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Full Version: Mod Request for RC4 please
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Hello Cory at MYBB said to request it here...

I would like to post a link on my site but i would like it so that people have to reply to see it. So i know whos downloaded it etc. I know this is in VB3 and IPB and PHPBB as i've seen it allot on graphics sites and such.

Where do i download the mod if its out ?


We've had requests like this before, and there's no such mod available, nor will one be made because of the potential for malicious usage.
oh, how come?

So if i want to hide an image untill people say thanks or some info till they say thanks i cannot? I dont see how it could be missused?

All the other forums have it avail
You can read this. Then you'll understand Wink
But i dont run a Warez site i run a Car Forums

If somone wanted to use MyBB for warez or whatever they could withount the mod anyhows...

So i dont see why this isnt allowed.
Yes, people could setup warez board without this mod, but they wouldn't be able to hide the illegal information from the general public, which is what a mod like this would do. I understand that there may be some circumstances where a mod like this is required for quite legal purposes, but because of how it could be abused we stand by the decision not to allow such a mod.

I'm sorry, that's just how it's going to be.
Sad thats a shame. Wish i knew php lol
It's really not that hard to learn. - read the tutorials, search google for php tutorials.
Thanks DennisTT, i will have a read at that site. But i bet it takes months to get to grips and evern make mods etc on MyBB Sad lol

Thanks again