikes($postId);
			$likeString = '';
			$likeString = $likeSystem->formatLikes($postLikes, $post);
			$templateString = '';

			$templateString = eval($templates->render('simplelikes_likebar'));
			echo json_encode(
					'postId'         => $postId,
					'likeString'     => $likeString,
					'templateString' => $templateString,
					'buttonString'   => $buttonText,
		} else {
				get_post_link($postId) . '#pid' . $postId,
I doubt you will get a comprehensive answer here in this forum. You also want to create a new page, besides the query, which is alot more work involved. You can study some examples on the reputation.php but even that won't give you what you want.

What you're asking for is something similar to Invision's Leaderboard.

PS: I think it would be best to make a paid request, and get someone who knows MyBB code well enough to knock this out for you quickly.

A simple search revealed:
I think this would be quite simple. I have page manager plugin as well as have previously added php pages with including the header before i found out about page manager plugin. I have made CGi scripts with the mybb header for other custom dynamic page, etc.  I know how to  create custom pages. So if i could just get the mysql query, the rest i could figure out. I just dont know mysql. It does not have to be fancy. o i dont fear that would be too hard for me. I just dont ever use mysql so i am unable to come up wit the syntax of that. It doesnt even have to be an additional page, though, i could add it to another statistics plugin page that just collects the complete top reputation.

If i could just get the same for just the reputation in the last 7 days i think i could figure out the like plugin query from that myself.

PS wow, i could not find that with a google search or on the plugins Blush
How do you propose to have 1 query, when you're dealing with 2 separate systems, reputation and simple likes?
I was going to have 2 queries. If i was to obtain the correct query for the reputation. I would modify that to have one for the simple likes.
Well good luck, this is not easy as you might think, way beyond the scope of general support, hence my first post.
I was just asking for the mysql query, not the page creation.
You can check for Today's top poster approach (the one in the stats.php page), even if it is a bit obsolete, should be possible with plain SQL, but is still a valid solution. I highly recommend to create a new cache for it and update it in reputation/like commits.