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Full Version: Problem with Recent Thread by User
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Well, the strange thing is, it works for me. Do you use any others mods maybe?
Tons. Lemme just check my log...

Ok here they are:

Cash Mod
Tutorial Mod
Manually Edit Post Count
IbProArcade (the BEST ONE!)
Closed button
Quick Quote
and just now, your Mod, the Permission Edit.

Phalanx Wrote:Tons. Lemme just check my log...

Ok here they are:

Cash Mod
Tutorial Mod
Manually Edit Post Count
IbProArcade (the BEST ONE!)
Closed button
Quick Quote
and just now, your Mod, the Permission Edit.

do any of these interfear with member.php or the topics?
No changes was made in member.php.
I'm having problems too. I didn't install any mods that interfere with member.php, and I've tried using the altered member.php page. I've also tried the "fix" you linked to, and had no suck luck.

EDIT: I fixed it

Whoopie, I got it fixed. All I had to do was change

$query = $db->query("SELECT t.*,, i.path FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums f ON (f.fid=t.fid) LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."icons i ON (i.iid=t.icon) WHERE t.uid='$uid' $fidnot2 ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT $settings[recentthreadsno]");


$query = $db->query("SELECT t.*,, i.path FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums f ON (f.fid=t.fid) LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."icons i ON (i.iid=t.icon) WHERE t.uid='$uid' $fidnot2 ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 10 ");

Change the 10 to the amount of posts you want to show (ie. the number you changed the setting in the admin panel to).

Even with the admin panel option set, it wasn't getting the value, and setting it to the limit. This'll work, but whenever you want to change the amount of posts show, you'll have to change it in the code.
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