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Full Version: Cache problem
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I've been facing a very annoying cache problem on my forum. I thought it was related to my hosting but we did everything we could on that end.

Here's the summary:
We were using Cloudflare, and I know CF's cache system can be painful. We thought this problem stemmed from CF so we removed it.
The website was working well, but I couldn't get Global.css changes to show up on the website. I check the file on the FTP, and it is updated with my latest changes, yet the file on the website (or the direct link to that global CSS file) never shows the updated file.
I did everything on my end. Cleared cache, tried proxies, tried different browsers.
The changes are reflected HOURS later. For instance, a code I added yesterday morning is finally here, 24 hours later. Yet I still can't apply new changes.

After we realized the problem wasn't related to CF, we're now back on it. It's in development mode. I purged cache a thousand times. I also continuously rebuild cache on MyBB.
The no-cache header setting is set to Yes.
But I'm now sure that this is related to MyBB.

I'm running MyBB 1.8.24. PHP version is 5.6.40.

My Plugins:
Enhanced Account Switcher, FASTyle, GoMobile, MentionMe, MyAlerts, MyProfile, NewPoints, Template Conditionals, Prostats, QuickReferences, Rin Editor, XThreads, YourCode

This problem is preventing us from coding a new skin for our forum.

In short:
- All cache settings on MyBB are correct (I checked several topics on this forum, and I already applied whatever was recommended there).
- CF cache is disabled (development mode) and purged.
- Global.css file is updated on Admin CP (both with FASTyle and with the normal editor) and the FTP file (it is instantly updated).
- Global.css on the website is never updated.
- The forum with and without "www" gets a different version of the Global.css file but it is never the updated one!

Does anyone know what might cause this?
Are you using nginx ? Or any cache system on your server ?
No, there's only LS Cache and it's inactive. I just checked.
Our hosting provider isn't really helping us with this problem.
Do you think this would resolve if we transferred to another one?
I've previously faced similar problems but they never lasted this long. A simple "clear cache" would resolve it. I understand MyBB loads CSS files in the cache but what I don't get is why I still can't get the version of global.css that is in the FTP with the direct link?
I don't know if I can post links here but here is a picture:
[Image: Untitled-1.png]

The left side is what is seen when I access global.css (e.g.
The right side is the updated file on the CSS.
This particular one was finally updated one day later.
Still, any new changes are not shown on the file. So the problem persists.
<span id="sceditor-start-marker" class="sceditor-selection sceditor-ignore" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"> </span><span id="sceditor-end-marker" class="sceditor-selection sceditor-ignore" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"> </span>No, there's only LS Cache and it's inactive. I just checked.
Our hosting provider isn't really helping us with this problem.
Do you think this would resolve if we transferred to another one?
I've previously faced similar problems but they never lasted this long. A simple "clear cache" would resolve it. I understand MyBB loads CSS files in the cache but what I don't get is why I still can't get the version of global.css that is in the FTP with the direct link?
I don't know if I can post links here but here is a picture:
[Image: Untitled-1.png]

The left side is what is seen when I access global.css (e.g.
The right side is the updated file on the CSS.
This particular one was finally updated one day later.
Still, any new changes are not shown on the file. So the problem persists.
Sorry for the flood.

I had to make sure that the problem is due to MyBB's cache.
I copied the global.css from my theme file (cache/themes) and uploaded it to the MyBB root. It shows the updated file.
The two files are identical, yet when I access the one in the cache folder, it shows the old one.

I also disabled all plugins to see if the problem resolves. It does not. This is due to MyBB's caching system and I don't know how to fix it.

Well, I've managed to solve this myself.

I think it was because of the htaccess file, although there was only a single line of code on it.

I found a recommended one on this forum, and also added a line of code that would redirect all users to "www" version of the forum (because the one without still does not update!)

I still think this is a MyBB bug but maybe the following htaccess code will help other users:

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin *

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# Redirect to www
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^[^.]+\.[^.]+$
RewriteCond %{HTTPS}s ^on(s)|
RewriteRule ^ http%1://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]