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Full Version: Can't modify user agreement
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When I try to edit the user agreement, the page is telling me:
"Before you can edit the language file, you must CHMOD the files in this language set so that the server has permission to write to them"

But, I did follow the installation instructions and I believe this command should have fixed the permissions:

chmod 666 inc/languages/english/*.php inc/languages/english/admin/*.php

What am I missing?
i thin the you picked up a wrong language file...
Your command didn't chmod recursively, so it likely didn't actually change the permissions of the specific files you needed. Try the following instead:

chmod -R 666 inc/languages/english/*

If this doesn't work, you can try 777 (may work if your server configuration is non-standard), although it's recommended to change them back afterwards to avoid leaving them world-writeable. Smile
So, thanks for the help guys.
The problem was that the english directory itself had not had its permissions changed. I set it to 777 and everything inside is 777 and now the admin control panel will let me change it.

I'll just have to make sure I put things back afterwards.

Thanks again. I'm trying this BB for the first time and it's nice that there are people willing to help. Smile