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Full Version: Database on VPS with another IP adress as my Forum
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i have on 1&1 ionos webspace my MYBB and i need more database disk space and i have buy a VPS with 650gb and i have installed phpmyadmin and import my database backup but  i have add in my config.php my new username, database, password and hostname and dont work.

here an screenshot with my new database but dont work:
my hostname is an IP adress but i wait to buy for a domain.

what can i do?
on my VPS is phpmyadmin as localhost but my IP adress with /phpmyadmin/

here an screenshot what i mean (sorry my english is very bad):

and this is my error screenshot:

i hope u can help me
Probably you need to change the line specifying database server to:
$config['database']['hostname'] = 'localhost';
(2020-06-01, 06:18 PM)noyle Wrote: [ -> ]Probably you need to change the line specifying database server to:
$config['database']['hostname'] = 'localhost';

no cant work because my mybb forum is on a webspace from provider 1&1 ionos and my VPS with phpmyadmin is on my new VPS.

 2 different servers
(2020-06-01, 06:20 PM)Lunar Berry Wrote: [ -> ]
(2020-06-01, 06:18 PM)noyle Wrote: [ -> ]Probably you need to change the line specifying database server to:
$config['database']['hostname'] = 'localhost';

no cant work because my mybb forum is on a webspace from provider 1&1 ionos and my VPS with phpmyadmin is on my new VPS.

 2 different servers

Oh sorry I didn't read your first thoroughly. Suppose the IP of the server your database is on is X.X.X.X, please change that line to:
$config['database']['hostname'] = 'X.X.X.X';

If your db server uses a port Y other than 3306, you could write that line as:
$config['database']['hostname'] = 'X.X.X.X:Y';
(2020-06-01, 06:24 PM)noyle Wrote: [ -> ]
(2020-06-01, 06:20 PM)Lunar Berry Wrote: [ -> ]
(2020-06-01, 06:18 PM)noyle Wrote: [ -> ]Probably you need to change the line specifying database server to:
$config['database']['hostname'] = 'localhost';

no cant work because my mybb forum is on a webspace from provider 1&1 ionos and my VPS with phpmyadmin is on my new VPS.

 2 different servers

Oh sorry I didn't read your first thoroughly. Suppose the IP of the server your database is on is X.X.X.X, please change that line to:
$config['database']['hostname'] = 'X.X.X.X';

If your db server uses a port Y other than 3306, you could write that line as:
$config['database']['hostname'] = 'X.X.X.X:Y';

okey and how can i find my DB port?
in my browser can i search my ip adress with /phpmyadmin/
example: x.x.x.x/phpmyadmin

but x.x.x.x/phpmyadmin in config as hostname dont work.

here a screenshot with i and port:

on database hostname is my provider from my vps and this dont work.

screenshot 2:
The host is the IP of your DB server (VPS) and the port is 3306 (default)
- your MySQL must not be locked on localhost (edit the my.cnf file)
- you must have a mysql user authorized from another IP/host than localhost
(2020-06-01, 10:23 PM)Crazycat Wrote: [ -> ]The host is the IP of your DB server (VPS) and the port is 3306 (default)
- your MySQL must not be locked on localhost (edit the my.cnf file)
- you must have a mysql user authorized from another IP/host than localhost

Also: DO NOT use the root credentials for MyBB.
(2020-06-01, 10:23 PM)Crazycat Wrote: [ -> ]The host is the IP of your DB server (VPS) and the port is 3306 (default)
- your MySQL must not be locked on localhost (edit the my.cnf file)
- you must have a mysql user authorized from another IP/host than localhost

ah okey thanks, how can i find the my.cnf file? which directory

so... i open my.cnf and he push me to mysql.cnf. is this okey ?

whats is the best cnf setting? can u upload one please ?

my hosts file are edited with my provider data

I found that on google. do I have to change something?

# The MySQL database server configuration file.
# You can copy this to one of:
# - "/etc/mysql/my.cnf" to set global options,
# - "~/.my.cnf" to set user-specific options.
# One can use all long options that the program supports.
# Run program with --help to get a list of available options and with
# --print-defaults to see which it would actually understand and use.
# For explanations see

# * IMPORTANT: Additional settings that can override those from this file!
#   The files must end with '.cnf', otherwise they'll be ignored.

!includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/
!includedir /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/


# Optimized my.cnf configuration for MySQL/MariaSQL
# by Fotis Evangelou, developer of Engintron (
# ~ Updated January 2020 ~
# The settings provided below are a starting point for a 2GB - 4GB RAM server with 2-4 CPU cores.
# If you have different resources available you should adjust accordingly to save CPU, RAM & disk I/O usage.
# The settings marked with a specific comment or the word "UPD" (after the value)
# should be adjusted for your system by using database diagnostics tools like:
# or
# (supports MySQL up to v5.7)
# Run either of these scripts before optimizing your database, at least 1 hr after the optimization & finally
# at least once a day for 3 days (without restarting the database) to see how your server performs and if you need
# to re-adjust anything. The more MySQL/MariaDB runs without restarting, the more usage data it gathers, so these
# diagnostics scripts will report in mode detail how MySQL/MariaDB performs.
# IMPORTANT NOTE: If there is NO comment after a setting value, then 99,9% of the times you won't need to adjust it.
# If any terminal commands are mentioned, make sure you execute them as "root" user.
# If MySQL or MariaDB cannot start (or restart), then perform the following actions.
# 1. If the server had the stock database configuration and you added or updated any
#    "innodb_log_*" settings (as suggested below), then execute these commands ONLY
#    the first time you apply this configuration:
#    $ rm -rvf /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile*
#    $ chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql
#    $ service mysql restart
#    or use the shorthand command:
#    $ rm -rvf /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile*; chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql; service mysql restart
# 2. If the setting "bind-address" is not commented out, then make sure the file /etc/hosts is
#    properly configured. A good example of a "clean" /etc/hosts file is something like this:
# localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
#    ::1       localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
#   hostname.domain.tld hostname # <-- Replace accordingly!
#    Finally restart the database service:
#    $ service mysql restart
# 3. If the database service cannot restart even after the first 2 steps, make sure the database data folder
#    (common for either MySQL or MariaDB) "/var/lib/mysql" is owned by the "mysql" user AND group.
#    Additionally, the folder itself can have 0751 or 0755 file permissions. To fix it, simply do this:
#    $ chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql
#    $ chmod 0755 /var/lib/mysql
#    Finally restart the database service:
#    $ service mysql restart
# ~ FIN ~

port                            = 3306
socket                          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

# Required Settings
basedir                         = /usr
bind_address                    = # Change to to allow remote connections
datadir                         = /var/lib/mysql
max_allowed_packet              = 256M
max_connect_errors              = 1000000
pid_file                        = /var/run/mysqld/
port                            = 3306
socket                          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

# Enable for b/c with databases created in older MySQL/MariaDB versions (e.g. when using null dates)

tmpdir                          = /tmp
user                            = mysql

# InnoDB Settings
default_storage_engine          = InnoDB
innodb_buffer_pool_instances    = 2     # Use 1 instance per 1GB of InnoDB pool size
innodb_buffer_pool_size         = 2G    # Use up to 70-80% of RAM
innodb_file_per_table           = 1
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit  = 0
innodb_flush_method             = O_DIRECT
innodb_log_buffer_size          = 16M
innodb_log_file_size            = 512M
innodb_stats_on_metadata        = 0

#innodb_temp_data_file_path     = ibtmp1:64M:autoextend:max:20G # Control the maximum size for the ibtmp1 file
#innodb_thread_concurrency      = 4     # Optional: Set to the number of CPUs on your system (minus 1 or 2) to better
                                        # contain CPU usage. E.g. if your system has 8 CPUs, try 6 or 7 and check
                                        # the overall load produced by MySQL/MariaDB.
innodb_read_io_threads          = 64
innodb_write_io_threads         = 64

# MyISAM Settings
query_cache_limit               = 4M    # UPD - Option supported by MariaDB & up to MySQL 5.7, remove this line on MySQL 8.x
query_cache_size                = 64M   # UPD - Option supported by MariaDB & up to MySQL 5.7, remove this line on MySQL 8.x
query_cache_type                = 1     # Option supported by MariaDB & up to MySQL 5.7, remove this line on MySQL 8.x

key_buffer_size                 = 32M   # UPD

low_priority_updates            = 1
concurrent_insert               = 2

# Connection Settings
max_connections                 = 100   # UPD

back_log                        = 512
thread_cache_size               = 100
thread_stack                    = 192K

interactive_timeout             = 180
wait_timeout                    = 180

# For MySQL 5.7+ only (disabled by default)
#max_execution_time             = 30000 # Set a timeout limit for SELECT statements (value in milliseconds).
                                        # This option may be useful to address aggressive crawling on large sites,
                                        # but it can also cause issues (e.g. with backups). So use with extreme caution and test!
                                        # More info at:

# For MariaDB 10.1.1+ only (disabled by default)
#max_statement_time             = 30    # The equivalent of "max_execution_time" in MySQL 5.7+ (set above)
                                        # The variable is of type double, thus you can use subsecond timeout.
                                        # For example you can use value 0.01 for 10 milliseconds timeout.
                                        # More info at:

# Buffer Settings
join_buffer_size                = 4M    # UPD
read_buffer_size                = 3M    # UPD
read_rnd_buffer_size            = 4M    # UPD
sort_buffer_size                = 4M    # UPD

# Table Settings
# In systemd managed systems like Ubuntu 16.04+ or CentOS 7+, you need to perform an extra action for table_open_cache & open_files_limit
# to be overriden (also see comment next to open_files_limit).
# E.g. for MySQL 5.7, please check:
# and for MariaDB check:
table_definition_cache          = 40000 # UPD
table_open_cache                = 40000 # UPD
open_files_limit                = 60000 # UPD - This can be 2x to 3x the table_open_cache value or match the system's
                                        # open files limit usually set in /etc/sysctl.conf or /etc/security/limits.conf
                                        # In systemd managed systems this limit must also be set in:
                                        # /etc/systemd/system/mysqld.service.d/override.conf (for MySQL 5.7+) and
                                        # /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/override.conf (for MariaDB)

max_heap_table_size             = 128M
tmp_table_size                  = 128M

# Search Settings
ft_min_word_len                 = 3     # Minimum length of words to be indexed for search results

# Logging
log_error                       = /var/lib/mysql/mysql_error.log
log_queries_not_using_indexes   = 1
long_query_time                 = 5
slow_query_log                  = 0     # Disabled for production
slow_query_log_file             = /var/lib/mysql/mysql_slow.log

# Variable reference
# For MySQL 5.7:
# For MariaDB:
max_allowed_packet              = 64M

bind-address = change to bind-address =
i got a new error: screenshot:

so i have this found its work Big Grin thanks all and here for other guys need help use this:


i have 1 question.
what rights does the user need?

screenshot of my rights :
^ first 2 columns all rights are required so that plugins can be installed without problems.
last column (Administration) rights might not be necessary - BUT suggestion is to also have them !

see this related post => Link