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Full Version: Banning
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I banned a user name From Admin Cp change banning but a guy registered with that username. Any ideas why ?
As far as I know there isn't a bug like that, have a look at the letters and numbers in the username. A few times i've seen people register a name that looks the same but the replace a letter with a number that look almost the same. For example O and 0, look for something like that. If the spelling is the same then it's a bug.

well i checked it out again. it works for case sensitive user names for example if u ban Mark , mark can register. So the only reason to ban Mark is to add in the banning list
Mark,mark,maRk,marK, MaRk and so on
Not good
So the only effective way to ban mark is to register the username name myself and then choose that mark is banned user title. Also Admin need to be able to ban key words as well. U ban grape and all relevant usernames cant register and so on.