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Can somebody make a mod/hack that makes it possible to have a dropdown list while posting a thread, where you could pick a posts prefix topic.

Its hard to explain, so let me give you an example:

dropdown list contains:
- request
- help
- tutorial

Now somebody needs help, then he picks a prefix help.
Now the @ viewforum & viewtopic it would display this: <prefix> <topicname>

kinda like sticky & announcement does, but then you could pick it yourself with the dropdown list.

This doesn't sound like a bad idea.

I'll see what I can do. Smile
Ok sweet, let m hear something when you are gonna make this :-)
This modification is now available on the main website. Big Grin

Thanks for your suggestion, I'm quite pleased with how this little mod has turned out. Smile
Sweet, thank you :-)
You made mistake.

$l['post_new_thread'] = "Post a new Thread";

This is newthread.lang.php

and you forgot the prefix table Smile
 * dbupdate.php
 * Database installation tool for Thread Prefixes Mod
 * By: Musicalmidget
 * Website:

require "./global.php";

$query = $db->query('CREATE TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."prefixes` ('
        . ' `pid` TINYINT(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, '
        . ' `value` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,'
        . ' PRIMARY KEY (`pid`)'
        . ' )'
    	)or die($db->error());
$query = $db->query("ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."adminoptions` ADD `canmanageprefixes` CHAR( 3 ) DEFAULT 'no' NOT NULL") or die($db->error());
$query = $db->query("ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."forums` ADD `threadprefixes` CHAR( 3 ) DEFAULT 'no' NOT NULL") or die($db->error());
echo "Installation Successful<br /><br />\\nPlease remove this script for security reasons.";

i think this is correct
Whoops, sorry about that. I'll patch the file immediately.

Thanks for telling me. Smile

Edit: The download package has been patched. Attached are the two corrected files.

Also i forgot to tell:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: updateforums() in /home/admin/domains/ on line 290

changes do get saved though
That's weird, I've never come accross that error before. In fact, I can't even find any call to a function named updateforums() anywhere in admin/forums.php.

I'll look into this anyway, but as long as the changes do save it can wait until the morning I think. Smile
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