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Full Version: Frustrations after reinstalling 1.8.24
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(2020-11-04, 03:34 AM)Darth Apple Wrote: [ -> ]What you pasted is correct, and will enable PHP to display the errors. Let us know what it shows! We'll try to direct you in the right direction. 

This is the result as displayed on the Configuration / Plugins page:

Quote:Fatal error: 'continue' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in /home4/[redacted]/public_html/inc/plugins/akismet.php on line 512

I had a quick look at akismet.php but I have no idea how to find line 512.

(2020-11-04, 07:27 PM)Matt Wrote: [ -> ]Also I was looking at the images issue which was really strange because as said above the images were returning a 302 redirect, but only when being loaded the CSS file, they worked fine when visiting them directly. But I just refreshed again and they're all working now? Has something just been changed?

No, nothing has changed.

Further to the PHP error message I provided above from the plugins page, I have just found this in my admin email account. I have replaced references to my own name with REDACTED throughout.

Quote:Your copy of MyBB running on The Shadow Stew ( has experienced an error. Details of the error include:
Type: 2
File: inc/tasks/mentiome_namecache.php (Line no. 75)
require_once(/home4/REDACTED/public_html/inc/plugins/MentionMe/classes/MentionMeCache.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Back Trace: #0  errorHandler->email_error(2, require_once(/home4/REDACTED/public_html/inc/plugins/MentionMe/classes/MentionMeCache.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory, inc/tasks/mentiome_namecache.php, 75) called at [/home4/REDACTED/public_html/inc/class_error.php:195]
#1  errorHandler->error(2, require_once(/home4/REDACTED/public_html/inc/plugins/MentionMe/classes/MentionMeCache.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory, inc/tasks/mentiome_namecache.php, 75, Array ([task] => Array ([tid] => 15,[title] => MentionMe Name Caching,[description] => Caches active user names mention links to conserve queries during daily use.,[file] => mentiome_namecache,[minute] => 0,[hour] => 0,[day] => *,[month] => *,[weekday] => *,[nextrun] => 1604556000,[lastrun] => 1604384012,[enabled] => 1,[logging] => 1,[locked] => 1604490951),[db] => DB_MySQLi Object ([title] => MySQLi,[short_title] => MySQLi,[type] => mysqli,[query_count] => 7,[querylist] => Array (),[error_reporting] => 1,[read_link] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[stat] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ),[write_link] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[stat] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ),[current_link] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[stat] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ),[database] => REDACTED_mybb1,[explain] => ,[version] => ,[table_type] => myisam,[table_prefix] => mybb_,[engine] => mysqli,[can_search] => 1,[db_encoding] => utf8,[query_time] => 0.057697057723999,[ * last_query_type] => 1,[connections] => Array ([0] => [READ] REDACTED@localhost (Connected in 16 ms))),[mybb] => MyBB Object ([version] => 1.8.24,[version_code] => 1824,[cwd] => .,[input] => Array (),[cookies] => Array ([mybb] => Array ([lastvisit] => 1604558070,[lastactive] => 1604559178,[m_style] => desktop,[announcements] => 0,[threadread] => a:7:{i:5342;i:1585618761;i:5426;i:1598883130;i:5429;i:1599142742;i:5424;i:1603492547;i:5441;i:1604321923;i:5007;i:1604324678;i:10;i:1604378532;},[forumread] => a:5:{i:8;i:1604316879;i:14;i:1604323276;i:11;i:1603791999;i:23;i:1604322375;i:1;i:1604324678;}),[loginattempts] => 1,[optimizelyEndUserId] => oeu1602401223322r0.13476808026582465,[mybbtheme] => 22,[gomobile] => force,[cpsession] => Toungue15r3U5ANGpEhrLf,0176988cf1270bb5a86bb730f78c4392,[timezone] => Australia/Sydney,[sid] => 97cc9efcd9cd06a7ee18e93e1ace2b50),[user] => Array (),[usergroup] => Array (),[settings] => Array ([tapatalk_banner_expire] => 1601493406,[tapatalk_banner_data] => a:14:{s:8:"forum_id";i:1032811;s:10:"forum_logo";s:67:"";s:13:"banner_enable";i:1;s:14:"banner_version";i:9;s:15:"facebook_enable";i:0;s:14:"twitter_enable";i:0;s:13:"google_enable";i:1;s:15:"twitter_account";b:0;s:13:"file_redirect";i:0;s:14:"image_redirect";i:0;s:9:"track_tag";i:0;s:6:"tag_id";s:6:"425016";s:8:"piwik_id";i:18753;s:8:"byo_info";a:15:{s:11:"app_ios_aid";s:0:"";s:14:"app_android_id";s:31:"com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity";s:15:"app_android_aid";s:0:"";s:17:"app_alert_message";s:55:"Read forum faster on mobile. Get the Free Tapatalk app?";s:22:"app_banner_message_ios";s:55:"Read forum faster on mobile. Get the Free Tapatalk app?";s:23:"app_android_description";s:216:"Tapatalk connects to over 100,000 online forums worldwide. Post easily with unlimited Photo and Video sharing and instant push notifications. Tapatalk forever change the way you interact with online forums on mobile.";s:8:"forum_id";s:7:"1032811";s:26:"app_banner_message_android";s:55:"Read forum faster on mobile. Get the Free Tapatalk app?";s:16:"app_alert_status";s:1:"0";s:8:"app_name";s:8:"Tapatalk";s:14:"app_url_scheme";s:8:"tapatalk";s:12:"app_icon_url";s:0:"";s:19:"app_ios_description";s:216:"Tapatalk connects to over 100,000 online forums worldwide. Post easily with unlimited Photo and Video sharing and instant push notifications. Tapatalk forever change the way you interact with online forums on mobile.";s:10:"app_ios_id";s:9:"307880732";s:17:"app_rebranding_id";s:2:"90";}},[tapatalk_push_slug] => a:9:{i:0;i:3;i:1;i:300;i:2;i:1;i:3;s:0:"";i:4;a:0:{}i:5;i:0;i:6;i:0;i:7;i:600;i:8;i:1;},[oa_social_login_create_account] => 0,[oa_social_login_api_connection_display] => 0,[oa_social_login_connection_handler] => cr,[oa_social_login_connection_port] => 443,[oa_social_login_autodetect_button] => 0,[oa_social_login_api_credential_display] => 0,[oa_social_login_subdomain] => ,[oa_social_login_public_key] => ,[oa_social_login_private_key] => ,[oa_social_login_api_verify_button] => 0,[oa_social_login_where_display] => 0,[oa_social_login_main_page] => 0,[oa_social_login_main_page_caption] => Connect with your social network account,[oa_social_login_login_page] => 1,[oa_social_login_login_page_caption] => Or login with your social network account,[oa_social_login_member_page] => 1,[oa_social_login_member_page_caption] => Or login with your social network account,[oa_social_login_registration_page] => 1,[oa_social_login_registration_page_caption] => Register using your social network account,[oa_social_login_other_page] => 0,[oa_social_login_other_page_caption] => Connect with your social network account,[oa_social_login_link_display] => 0,[oa_social_login_link_verified_accounts] => 1,[oa_social_login_link_user_profile] => 1,[oa_social_login_link_user_profile_caption] => Link your social networks accounts to be able to use them to login.,[oa_social_login_avatars_display] => 0,[oa_social_login_avatar] => 1,[oa_social_login_redirection_display] => 0,[oa_social_login_redirection] => ,[oa_social_login_social_network_display] => 0,[load] => 0,[showownunapproved] => 0,[mention_add_postbit_button] => 0,[mail_message_id] => 1,[mail_parameters] => ,[adminemail] => [email protected],[extraadmininfo] => 1,[allowalignmycode] => 1,[allowanonwarningpms] => 1,[allowaway] => 1,[allowbasicmycode] => 1,[allowbuddyonly] => 0,[allowcodemycode] => 1,[allowcolormycode] => 1,[allowcustomwarnings] => 1,[alloweditreason] => 1,[allowemailmycode] => 1,[allowmultipleemails] => 0,[allowfontmycode] => 1,[allowgooglefield] => ,[pmsallowhtml] => 0,[announcementshtml] => 1,[sightml] => 0,[allowicqfield] => ,[allowlinkmycode] => 1,[allowlistmycode] => 1,[allowmemycode] => 1,[multirep] => 0,[pmsallowmycode] => 1,[sigmycode] => 0,[negrep] => 1,[neurep] => 1,[posrep] => 1,[postrep] => 1,[allowremoteavatars] => 1,[allowsizemycode] => 1,[allowskypefield] => -1,[pmsallowsmilies] => 1,[sigsmilies] => 1,[allowsymbolmycode] => 1,[pmsallowimgcode] => 1,[sigimgcode] => 1,[pmsallowvideocode] => 1,[username_method] => 0,[purgespammergroups] => 3,4,6,[fastQuoteText] => Fast quote,[oa_social_login_provider_amazon] => 0,[subscribeexcerpt] => 100,[announcementlimit] => 5,[attachthumbh] => 110,[attachthumbw] => 110,[readparentforums] => 0,[mention_auto_complete] => 1,[extended_polls_delete_unused_polls] => 30,[tapatalk_auto_approve] => 1,[avatarresizing] => auto,[avataruploadpath] => ./uploads/avatars,[profileVisitorsAvatarWidth] => 50x50,[awactialert] => 1,[purgespammerbandelete] => ban,[purgespammerbanreason] => Spam,[purgespammerbangroup] => 7,[oa_social_login_provider_battlenet] => 0,[stopforumspam_block_on_error] => 0,[oa_social_login_provider_blogger] => 0,[boardclosed] => 0,[boardclosed_reason] => The board is currently closed for an upgrade. Please check back later.,[bbname] => The Shadow Stew,[bburl] =>,[mention_cache_time] => 7,[canviewownwarning] => 1,[captchaimage] => 1,[stopforumspam_check_emails] => 1,[stopforumspam_on_contact] => 0,[stopforumspam_on_newreply] => 0,[stopforumspam_on_newthread] => 0,[stopforumspam_check_ips] => 1,[enablestopforumspam_on_register] => 1,[stopforumspam_check_usernames] => 0,[bbcodeinserter] => 1,[partialmode] => 1,[smilieinserter] => 1,[contactemail] => ,[faxno] => ,[contactlink] => contact.php,[cplanguage] => englishgb,[cpstyle] => default,[cookiedomain] =>,[cookiepath] => /,[cookieprefix] => ,[coppa] => deny,[prunepostcountall] => 0,[customtitlemaxlength] => 0,[wolcutoffmins] => 15,[dateformat] => d-m-Y,[datetimesep] => , ,[dstcorrection] => 1,[dayspruneregistered] => 90,[dayspruneunactivated] => 90,[decpoint] => .,[useravatardims] => 100x100,[bblanguage] => englishgb,[default_memberlist_sortby] => username,[default_memberlist_order] => ascending,[timezoneoffset] => 0,[useravatar] => images/default_avatar.png,[delayedthreadviews] => 0,[tapatalk_ad_filter] => LTUAE,Darkest shadows,NSFW,Conversations on your choice of topics,Global politics,Travel,Sport,Matchmaking,Discussion about board policies,Feature requests,Technical faults,Moderator's forum,[no_plugins] => 1,[contact_guests] => 0,[tapatalk_forum_read_only] => ,[disableregs] => 0,[hiddencaptchaimage] => 1,[hello_display1] => 1,[hello_display2] => 1,[failedlogintext] => 1,[mention_display_symbol] => @,[oa_social_login_provider_disqus] => 0,[extended_polls_ipban_guest] => 1,[oa_social_login_provider_draugiem] => 0,[oa_social_login_provider_dribbble] => 0,[mention_advanced_matching] => 1,[enableattachments] => 1,[enablecalendar] => 0,[contact] => 1,[enableforumjump] => 1,[enableshowteam] => 0,[helpsearch] => 1,[enablememberlist] => 0,[portal] => 1,[enablepms] => 1,[enablereputation] => 1,[seourls_archive] => 0,[seourls] => yes,[soft_delete] => 1,[statsenabled] => 1,[enablepruning] => 0,[enablewarningsystem] => 1,[contact_badwords] => 0,[use_xmlhttprequest] => 1,[errorloglocation] => ./error.log,[errorlogmedium] => both,[errortypemedium] => none,[deleteinvites] => 0,[oa_social_login_provider_facebook] => 1,[fastQuoteImageStyle] => background-position: 0 -100px;
text-indent: -9999px;,[profileVisitorsForceSave] => 1,[forcelogin] => 0,[mention_format_names] => 1,[portal_excludediscussion] => ,[portal_announcementsfid] => 7,14,20,8,3,13,21,6,10,4,1,11,5,[modlist] => 0,[oa_social_login_provider_foursquare] => 0,[redirects] => 1,[mention_full_text_search] => 0,[oa_social_login_provider_github] => 0,[profileVisitorsEnabled] => 1,[oa_social_login_provider_google] => 0,[google_ver] => Goes here,[useravatarrating] => x,[gziplevel] => 4,[searchhardlimit] => 0,[hcaptchaprivatekey] => ,[hcaptchapublickey] => ,[hcaptchasize] => normal,[hcaptchatheme] => light,[hiddencaptchaimagefield] => email3,[tapatalk_hide_forum] => ,[hideprivateforums] => 1,[hidesignatures] => ,[hidewebsite] => ,[gomobile_homelink] =>,[gomobile_homename] => The Shadow Stew,[homename] => The Shadow Stew,[homeurl] =>,[tapatalk_register_status] => 2,[oa_social_login_provider_instagram] => 0,[siglength] => 0,[oa_social_login_provider_linkedin] => 0,[oa_social_login_provider_livejournal] => 0,[mention_lock_selection] => 1,[stopforumspam_log_blocks] => 0,[loginattemptstimeout] => 15,[mail_handler] => mail,[mail_logging] => 2,[oa_social_login_provider_mailru] => 0,[mailingaddress] => ,[maxloginattempts] => 5,[avatarsize] => 25,[maxattachments] => 5,[maxavatardims] => 100x100,[postmaxavatarsize] => 55x55,[memberlistmaxavatarsize] => 70x70,[maxpostimages] => 10,[mention_max_items] => 5,[maxmessagelength] => 65535,[contact_maxmessagelength] => 65535,[maxquotedepth] => 5,[maxsigimages] => 0,[maxpolloptions] => 30,[maxmultipagelinks] => 10,[maxpasswordlength] => 30,[maxpmquotedepth] => 5,[polloptionlimit] => 250,[maxregsbetweentime] => 2,[maxreplength] => 300,[contact_maxsubjectlength] => 85,[maxnamelength] => 30,[maxpostvideos] => 3,[maxwarningpoints] => 10,[mention_max_thread_participants] => 5,[membersperpage] => 20,[postmergefignore] => ,[postmergesep] =>

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Opera Mini
Opera Mobi
Windows Phone
Playstation Vita
Dorothy,[tapatalk_register_group] => 2,[userpppoptions] => 5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,[usertppoptions] => 10,15,20,25,30,40,50,[browsingthisforum] => 0,[browsingthisthread] => 1,[emailkeep] => 0,[hottopicviews] => 150,[oa_social_login_provider_vimeo] => 0,[profileVisitorsLimit] => 5,[oa_social_login_provider_vkontakte] => 0,[author] => Goes here,[wolorder] => username,[oa_social_login_provider_windowslive] => 0,[oa_social_login_provider_wordpress] => 0,[desc] => Goes here,[key] => Goes here,[oa_social_login_provider_yahoo] => 0,[oa_social_login_provider_youtube] => 0,[wolcutoff] => 900,[bbname_orig] => The Shadow Stew,[orig_bblanguage] => englishgb,[internal] => Array ([encryption_key] => IrPfZwjCCFWO8k2g99dLpaYhJDLuvyH9)),[magicquotes] => 0,[seo_support] => 1,[config] => Array ([database] => Array ([type] => mysqli,[database] => REDACTED_mybb1,[table_prefix] => mybb_,[hostname] => localhost,[username] => REDACTED,[password] => .5wlbdQwtz0G,[encoding] => utf8),[admin_dir] => 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20,[subject] => Niagara falls tour from NYC,[views] => 3525,[fid] => 9,[uid] => 9),[9] => Array ([tid] => 2938,[subject] => What say?,[views] => 3094,[fid] => 3,[uid] => 14),[10] => Array ([tid] => 328,[subject] => MY DC tour,[views] => 2927,[fid] => 9,[uid] => 21),[11] => Array ([tid] => 18,[subject] => Hi! All..,[views] => 2923,[fid] => 9,[uid] => 14),[12] => Array ([tid] => 21,[subject] => Your favorite Places,[views] => 2851,[fid] => 9,[uid] => 19),[13] => Array ([tid] => 27,[subject] => Option of history lovers.,[views] => 2779,[fid] => 9,[uid] => 9),[14] => Array ([tid] => 15,[subject] => Any Idea?,[views] => 2650,[fid] => 9,[uid] => 14)),[smilies] => Array ([1] => Array ([sid] => 1,[name] => Smile,[find] => Smile,[image] => images/smilies/smile.png,[disporder] => 1,[showclickable] => 1),[2] => Array ([sid] => 2,[name] => Wink,[find] => Wink,[image] => images/smilies/wink.png,[disporder] => 2,[showclickable] => 1),[3] => Array ([sid] => 3,[name] => Cool,[find] => Cool,[image] => images/smilies/cool.png,[disporder] => 3,[showclickable] => 1),[4] => Array ([sid] => 4,[name] => Big Grin,[find] => Big Grin,[image] => images/smilies/biggrin.png,[disporder] => 4,[showclickable] => 1),[5] => Array ([sid] => 5,[name] => Tongue,[find] => Toungue,[image] => 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1,[canchangename] => 1,[canbereported] => 0,[canchangewebsite] => 1,[showforumteam] => 0,[usereputationsystem] => 1,[cangivereputations] => 1,[candeletereputations] => 1,[reputationpower] => 2,[maxreputationsday] => 0,[maxreputationsperuser] => 0,[maxreputationsperthread] => 0,[candisplaygroup] => 1,[attachquota] => 0,[cancustomtitle] => 1,[canwarnusers] => 1,[canreceivewarnings] => 1,[maxwarningsday] => 0,[canmodcp] => 1,[showinbirthdaylist] => 1,[canoverridepm] => 1,[canusesig] => 1,[canusesigxposts] => 0,[signofollow] => 0,[edittimelimit] => 0,[maxposts] => 0,[showmemberlist] => 1,[canmanageannounce] => 1,[canmanagemodqueue] => 1,[canmanagereportedcontent] => 1,[canviewmodlogs] => 1,[caneditprofiles] => 1,[canbanusers] => 1,[canviewwarnlogs] => 1,[canuseipsearch] => 1),[5] => Array ([gid] => 5,[type] => 1,[title] => Awaiting Activation,[description] => Users that have not activated their account by email or manually been activated yet.,[namestyle] => {username},[usertitle] => Account not Activated,[stars] => 0,[starimage] => images/star.png,[image] => ,[disporder] => 0,[isbannedgroup] => 0,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canviewprofiles] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canviewboardclosed] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[canundovotes] => 0,[canusepms] => 0,[cansendpms] => 0,[cantrackpms] => 0,[candenypmreceipts] => 0,[pmquota] => 20,[maxpmrecipients] => 5,[cansendemail] => 0,[cansendemailoverride] => 0,[maxemails] => 5,[emailfloodtime] => 5,[canviewmemberlist] => 0,[canviewcalendar] => 0,[canaddevents] => 0,[canbypasseventmod] => 0,[canmoderateevents] => 0,[canviewonline] => 0,[canviewwolinvis] => 0,[canviewonlineips] => 0,[cancp] => 0,[issupermod] => 0,[cansearch] => 0,[canusercp] => 1,[canuploadavatars] => 0,[canratemembers] => 0,[canchangename] => 0,[canbereported] => 1,[canchangewebsite] => 0,[showforumteam] => 0,[usereputationsystem] => 0,[cangivereputations] => 0,[candeletereputations] => 0,[reputationpower] => 0,[maxreputationsday] => 0,[maxreputationsperuser] => 0,[maxreputationsperthread] => 0,[candisplaygroup] => 1,[attachquota] => 0,[cancustomtitle] => 0,[canwarnusers] => 0,[canreceivewarnings] => 0,[maxwarningsday] => 0,[canmodcp] => 0,[showinbirthdaylist] => 0,[canoverridepm] => 0,[canusesig] => 0,[canusesigxposts] => 0,[signofollow] => 0,[edittimelimit] => 0,[maxposts] => 0,[showmemberlist] => 0,[canmanageannounce] => 0,[canmanagemodqueue] => 0,[canmanagereportedcontent] => 0,[canviewmodlogs] => 0,[caneditprofiles] => 0,[canbanusers] => 0,[canviewwarnlogs] => 0,[canuseipsearch] => 0),[6] => Array ([gid] => 6,[type] => 1,[title] => Moderators,[description] => These users moderate specific forums.,[namestyle] => {username},[usertitle] => ,[stars] => 0,[starimage] => images/star.png,[image] => ,[disporder] => 3,[isbannedgroup] => 0,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canviewprofiles] => 1,[candlattachments] => 1,[canviewboardclosed] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 1,[canpostreplys] => 1,[canpostattachments] => 1,[canratethreads] => 1,[modposts] => 1,[modthreads] => 1,[mod_edit_posts] => 1,[modattachments] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[caneditattachments] => 1,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 1,[canvotepolls] => 1,[canundovotes] => 0,[canusepms] => 1,[cansendpms] => 1,[cantrackpms] => 1,[candenypmreceipts] => 1,[pmquota] => 300,[maxpmrecipients] => 0,[cansendemail] => 0,[cansendemailoverride] => 1,[maxemails] => 0,[emailfloodtime] => 0,[canviewmemberlist] => 1,[canviewcalendar] => 1,[canaddevents] => 1,[canbypasseventmod] => 0,[canmoderateevents] => 1,[canviewonline] => 1,[canviewwolinvis] => 0,[canviewonlineips] => 0,[cancp] => 0,[issupermod] => 0,[cansearch] => 1,[canusercp] => 1,[canuploadavatars] => 1,[canratemembers] => 1,[canchangename] => 0,[canbereported] => 1,[canchangewebsite] => 1,[showforumteam] => 0,[usereputationsystem] => 1,[cangivereputations] => 1,[candeletereputations] => 0,[reputationpower] => 1,[maxreputationsday] => 30,[maxreputationsperuser] => 0,[maxreputationsperthread] => 0,[candisplaygroup] => 1,[attachquota] => 0,[cancustomtitle] => 1,[canwarnusers] => 1,[canreceivewarnings] => 1,[maxwarningsday] => 30,[canmodcp] => 1,[showinbirthdaylist] => 0,[canoverridepm] => 1,[canusesig] => 1,[canusesigxposts] => 0,[signofollow] => 0,[edittimelimit] => 0,[maxposts] => 0,[showmemberlist] => 1,[canmanageannounce] => 1,[canmanagemodqueue] => 1,[canmanagereportedcontent] => 1,[canviewmodlogs] => 1,[caneditprofiles] => 1,[canbanusers] => 0,[canviewwarnlogs] => 1,[canuseipsearch] => 1),[7] => Array ([gid] => 7,[type] => 1,[title] => Banned,[description] => The default user group to which members that are banned are moved to.,[namestyle] => <s>{username}</s>,[usertitle] => Banned,[stars] => 0,[starimage] => images/star.png,[image] => ,[disporder] => 0,[isbannedgroup] => 1,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canviewprofiles] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canviewboardclosed] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[canundovotes] => 0,[canusepms] => 1,[cansendpms] => 0,[cantrackpms] => 0,[candenypmreceipts] => 0,[pmquota] => 0,[maxpmrecipients] => 0,[cansendemail] => 0,[cansendemailoverride] => 0,[maxemails] => 5,[emailfloodtime] => 5,[canviewmemberlist] => 0,[canviewcalendar] => 0,[canaddevents] => 0,[canbypasseventmod] => 0,[canmoderateevents] => 0,[canviewonline] => 0,[canviewwolinvis] => 0,[canviewonlineips] => 0,[cancp] => 0,[issupermod] => 0,[cansearch] => 0,[canusercp] => 0,[canuploadavatars] => 0,[canratemembers] => 0,[canchangename] => 0,[canbereported] => 0,[canchangewebsite] => 0,[showforumteam] => 0,[usereputationsystem] => 0,[cangivereputations] => 0,[candeletereputations] => 0,[reputationpower] => 0,[maxreputationsday] => 0,[maxreputationsperuser] => 0,[maxreputationsperthread] => 0,[candisplaygroup] => 1,[attachquota] => 0,[cancustomtitle] => 0,[canwarnusers] => 0,[canreceivewarnings] => 0,[maxwarningsday] => 0,[canmodcp] => 0,[showinbirthdaylist] => 0,[canoverridepm] => 0,[canusesig] => 0,[canusesigxposts] => 0,[signofollow] => 0,[edittimelimit] => 0,[maxposts] => 0,[showmemberlist] => 0,[canmanageannounce] => 0,[canmanagemodqueue] => 0,[canmanagereportedcontent] => 0,[canviewmodlogs] => 0,[caneditprofiles] => 0,[canbanusers] => 0,[canviewwarnlogs] => 0,[canuseipsearch] => 0),[8] => Array ([gid] => 8,[type] => 2,[title] => Darkest shadows,[description] => Membership by invitation,[namestyle] => {username},[usertitle] => ,[stars] => 0,[starimage] => images/star.png,[image] => ,[disporder] => 0,[isbannedgroup] => 0,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canviewprofiles] => 1,[candlattachments] => 1,[canviewboardclosed] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 1,[canpostreplys] => 1,[canpostattachments] => 1,[canratethreads] => 1,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[caneditposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 1,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 1,[canvotepolls] => 1,[canundovotes] => 0,[canusepms] => 1,[cansendpms] => 1,[cantrackpms] => 1,[candenypmreceipts] => 1,[pmquota] => 200,[maxpmrecipients] => 0,[cansendemail] => 0,[cansendemailoverride] => 0,[maxemails] => 0,[emailfloodtime] => 0,[canviewmemberlist] => 1,[canviewcalendar] => 1,[canaddevents] => 1,[canbypasseventmod] => 0,[canmoderateevents] => 0,[canviewonline] => 1,[canviewwolinvis] => 0,[canviewonlineips] => 0,[cancp] => 0,[issupermod] => 0,[cansearch] => 1,[canusercp] => 1,[canuploadavatars] => 1,[canratemembers] => 1,[canchangename] => 0,[canbereported] => 1,[canchangewebsite] => 1,[showforumteam] => 0,[usereputationsystem] => 1,[cangivereputations] => 1,[candeletereputations] => 0,[reputationpower] => 1,[maxreputationsday] => 5,[maxreputationsperuser] => 0,[maxreputationsperthread] => 5,[candisplaygroup] => 0,[attachquota] => 0,[cancustomtitle] => 1,[canwarnusers] => 0,[canreceivewarnings] => 1,[maxwarningsday] => 0,[canmodcp] => 0,[showinbirthdaylist] => 0,[canoverridepm] => 0,[canusesig] => 1,[canusesigxposts] => 0,[signofollow] => 0,[edittimelimit] => 720,[maxposts] => 0,[showmemberlist] => 1,[canmanageannounce] => 0,[canmanagemodqueue] => 0,[canmanagereportedcontent] => 0,[canviewmodlogs] => 0,[caneditprofiles] => 0,[canbanusers] => 0,[canviewwarnlogs] => 0,[canuseipsearch] => 0),[9] => Array ([gid] => 9,[type] => 3,[title] => Spamville,[description] => ,[namestyle] => {username},[usertitle] => ,[stars] => 0,[starimage] => images/star.png,[image] => ,[disporder] => 0,[isbannedgroup] => 0,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canviewprofiles] => 1,[candlattachments] => 1,[canviewboardclosed] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 1,[canpostreplys] => 1,[canpostattachments] => 1,[canratethreads] => 1,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[caneditposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[caneditattachments] => 1,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 1,[canpostpolls] => 1,[canvotepolls] => 1,[canundovotes] => 0,[canusepms] => 1,[cansendpms] => 1,[cantrackpms] => 1,[candenypmreceipts] => 1,[pmquota] => 100,[maxpmrecipients] => 5,[cansendemail] => 1,[cansendemailoverride] => 0,[maxemails] => 4,[emailfloodtime] => 5,[canviewmemberlist] => 1,[canviewcalendar] => 1,[canaddevents] => 1,[canbypasseventmod] => 0,[canmoderateevents] => 0,[canviewonline] => 1,[canviewwolinvis] => 0,[canviewonlineips] => 0,[cancp] => 0,[issupermod] => 0,[cansearch] => 1,[canusercp] => 1,[canuploadavatars] => 1,[canratemembers] => 1,[canchangename] => 0,[canbereported] => 0,[canchangewebsite] => 1,[showforumteam] => 0,[usereputationsystem] => 1,[cangivereputations] => 1,[candeletereputations] => 1,[reputationpower] => 1,[maxreputationsday] => 5,[maxreputationsperuser] => 0,[maxreputationsperthread] => 0,[candisplaygroup] => 0,[attachquota] => 5000,[cancustomtitle] => 0,[canwarnusers] => 0,[canreceivewarnings] => 1,[maxwarningsday] => 0,[canmodcp] => 0,[showinbirthdaylist] => 0,[canoverridepm] => 0,[canusesig] => 0,[canusesigxposts] => 0,[signofollow] => 0,[edittimelimit] => 0,[maxposts] => 0,[showmemberlist] => 1,[canmanageannounce] => 0,[canmanagemodqueue] => 0,[canmanagereportedcontent] => 0,[canviewmodlogs] => 0,[caneditprofiles] => 0,[canbanusers] => 0,[canviewwarnlogs] => 0,[canuseipsearch] => 0),[10] => Array ([gid] => 10,[type] => 2,[title] => LTUAE,[description] => ,[namestyle] => {username},[usertitle] => ,[stars] => 0,[starimage] => images/star.png,[image] => ,[disporder] => 0,[isbannedgroup] => 0,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canviewprofiles] => 1,[candlattachments] => 1,[canviewboardclosed] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 1,[canpostreplys] => 1,[canpostattachments] => 1,[canratethreads] => 1,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[caneditposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[caneditattachments] => 1,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 1,[canpostpolls] => 1,[canvotepolls] => 1,[canundovotes] => 0,[canusepms] => 1,[cansendpms] => 1,[cantrackpms] => 1,[candenypmreceipts] => 1,[pmquota] => 100,[maxpmrecipients] => 5,[cansendemail] => 1,[cansendemailoverride] => 0,[maxemails] => 4,[emailfloodtime] => 5,[canviewmemberlist] => 1,[canviewcalendar] => 1,[canaddevents] => 1,[canbypasseventmod] => 0,[canmoderateevents] => 0,[canviewonline] => 1,[canviewwolinvis] => 0,[canviewonlineips] => 0,[cancp] => 0,[issupermod] => 0,[cansearch] => 1,[canusercp] => 1,[canuploadavatars] => 1,[canratemembers] => 1,[canchangename] => 0,[canbereported] => 1,[canchangewebsite] => 1,[showforumteam] => 0,[usereputationsystem] => 1,[cangivereputations] => 1,[candeletereputations] => 1,[reputationpower] => 1,[maxreputationsday] => 5,[maxreputationsperuser] => 0,[maxreputationsperthread] => 0,[candisplaygroup] => 0,[attachquota] => 5000,[cancustomtitle] => 0,[canwarnusers] => 0,[canreceivewarnings] => 1,[maxwarningsday] => 0,[canmodcp] => 0,[showinbirthdaylist] => 0,[canoverridepm] => 0,[canusesig] => 1,[canusesigxposts] => 0,[signofollow] => 0,[edittimelimit] => 0,[maxposts] => 0,[showmemberlist] => 0,[canmanageannounce] => 0,[canmanagemodqueue] => 0,[canmanagereportedcontent] => 0,[canviewmodlogs] => 0,[caneditprofiles] => 0,[canbanusers] => 0,[canviewwarnlogs] => 0,[canuseipsearch] => 0)),[stats] => Array ([numthreads] => 5224,[numunapprovedthreads] => 0,[numposts] => 25020,[numunapprovedposts] => 0,[numusers] => 340,[numdeletedposts] => 3,[numdeletedthreads] => 3,[lastuid] => 348,[lastusername] => testuser),[statistics] => Array ([time] => 1604476614,[top_referrer] => Array (),[top_poster] => Array ([uid] => 64,[username] => REDACTED,[poststoday] => 1),[posters] => 178),[forums] => Array ([7] => Array ([fid] => 7,[name] => General discussion,[description] => ,[linkto] => ,[type] => c,[pid] => 0,[parentlist] => 7,[disporder] => 1,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[13] => Array ([fid] => 13,[name] => Specialist topics,[description] => For civil discussion between like-minded people.,[linkto] => ,[type] => c,[pid] => 0,[parentlist] => 13,[disporder] => 2,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[4] => Array ([fid] => 4,[name] => Good housekeeping,[description] => ,[linkto] => ,[type] => c,[pid] => 0,[parentlist] => 4,[disporder] => 3,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 0,[allowvideocode] => 0,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[22] => Array ([fid] => 22,[name] => Administration,[description] => ,[linkto] => ,[type] => c,[pid] => 0,[parentlist] => 22,[disporder] => 4,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[16] => Array ([fid] => 16,[name] => Spamville,[description] => An unregulated, unmoderated community service for all those contributors from South Asia earning $0.05 per post.,[linkto] => ,[type] => c,[pid] => 0,[parentlist] => 16,[disporder] => 5,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[1] => Array ([fid] => 1,[name] => Discussion about board policies,[description] => In which we discuss ... no, we explain the moderation rules. And perhaps even moderating decisions.,[linkto] => ,[type] => f,[pid] => 4,[parentlist] => 4,1,[disporder] => 1,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 0,[allowvideocode] => 0,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[11] => Array ([fid] => 11,[name] => Feature requests,[description] => In which we make suggestions on board features to add or remove.,[linkto] => ,[type] => f,[pid] => 4,[parentlist] => 4,11,[disporder] => 2,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[5] => Array ([fid] => 5,[name] => Technical faults,[description] => In which we find out what goes wrong.,[linkto] => ,[type] => f,[pid] => 4,[parentlist] => 4,5,[disporder] => 3,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 0,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[23] => Array ([fid] => 23,[name] => LTUAE,[description] => A private club, really.,[linkto] => ,[type] => f,[pid] => 7,[parentlist] => 7,23,[disporder] => 1,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[14] => Array ([fid] => 14,[name] => Darkest shadows,[description] => In which we find the original, legendary and much-whispered-about 'Shadow Stew'. Members know who they are.,[linkto] => ,[type] => f,[pid] => 7,[parentlist] => 7,14,[disporder] => 2,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[8] => Array ([fid] => 8,[name] => Conversations on your choice of topics,[description] => In which we dazzle with our wit and our erudition, and impress with our life experiences. Or fail, and meet the 'ignore' button.,[linkto] => ,[type] => f,[pid] => 7,[parentlist] => 7,8,[disporder] => 3,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[3] => Array ([fid] => 3,[name] => Global politics,[description] => In which we offer firm advice on how to fix the world, perhaps in robust terms but using reasoned and well-crafted arguments.,[linkto] => ,[type] => f,[pid] => 7,[parentlist] => 7,3,[disporder] => 4,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[21] => Array ([fid] => 21,[name] => Travel,[description] => In which we tourists ask for advice or report our adventures.,[linkto] => ,[type] => f,[pid] => 13,[parentlist] => 13,21,[disporder] => 1,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[6] => Array ([fid] => 6,[name] => Sport,[description] => In which we quarantine all talk of sweaty team activities. Apparently, there's a demand for this type of forum. ,[linkto] => ,[type] => f,[pid] => 13,[parentlist] => 13,6,[disporder] => 2,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[10] => Array ([fid] => 10,[name] => Matchmaking,[description] => In which we try our best flirty talk and come-ons, safe in the knowledge that no one here is likely to act on them. Unless ...  ,[linkto] => ,[type] => f,[pid] => 13,[parentlist] => 13,10,[disporder] => 4,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[20] => Array ([fid] => 20,[name] => NSFW,[description] => In which we put generally trashy posts.,[linkto] => ,[type] => f,[pid] => 14,[parentlist] => 7,14,20,[disporder] => 3,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[9] => Array ([fid] => 9,[name] => Travel (spam),[description] => ,[linkto] => ,[type] => f,[pid] => 16,[parentlist] => 16,9,[disporder] => 1,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 2,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[19] => Array ([fid] => 19,[name] => Sport (spam),[description] => ,[linkto] => ,[type] => f,[pid] => 16,[parentlist] => 16,19,[disporder] => 2,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[18] => Array ([fid] => 18,[name] => Everything else (spam),[description] => ,[linkto] => ,[type] => f,[pid] => 16,[parentlist] => 16,18,[disporder] => 3,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[12] => Array ([fid] => 12,[name] => Moderator's forum,[description] => Private forum.,[linkto] => ,[type] => f,[pid] => 22,[parentlist] => 22,12,[disporder] => 1,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => ),[15] => Array ([fid] => 15,[name] => Recycle bin,[description] => For moderator action,[linkto] => ,[type] => f,[pid] => 22,[parentlist] => 22,15,[disporder] => 2,[active] => 1,[open] => 1,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 1,[allowpicons] => 1,[allowtratings] => 1,[usepostcounts] => 1,[usethreadcounts] => 1,[requireprefix] => 0,[password] => ,[showinjump] => 1,[style] => 0,[overridestyle] => 0,[rulestype] => 0,[rulestitle] => ,[rules] => ,[defaultdatecut] => 0,[defaultsortby] => ,[defaultsortorder] => )),[moderators] => Array ([0] => 0,[7] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 4,[fid] => 7,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators))),[23] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 4,[fid] => 7,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators)),[users] => Array ([64] => Array ([mid] => 32,[fid] => 23,[id] => 64,[isgroup] => 0,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[username] => REDACTED,[usergroup] => 8,[displaygroup] => 0))),[14] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 21,[fid] => 14,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators))),[20] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 21,[fid] => 14,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators))),[8] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 12,[fid] => 8,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators),[6] => Array ([mid] => 2,[fid] => 8,[id] => 6,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 0,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Moderators),[3] => Array ([mid] => 23,[fid] => 8,[id] => 3,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Super Moderators))),[3] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 13,[fid] => 3,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators),[6] => Array ([mid] => 5,[fid] => 3,[id] => 6,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 0,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Moderators),[3] => Array ([mid] => 24,[fid] => 3,[id] => 3,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Super Moderators))),[13] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 22,[fid] => 13,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators))),[21] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 22,[fid] => 13,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators))),[6] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 15,[fid] => 6,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators),[6] => Array ([mid] => 7,[fid] => 6,[id] => 6,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 0,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Moderators),[3] => Array ([mid] => 25,[fid] => 6,[id] => 3,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Super Moderators))),[10] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 17,[fid] => 10,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators),[6] => Array ([mid] => 16,[fid] => 10,[id] => 6,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 0,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Moderators),[3] => Array ([mid] => 27,[fid] => 10,[id] => 3,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Super Moderators))),[4] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 8,[fid] => 4,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators))),[1] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 1,[fid] => 1,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators),[3] => Array ([mid] => 28,[fid] => 1,[id] => 3,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Super Moderators))),[11] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 19,[fid] => 11,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators),[3] => Array ([mid] => 29,[fid] => 11,[id] => 3,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Super Moderators))),[5] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 11,[fid] => 5,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators),[3] => Array ([mid] => 30,[fid] => 5,[id] => 3,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Super Moderators))),[22] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 31,[fid] => 22,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators))),[12] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 20,[fid] => 12,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators))),[15] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 31,[fid] => 22,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators))),[16] => Array (),[9] => Array ([usergroups] => Array ([4] => Array ([mid] => 14,[fid] => 9,[id] => 4,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Administrators),[6] => Array ([mid] => 6,[fid] => 9,[id] => 6,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 0,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Moderators),[3] => Array ([mid] => 26,[fid] => 9,[id] => 3,[isgroup] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[cansoftdeleteposts] => 1,[canrestoreposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[cansoftdeletethreads] => 1,[canrestorethreads] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[canviewips] => 1,[canviewunapprove] => 1,[canviewdeleted] => 1,[canopenclosethreads] => 1,[canstickunstickthreads] => 1,[canapproveunapprovethreads] => 1,[canapproveunapproveposts] => 1,[canapproveunapproveattachs] => 1,[canmanagethreads] => 1,[canmanagepolls] => 1,[canpostclosedthreads] => 1,[canmovetononmodforum] => 1,[canusecustomtools] => 1,[canmanageannouncements] => 1,[canmanagereportedposts] => 1,[canviewmodlog] => 1,[title] => Super Moderators))),[19] => Array (),[18] => Array ()),[usertitles] => Array ([0] => Array ([utid] => 5,[posts] => 1000,[title] => My life is this board,[stars] => 0,[starimage] => ),[1] => Array ([utid] => 4,[posts] => 500,[title] => Battle-scarred forum veteran,[stars] => 0,[starimage] => ),[2] => Array ([utid] => 3,[posts] => 50,[title] => Member,[stars] => 0,[starimage] => ),[3] => Array ([utid] => 1,[posts] => 0,[title] => Newbie,[stars] => 0,[starimage] => )),[reportedcontent] => Array ([unread] => 3,[total] => 4,[lastdateline] => 1542120508),[awaitingactivation] => Array ([users] => 0,[time] => 1604496457),[mycode] => Array (),[profilefields] => Array ([0] => Array ([fid] => 1,[name] => Location,[description] => Where in the world do you live?,[disporder] => 1,[type] => text,[regex] => ,[length] => 0,[maxlength] => 255,[required] => 0,[registration] => 0,[profile] => 1,[postbit] => 0,[viewableby] => -1,[editableby] => -1,[postnum] => 0,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 0),[1] => Array ([fid] => 2,[name] => Bio,[description] => Enter a few short details about yourself, your life story etc.,[disporder] => 2,[type] => textarea,[regex] => ,[length] => 0,[maxlength] => 0,[required] => 0,[registration] => 0,[profile] => 1,[postbit] => 0,[viewableby] => -1,[editableby] => -1,[postnum] => 0,[allowhtml] => 0,[allowmycode] => 1,[allowsmilies] => 1,[allowimgcode] => 1,[allowvideocode] => 0)),[forumpermissions] => Array ([0] => 0,[7] => Array ([9] => Array ([pid] => 147,[fid] => 7,[gid] => 9,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0)),[23] => Array ([1] => Array ([pid] => 304,[fid] => 23,[gid] => 1,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[2] => Array ([pid] => 305,[fid] => 23,[gid] => 2,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[5] => Array ([pid] => 306,[fid] => 23,[gid] => 5,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[7] => Array ([pid] => 307,[fid] => 23,[gid] => 7,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[8] => Array ([pid] => 308,[fid] => 23,[gid] => 8,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[9] => Array ([pid] => 309,[fid] => 23,[gid] => 9,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[10] => Array ([pid] => 310,[fid] => 23,[gid] => 10,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 1,[canpostreplys] => 1,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 1,[canratethreads] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[caneditattachments] => 1,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 1,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 1,[canvotepolls] => 1,[cansearch] => 1)),[14] => Array ([1] => Array ([pid] => 311,[fid] => 14,[gid] => 1,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[2] => Array ([pid] => 312,[fid] => 14,[gid] => 2,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[3] => Array ([pid] => 313,[fid] => 14,[gid] => 3,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 1,[canpostreplys] => 1,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 1,[canratethreads] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[caneditattachments] => 1,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 1,[canvotepolls] => 1,[cansearch] => 1),[5] => Array ([pid] => 314,[fid] => 14,[gid] => 5,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[8] => Array ([pid] => 315,[fid] => 14,[gid] => 8,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 1,[canpostreplys] => 1,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 1,[canratethreads] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 1,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 1,[canvotepolls] => 1,[cansearch] => 1),[9] => Array ([pid] => 316,[fid] => 14,[gid] => 9,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1),[10] => Array ([pid] => 317,[fid] => 14,[gid] => 10,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0)),[20] => Array ([1] => Array ([pid] => 161,[fid] => 20,[gid] => 1,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[2] => Array ([pid] => 162,[fid] => 20,[gid] => 2,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[3] => Array ([pid] => 313,[fid] => 20,[gid] => 3,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 1,[canpostreplys] => 1,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 1,[canratethreads] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[caneditattachments] => 1,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 1,[canvotepolls] => 1,[cansearch] => 1),[5] => Array ([pid] => 163,[fid] => 20,[gid] => 5,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[8] => Array ([pid] => 315,[fid] => 20,[gid] => 8,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 1,[canpostreplys] => 1,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 1,[canratethreads] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 1,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 1,[canvotepolls] => 1,[cansearch] => 1),[9] => Array ([pid] => 164,[fid] => 20,[gid] => 9,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1),[10] => Array ([pid] => 317,[fid] => 20,[gid] => 10,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0)),[8] => Array ([1] => Array ([pid] => 137,[fid] => 8,[gid] => 1,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1),[9] => Array ([pid] => 142,[fid] => 8,[gid] => 9,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1)),[3] => Array ([1] => Array ([pid] => 144,[fid] => 3,[gid] => 1,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1),[9] => Array ([pid] => 145,[fid] => 3,[gid] => 9,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1)),[13] => Array ([1] => Array ([pid] => 135,[fid] => 13,[gid] => 1,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1),[9] => Array ([pid] => 148,[fid] => 13,[gid] => 9,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0)),[21] => Array ([1] => Array ([pid] => 135,[fid] => 21,[gid] => 1,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1),[9] => Array ([pid] => 148,[fid] => 21,[gid] => 9,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0)),[6] => Array ([1] => Array ([pid] => 135,[fid] => 6,[gid] => 1,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1),[9] => Array ([pid] => 148,[fid] => 6,[gid] => 9,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0)),[10] => Array ([1] => Array ([pid] => 135,[fid] => 10,[gid] => 1,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1),[9] => Array ([pid] => 148,[fid] => 10,[gid] => 9,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0)),[4] => Array ([1] => Array ([pid] => 150,[fid] => 4,[gid] => 1,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1),[2] => Array ([pid] => 151,[fid] => 4,[gid] => 2,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 1,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1),[9] => Array ([pid] => 152,[fid] => 4,[gid] => 9,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0)),[1] => Array ([1] => Array ([pid] => 150,[fid] => 1,[gid] => 1,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1),[2] => Array ([pid] => 100,[fid] => 1,[gid] => 2,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 1,[canpostreplys] => 1,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 1,[canpostattachments] => 1,[canratethreads] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1),[8] => Array ([pid] => 101,[fid] => 1,[gid] => 8,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 1,[canpostreplys] => 1,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 1,[canratethreads] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[caneditattachments] => 1,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 1,[cansearch] => 1),[9] => Array ([pid] => 152,[fid] => 1,[gid] => 9,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0)),[11] => Array ([1] => Array ([pid] => 150,[fid] => 11,[gid] => 1,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1),[2] => Array ([pid] => 104,[fid] => 11,[gid] => 2,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 1,[canpostreplys] => 1,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 1,[canpostattachments] => 1,[canratethreads] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 1,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 1,[cansearch] => 1),[8] => Array ([pid] => 105,[fid] => 11,[gid] => 8,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 1,[canpostreplys] => 1,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 1,[canratethreads] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 1,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 1,[cansearch] => 1),[9] => Array ([pid] => 152,[fid] => 11,[gid] => 9,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0)),[5] => Array ([1] => Array ([pid] => 150,[fid] => 5,[gid] => 1,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1),[2] => Array ([pid] => 109,[fid] => 5,[gid] => 2,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 1,[canpostreplys] => 1,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 1,[canratethreads] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 1,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 1,[cansearch] => 1),[8] => Array ([pid] => 110,[fid] => 5,[gid] => 8,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 1,[canpostreplys] => 1,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 1,[canratethreads] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 1,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 1,[cansearch] => 1),[9] => Array ([pid] => 152,[fid] => 5,[gid] => 9,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0)),[22] => Array ([1] => Array ([pid] => 238,[fid] => 22,[gid] => 1,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[2] => Array ([pid] => 239,[fid] => 22,[gid] => 2,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[5] => Array ([pid] => 240,[fid] => 22,[gid] => 5,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[7] => Array ([pid] => 241,[fid] => 22,[gid] => 7,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[8] => Array ([pid] => 242,[fid] => 22,[gid] => 8,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[9] => Array ([pid] => 243,[fid] => 22,[gid] => 9,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0)),[12] => Array ([1] => Array ([pid] => 244,[fid] => 12,[gid] => 1,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[2] => Array ([pid] => 245,[fid] => 12,[gid] => 2,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 1),[3] => Array ([pid] => 246,[fid] => 12,[gid] => 3,[canview] => 1,[canviewthreads] => 1,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 1,[canpostthreads] => 1,[canpostreplys] => 1,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 1,[canratethreads] => 1,[caneditposts] => 1,[candeleteposts] => 1,[candeletethreads] => 1,[caneditattachments] => 1,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 1,[canvotepolls] => 1,[cansearch] => 1),[5] => Array ([pid] => 247,[fid] => 12,[gid] => 5,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[7] => Array ([pid] => 248,[fid] => 12,[gid] => 7,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[8] => Array ([pid] => 249,[fid] => 12,[gid] => 8,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[9] => Array ([pid] => 250,[fid] => 12,[gid] => 9,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0)),[15] => Array ([1] => Array ([pid] => 251,[fid] => 15,[gid] => 1,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[2] => Array ([pid] => 252,[fid] => 15,[gid] => 2,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[5] => Array ([pid] => 253,[fid] => 15,[gid] => 5,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0),[7] => Array ([pid] => 254,[fid] => 15,[gid] => 7,[canview] => 0,[canviewthreads] => 0,[canonlyviewownthreads] => 0,[candlattachments] => 0,[canpostthreads] => 0,[canpostreplys] => 0,[canonlyreplyownthreads] => 0,[canpostattachments] => 0,[canratethreads] => 0,[caneditposts] => 0,[candeleteposts] => 0,[candeletethreads] => 0,[caneditattachments] => 0,[canviewdeletionnotice] => 0,[modposts] => 0,[modthreads] => 0,[mod_edit_posts] => 0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 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0,[modattachments] => 0,[canpostpolls] => 0,[canvotepolls] => 0,[cansearch] => 0))),[posticons] => Array ([1] => Array ([iid] => 1,[name] => Bug,[path] => images/icons/bug.png),[2] => Array ([iid] => 2,[name] => Exclamation,[path] => images/icons/exclamation.png),[3] => Array ([iid] => 3,[name] => Question,[path] => images/icons/question.png),[4] => Array ([iid] => 4,[name] => Smile,[path] => images/icons/smile.png),[5] => Array ([iid] => 5,[name] => Sad,[path] => images/icons/sad.png),[6] => Array ([iid] => 6,[name] => Wink,[path] => images/icons/wink.png),[7] => Array ([iid] => 7,[name] => Big Grin,[path] => images/icons/biggrin.png),[8] => Array ([iid] => 8,[name] => Tongue,[path] => images/icons/tongue.png),[9] => Array ([iid] => 9,[name] => Brick,[path] => images/icons/brick.png),[10] => Array ([iid] => 10,[name] => Heart,[path] => images/icons/heart.png),[11] => Array ([iid] => 11,[name] => Information,[path] => images/icons/information.png),[12] => Array ([iid] => 12,[name] => 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0),[15] => Array ([sid] => 15,[name] => DuckDuckGo,[useragent] => DuckDuckBot,[usergroup] => 0),[16] => Array ([sid] => 16,[name] => UptimeRobot,[useragent] => UptimeRobot,[usergroup] => 0),[5] => Array ([sid] => 5,[name] => Baidu,[useragent] => Baiduspider,[usergroup] => 0),[3] => Array ([sid] => 3,[name] => Alexa Internet,[useragent] => ia_archiver,[usergroup] => 0),[11] => Array ([sid] => 11,[name] => Discord,[useragent] => Discordbot,[usergroup] => 0),[9] => Array ([sid] => 9,[name] => Twitter,[useragent] => Twitterbot,[usergroup] => 0),[6] => Array ([sid] => 6,[name] => Yandex,[useragent] => YandexBot,[usergroup] => 0),[13] => Array ([sid] => 13,[name] => CheckHost,[useragent] => CheckHost,[usergroup] => 0),[1] => Array ([sid] => 1,[name] => Google,[useragent] => Googlebot,[usergroup] => 0),[12] => Array ([sid] => 12,[name] => Applebot,[useragent] => Applebot,[usergroup] => 0),[2] => Array ([sid] => 2,[name] => Bing,[useragent] => bingbot,[usergroup] => 0),[4] => Array ([sid] => 4,[name] =>,[useragent] => Teoma,[usergroup] => 0)),[bannedips] => Array ([3] => Array ([fid] => 3,[filter] =>,[4] => Array ([fid] => 4,[filter] =>,[5] => Array ([fid] => 5,[filter] =>,[6] => Array ([fid] => 6,[filter] =>,[7] => Array ([fid] => 7,[filter] =>,[8] => Array ([fid] => 8,[filter] =>,[9] => Array ([fid] => 9,[filter] =>,[10] => Array ([fid] => 10,[filter] =>,[11] => Array ([fid] => 11,[filter] =>,[12] => Array ([fid] => 12,[filter] =>,[13] => Array ([fid] => 13,[filter] =>,[14] => Array ([fid] => 14,[filter] =>,[15] => Array ([fid] => 15,[filter] =>,[16] => Array ([fid] => 16,[filter] =>,[17] => Array ([fid] => 17,[filter] =>,[18] => Array ([fid] => 18,[filter] =>,[19] => Array ([fid] => 19,[filter] =>,[20] => Array ([fid] => 20,[filter] =>,[21] => Array ([fid] => 21,[filter] =>,[22] => Array ([fid] => 22,[filter] =>,[23] => Array ([fid] => 23,[filter] =>,[24] => Array ([fid] => 24,[filter] =>,[28] => Array ([fid] => 28,[filter] =>,[26] => Array ([fid] => 26,[filter] =>,[27] => Array ([fid] => 27,[filter] =>,[30] => Array ([fid] => 30,[filter] =>,[31] => Array ([fid] => 31,[filter] =>,[32] => Array ([fid] => 32,[filter] =>,[33] => Array ([fid] => 33,[filter] =>,[34] => Array ([fid] => 34,[filter] =>,[35] => Array ([fid] => 35,[filter] =>,[36] => Array ([fid] => 36,[filter] =>,[37] => Array ([fid] => 37,[filter] =>,[38] => Array ([fid] => 38,[filter] =>,[39] => Array ([fid] => 39,[filter] =>,[40] => Array ([fid] => 40,[filter] =>,[41] => Array ([fid] => 41,[filter] =>,[42] => Array ([fid] => 42,[filter] =>,[43] => Array ([fid] => 43,[filter] =>,[44] => Array ([fid] => 44,[filter] =>,[bannedemails] => Array (),[birthdays] => Array (),[groupleaders] => Array (),[threadprefixes] => Array (),[forumsdisplay] => Array ([18446744073709551615] => Array ([announcements] => 1)),[plugins] => Array ([active] => Array ([gomobile] => gomobile,[mmybb18] => mmybb18,[oa_social_login] => oa_social_login,[tapatalk] => tapatalk,[mention] => mention,[extendedpolls] => extendedpolls,[reportpm] => reportpm)),[internal_settings] => Array ([encryption_key] => IrPfZwjCCFWO8k2g99dLpaYhJDLuvyH9),[version_history] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 2,[2] => 3,[3] => 4,[4] => 5,[5] => 6,[6] => 7,[7] => 8,[8] => 9,[9] => 10,[10] => 11,[11] => 12,[12] => 13,[13] => 14,[14] => 15,[15] => 16,[16] => 17,[17] => 18,[18] => 19,[19] => 20,[20] => 21,[21] => 22,[22] => 23,[23] => 24,[24] => 25,[25] => 26,[26] => 27,[27] => 28,[28] => 29,[29] => 30,[30] => 31,[31] => 32,[32] => 33,[34] => 34,[35] => 35,[36] => 36,[37] => 37,[38] => 38,[39] => 39,[40] => 40,[41] => 41,[42] => 42,[43] => 43,[44] => 44,[45] => 45,[46] => 46,[47] => 47,[48] => 48,[49] => 49,[50] => 50,[51] => 51),[update_check] => Array ([dateline] => 1604382647),[wildcard_plugins] => Array ([mentionme] => Array ([version] => 3.2.2,[namecache] => Array ([sansombre] => Array ([uid] => 1,[username] => Sansombre,[usergroup] => 4,[displaygroup] => 0,[additionalgroups] => ,[ignorelist] => ,[avatar] => ./uploads/avatars/avatar_1.jpg?dateline=1435919028),[madhatter] => Array ([uid] => 62,[username] => madhatter,[usergroup] => 8,[displaygroup] => 0,[additionalgroups] => ,[ignorelist] => ,[avatar] => ),[ttf1298] => Array ([uid] => 287,[username] => ttf1298,[usergroup] => 9,[displaygroup] => 0,[additionalgroups] => ,[ignorelist] => ,[avatar] => ),[shohom nail] => Array ([uid] => 239,[username] => Shohom Nail,[usergroup] => 9,[displaygroup] => 0,[additionalgroups] => ,[ignorelist] => ,[avatar] => ),[beryberygood] => Array ([uid] => 72,[username] => BeryBeryGood,[usergroup] => 8,[displaygroup] => 0,[additionalgroups] => ,[ignorelist] => ,[avatar] => )))),[extendedpolls] => Array ([version] => 1.5.4,[versioncode] => 1504),[puppet_master] => Array ([version] => 2.1.1),[reportreasons] => Array ([post] => Array ([0] => Array ([rid] => 2,[title] => <lang:report_reason_rules>,[extra] => 0),[1] => Array ([rid] => 3,[title] => <lang:report_reason_bad>,[extra] => 0),[2] => Array ([rid] => 4,[title] 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<lang:report_reason_bad>,[extra] => 0),[2] => Array ([rid] => 4,[title] => <lang:report_reason_spam>,[extra] => 0),[3] => Array ([rid] => 1,[title] => <lang:report_reason_other>,[extra] => 1))),[tasks] => Array ([nextrun] => 1604556000),[mostonline] => Array ([numusers] => 55,[time] => 1582877048),[mailqueue] => Array ([queue_size] => 0,[locked] => 0,[last_run] => 1604396294),[pages] => ,[cached_plugins] => Array ([OneAll Social Login] => Array ([title] => OneAll Social Login,[version] => 2.6))),[handler] => ,[call_count] => 0,[calllist] => Array (),[call_time] => 0,[cache_debug] => ),[asset_url] =>,[lang] => MyLanguage Object ([path] => /home4/REDACTED/public_html/inc/languages,[language] => englishgb,[fallback] => english,[settings] => Array ([name] => English (GB),[author] => flashydave,[website] => ,[version] => 1807,[admin] => 1,[rtl] => 0,[htmllang] => en,[charset] => UTF-8),[redirect_width] => 50%,[lastvisit_never] => Never,[toplinks_memberlist] => Member List,[toplinks_search] 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is currently set to closed.,[banned_warning] => Your forum account is currently banned.,[banned_warning2] => Ban Reason,[banned_warning3] => Ban will be lifted,[banned_lifted_never] => Never,[powered_by] => Powered By,[copyright] => Copyright,[attach_quota] => You are currently using <strong>{1}</strong> of your allocated attachment usage ({2}),[view_attachments] => [View My Attachments],[unlimited] => Unlimited,[click_hold_edit] => (Click and hold to edit),[guest_count] => 1 Guest,[guest_count_multiple] => {1} Guests,[size_yb] => YB,[size_zb] => ZB,[size_eb] => EB,[size_pb] => PB,[size_tb] => TB,[size_gb] => GB,[size_mb] => MB,[size_kb] => KB,[size_bytes] => bytes,[slaps] => slaps,[with_trout] => around a bit with a large trout.,[quickdelete_confirm] => Are you sure you want to delete this post?,[newpm_notice_one] => <strong>You have one unread private message</strong> from <a href="{1}">{2}</a> titled <a href="private.php?action=read&amp;pmid={3}" style="font-weight: bold;">{4}</a>,[newpm_notice_multiple] => <strong>You have {1} unread private messages.</strong> The most recent is from <a href="{2}">{3}</a> titled <a href="private.php?action=read&amp;pmid={4}" style="font-weight: bold;">{5}</a>,[deleteevent_confirm] => Are you sure you want to delete this event?,[removeattach_confirm] => Are you sure you want to remove the selected attachment from this post?,[latest_threads] => Latest Threads,[folder_inbox] => Inbox,[folder_sent_items] => Sent Items,[folder_drafts] => Drafts,[folder_trash] => Rubbish Bin,[folder_untitled] => Untitled Folder,[standard_mod_tools] => Standard Tools,[custom_mod_tools] => Custom Tools,[error_loadlimit] => The maximum server load limit has been reached.  Please check back later once the server is less busy.,[error_boardclosed] => This bulletin board is currently closed. The Administrator has specified the reason as to why below.,[error_banned] => I\'m sorry, but you are banned.  You may not post, read threads, or access the forum.  Please contact your forum administrator should you have any questions.,[error_cannot_upload_php_post] => Can not upload file - Too large for php post_max_size directive. Please press the back button.,[error_database_repair] => MyBB is automatically repairing a crashed table.,[unknown_user_trigger] => An unknown error has been triggered.,[warnings] => The following warnings occurred:,[ajax_loading] => Loading. <br />Please Wait..,[saving_changes] => Saving changes..,[refresh] => Refresh,[select_language] => Quick Language Select,[invalid_post_code] => Authorisation code mismatch. Are you accessing this function correctly? Please go back and try again.,[timezone_gmt_minus_1200] => (GMT -12:00) Enitwetok, Kwajalien,[timezone_gmt_minus_1100] => (GMT -11:00) Nome, Midway Island, Samoa,[timezone_gmt_minus_1000] => (GMT -10:00) Hawaii,[timezone_gmt_minus_950] => (GMT -9:30) Marquesas Islands,[timezone_gmt_minus_900] => (GMT -9:00) Alaska,[timezone_gmt_minus_800] => (GMT -8:00) Pacific Time,[timezone_gmt_minus_700] => (GMT -7:00) Mountain Time,[timezone_gmt_minus_600] => (GMT -6:00) Central Time, Mexico City,[timezone_gmt_minus_500] => (GMT -5:00) Eastern Time, Bogota, Lima, Quito,[timezone_gmt_minus_450] => (GMT -4:30) Venezuela (September),[timezone_gmt_minus_400] => (GMT -4:00) Atlantic Time, Caracas, La Paz,[timezone_gmt_minus_350] => (GMT -3:30) Newfoundland,[timezone_gmt_minus_300] => (GMT -3:00) Brazil, Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Falkland Is.,[timezone_gmt_minus_200] => (GMT -2:00) Mid-Atlantic, Ascention Is., St Helena,[timezone_gmt_minus_100] => (GMT -1:00) Azores, Cape Verde Islands,[timezone_gmt] => (GMT) Casablanca, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Lisbon, Nottingham,[timezone_gmt_100] => (GMT +1:00) Berlin, Brussels, Copenhagen, Malaga, Paris, Rome,[timezone_gmt_200] => (GMT +2:00) Kaliningrad, South Africa, Warsaw,[timezone_gmt_300] => (GMT +3:00) Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, Nairobi,[timezone_gmt_350] => (GMT +3:30) Tehran,[timezone_gmt_400] => (GMT +4:00) Adu Dhabi, Baku, Muscat, Tbilisi,[timezone_gmt_450] => (GMT +4:30) Kabul,[timezone_gmt_500] => (GMT +5:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent,[timezone_gmt_550] => (GMT +5:30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi,[timezone_gmt_600] => (GMT +6:00) Almaty, Colomba, Dhakra,[timezone_gmt_700] => (GMT +7:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta,[timezone_gmt_800] => (GMT +8:00) Beijing, Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore, Taipei,[timezone_gmt_900] => (GMT +9:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Seoul, Tokyo, Yakutsk,[timezone_gmt_950] => (GMT +9:30) Adelaide, Darwin,[timezone_gmt_1000] => (GMT +10:00) Melbourne, Papua New Guinea, Sydney, Vladivostok,[timezone_gmt_1100] => (GMT +11:00) Magadan, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands,[timezone_gmt_1200] => (GMT +12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Marshall Island,[timezone_gmt_short] => GMT {1}({2}),[timezone_gmt_575] => (GMT +5:45) Kathmandu,[timezone_gmt_650] => (GMT +6:30) Yangon,[timezone_gmt_1050] => (GMT +10:30) Lord Howe Island,[timezone_gmt_1150] => (GMT +11:30) Norfolk Island,[timezone_gmt_1275] => (GMT +12:45) Chatham Islands,[timezone_gmt_1300] => (GMT +13:00) Samoa, Tonga, Tokelau,[timezone_gmt_1400] => (GMT +14:00) Line Islands,[missing_task] => Error: Task file does not exist,[task_backup_cannot_write_backup] => Error: The database backup task cannot write to backups directory.,[task_backup_ran] => The database backup task successfully ran.,[task_checktables_ran] => The check tables task successfully ran with no corrupted tables found.,[task_checktables_ran_found] => Notice: The check tables task successfully ran and repaired the {1} table(s).,[task_dailycleanup_ran] => The daily clean up task successfully ran.,[task_hourlycleanup_ran] => The hourly clean up task successfully ran.,[task_logcleanup_ran] => The log clean up task successfully ran and pruned any old logs.,[task_promotions_ran] => The promotions task successfully ran.,[task_threadviews_ran] => The thread views task successfully ran.,[task_usercleanup_ran] => The user clean up task successfully ran.,[task_massmail_ran] => The mass mail task successfully ran.,[task_massmail_ran_errors] => One or more problems occurred sending to "{1}":
{2},[dismiss_notice] => Dismiss this notice,[next] => Next,[previous] => Previous,[delete] => Delete,[massmail_username] => Username,[email_addr] => Email Address,[board_name] => Board Name,[board_url] => Board URL,[lastvisit_hidden] => (Hidden),[search_button] => Search,[click_mark_read] => Click to mark this forum as read,[forum_redirect] => Redirect Forum,[username1] => Email:,[username2] => Username/Email:,[login_username1] => Email:,[login_username2] => Username/Email:,[remember_me] => Remember me,[remember_me_desc] => If ticked, your login details will be remembered on this computer, otherwise, you will be logged out as soon as you close your browser.,[date] => Date,[nobody] => Nobody,[update_attachment] => Update Attachment,[thread_subscription_method_desc] => Specify the type of notification and thread subscription you\'d like to have to this thread. (Registered users only),[no_subscribe_notification] => Subscribe without receiving any notification of new replies,[instant_pm_subscribe] => Subscribe and receive PM notification of new replies,[multipage_link_start] =>  ...,[multipage_link_end] => ... ,[multipage_jump] => Jump to page,[post_fetch_error] => There was an error fetching the posts.,[pending_joinrequest] => Group Leader Notice: You have 1 pending group membership join request.,[pending_joinrequests] => Group Leader Notice: You have {1} pending group membership join requests.,[rel_in] => In ,[rel_ago] => ago,[rel_less_than] => Less than ,[rel_time] => {1}{2} {3} {4},[rel_minutes_single] => minute,[rel_minutes_plural] => minutes,[rel_hours_single] => hour,[rel_hours_plural] => hours,[banned_email_warning] => You are currently using an email that is not allowed to be used on this forum. Please reset it before continuing.,[mybb_engine] => MyBB Engine,[quickrestore_confirm] => Are you sure you want to restore this post?,[select_theme] => Quick Theme Select,[invalid_captcha] => Please fill out the image verification code to continue. Please enter the code exactly how it appears in the image.,[invalid_nocaptcha] => Please solve the reCAPTCHA to verify that you\'re not a robot.,[invalid_captcha_verify] => The image verification code that you entered was incorrect. Please enter the code exactly how it appears in the image.,[image_verification] => Image Verification,[human_verification] => Human Verification,[verification_note] => Please enter the text contained within the image into the text box below it. This process is used to prevent automated spam bots.,[verification_note_nocaptcha] => Please tick the checkbox that you see below. This process is used to prevent automated spam bots.,[verification_subnote] => (case insensitive),[invalid_captcha_transmit] => An error occurred with the image verification. Please try again.,[invalid_nocaptcha_transmit] => An error occurred with the human verification. Please try again.,[captcha_fetch_failure] => There was an error fetching the new captcha.,[question_fetch_failure] => There was an error fetching the new question.,[invalid_ayah_result] => The Are You a Human game was not completed. Please try again.,[task_userpruning_ran] => The user pruning task successfully ran.,[task_delayedmoderation_ran] => The delayed moderation task successfully ran.,[task_versioncheck_ran] => The version check task successfully ran.,[task_versioncheck_ran_errors] => Could not connect to MyBB for a version check.,[task_recachestylesheets_ran] => Re-cached {1} stylesheets.,[comma] => , ,[debug_generated_in] => Generated in {1},[debug_weight] => ({1}% PHP / {2}% {3}),[debug_sql_queries] => SQL Queries: {1},[debug_server_load] => Server Load: {1},[debug_memory_usage] => Memory Usage: {1},[debug_advanced_details] => Advanced Details,[error_emailflooding_1_second] => Sorry, but you can only send one email every {1} minutes. Please wait another 1 second before attempting to email again.,[error_emailflooding_seconds] => Sorry, but you can only send one email every {1} minutes. Please wait another {2} seconds before attempting to email again.,[error_emailflooding_1_minute] => Sorry, but you can only send one email every {1} minutes. Please wait another 1 minute before attempting to email again.,[error_emailflooding_minutes] => Sorry, but you can only send one email every {1} minutes. Please wait another {2} minutes before attempting to email again.,[error_invalidfromemail] => You did not enter a valid from email address.,[error_noname] => You did not enter a valid name.,[your_email] => Your Email:,[email_note] => Enter your email address here.,[your_name] => Your Name:,[name_note] => Enter your name here.,[january] => January,[february] => February,[march] => March,[april] => April,[may] => May,[june] => June,[july] => July,[august] => August,[september] => September,[october] => October,[november] => November,[december] => December,[moderation_forum_attachments] => Please note that new attachments in this forum must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible.,[moderation_forum_posts] => Please note that new posts in this forum must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible.,[moderation_user_posts] => Please note that new posts you make must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible.,[moderation_forum_thread] => Please note that new threads in this forum must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible.,[moderation_forum_edits] => Please note that edited posts in this forum must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible.,[moderation_forum_edits_quick] => Please note that edited posts in this forum must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible.,[awaiting_message_link] =>  <a href="{1}/{2}/index.php?module=user-users&amp;action=search&amp;results=1&amp;conditions=a%3A1%3A%7Bs%3A9%3A%22usergroup%22%3Bs%3A1%3A%225%22%3B%7D">Go to the ACP</a>.,[awaiting_message_single] => There is 1 account awaiting activation. Please go to your ACP to activate the user.,[awaiting_message_plural] => There are {1} accounts awaiting activation. Please go to your ACP to activate the users.,[select2_match] => One result is available, press enter to select it.,[select2_matches] => {1} results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.,[select2_nomatches] => No matches found,[select2_inputtooshort_single] => Please enter one or more character,[select2_inputtooshort_plural] => Please enter {1} or more characters,[select2_inputtoolong_single] => Please delete one character,[select2_inputtoolong_plural] => Please delete {1} characters,[select2_selectiontoobig_single] => You can only select one item,[select2_selectiontoobig_plural] => You can only select {1} items,[select2_loadmore] => Loading more results…,[select2_searching] => Searching…,[stopforumspam_error_decoding] => Error decoding data from,[stopforumspam_error_retrieving] => Error retrieving data from,[sfs_error_username] => username,[sfs_error_ip] => IP,[sfs_error_email] => email,[sfs_error_or] => or,[boardclosed_reason] => These forums are currently closed for maintenance. Please check back later,[click_no_wait] => Click here if you don't want to wait any longer.,[redirect_return_forum] => <br /><br />Alternatively, <a href="{1}">return to the forum</a>.,[redirect_emailsent] => Your email message has been sent successfully.,[redirect_loggedin] => You have successfully been logged in.<br />You will now be taken back to where you came from.,[error_incompletefields] => It appears you have left one or more required fields blank. Please go back and enter the required fields.,[error_alreadyuploaded] => This post already contains an attachment with the same name. Please rename the file and upload it again.,[error_nomessage] => Sorry, we cannot proceed because you did not enter a valid message. Please go back and do so.,[error_invalidemail] => You did not enter a valid email address.,[error_nomember] => The member you specified is either invalid or doesn't exist.,[error_maxposts] => Sorry but your daily post limit has been exceeded.  Please wait until tomorrow before posting again or contact your administrator.<br /><br />The maximum amount of posts you may make in a day is {1},[error_nohostname] => No hostname could be found for the IP you entered.,[error_invalidthread] => The specified thread does not exist.,[error_invalidpost] => The specified post does not exist.,[error_invalidattachment] => The specified attachment does not exist.,[error_invalidforum] => Invalid forum,[error_closedinvalidforum] => You may not post in this forum either because the forum is closed, or it is a category.,[error_attachtype] => The type of file that you attached is not allowed. Please remove the attachment or choose a different type.,[error_attachsize] => The file you attached is too large. The maximum size for that type of file is {1} kilobytes.,[error_uploadsize] => The size of the uploaded file is too large.,[error_uploadfailed] => The file upload failed. Please choose a valid file and try again. ,[error_uploadfailed_detail] => Error details: ,[error_uploadfailed_php1] => PHP returned: Uploaded file exceeded upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.  Please contact your forum administrator with this error.,[error_uploadfailed_php2] => The uploaded file exceeded the maximum file size specified.,[error_uploadfailed_php3] => The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.,[error_uploadfailed_php4] => No file was uploaded.,[error_uploadfailed_php6] => PHP returned: Missing a temporary folder.  Please contact your forum administrator with this error.,[error_uploadfailed_php7] => PHP returned: Failed to write the file to disk.  Please contact your forum administrator with this error.,[error_uploadfailed_phpx] => PHP returned error code: {1}.  Please contact your forum administrator with this error.,[error_uploadfailed_nothingtomove] => An invalid file was specified, so the uploaded file could not be moved to its destination.,[error_uploadfailed_movefailed] => There was a problem moving the uploaded file to its destination.,[error_uploadfailed_lost] => The attachment could not be found on the server.,[error_emailmismatch] => The email addresses you entered do not match. Please go back and try again,[error_nopassword] => You did not enter a valid password.,[error_usernametaken] => The username you have chosen is already registered.,[error_nousername] => You did not enter a username.,[error_invalidusername] => The username you have entered appears to be invalid.,[error_invalidpassword] => The password you entered is incorrect. If you have forgotten your password, click <a href="member.php?action=lostpw">here</a>. Otherwise, go back and try again.,[error_postflooding] => Sorry but we cannot process your post. The administrator has specified you are only allowed to post once every {1} seconds.,[error_nopermission_guest_1] => You are either not logged in or do not have permission to view this page. This could be because one of the following reasons:,[error_nopermission_guest_2] => You are not logged in or registered. Please use the form at the bottom of this page to login.,[error_nopermission_guest_3] => You do not have permission to access this page. Are you trying to access administrative pages or a resource that you shouldn't?  Please look in the forum rules to see if you are allowed to perform this action.,[error_nopermission_guest_4] => Your account may have been disabled by an administrator, or it may be awaiting account activation.,[login] => Login,[need_reg] => Need to register?,[forgot_password] => Forgotten your password?,[error_nopermission_user_1] => You do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of the following reasons:,[error_nopermission_user_ajax] => You do not have permission to access this page.,[error_nopermission_user_2] => Your account has either been suspended or you have been banned from accessing this resource.,[error_nopermission_user_3] => You do not have permission to access this page. Are you trying to access administrative pages or a resource that you shouldn't? Please look in the forum rules to see if you are allowed to perform this action.,[error_nopermission_user_4] => Your account may still be awaiting activation or moderation.,[error_nopermission_user_resendactivation] => Resend Activation Code,[error_nopermission_user_5] => You have accessed this page directly rather than using appropriate forms or link.,[logged_in_user] => User Logged In,[error_too_many_images] => Too Many Images.,[error_too_many_images2] => Sorry but we cannot process your post because it contains too many images. Please remove some images from your post to continue.,[error_too_many_images3] => <b>Note:</b> The maximum amount of images per post is,[error_attach_file] => Error Attaching File,[please_correct_errors] => Please correct the following errors before continuing:,[error_reachedattachquota] => Sorry but you cannot attach this file because you have reached your attachment quota of {1},[error_invaliduser] => The specified user is invalid or does not exist.,[error_invalidaction] => Invalid action,[error_messagelength] => Sorry, your message is too long and cannot be posted. Please try shortening your message and try again.,[error_message_too_short] => Sorry, your message is too short and cannot be posted.,[failed_login_wait] => You have failed to login within the required number of attempts. You must now wait {1}h {2}m {3}s before you can login again.,[failed_login_again] => <br />You have <strong>{1}</strong> more login attempts.,[error_max_emails_day] => You cannot use the 'Send Thread to a Friend' or the 'Email User' features because you've already used up your allocated quota of sending {1} messages in the past 24 hours.,[emailsubject_lostpw] => Password Reset at {1},[emailsubject_passwordreset] => New password at {1},[emailsubject_subscription] => New Reply to {1},[emailsubject_randompassword] => Your Password for {1},[emailsubject_activateaccount] => Account Activation at {1},[emailsubject_forumsubscription] => New Thread in {1},[emailsubject_reportpost] => Reported post at {1},[emailsubject_reachedpmquota] => Private Messaging Quota Reached at {1},[emailsubject_changeemail] => Change of Email at {1},[emailsubject_newpm] => New Private Message at {1} - {2},[emailsubject_sendtofriend] => Interesting Web Page at {1},[emailbit_viewthread] => ... (visit the thread to read more..),[email_lostpw] => {1},

To complete the phase of resetting your account password at {2}, you will need to go to the URL below in your web browser.


If the above link does not work correctly, go to


You will need to enter the following:
Username: {1}
Activation Code: {5}

Thank you,
{2} Staff,[email_reportpost] => {1} from {2} has reported this post:


The reason this user gave for reporting this post:

This message has been sent to all moderators of this forum, or all administrators and super moderators if there are no moderators.

Please check this post out as soon as possible.,[email_passwordreset] => {1},

Your password at {2} has been reset.

Your new password is: {3}

You will need this password to login to the forums, once you login you should change it by going to your User Control Panel.

Thank you,
{2} Staff,[email_randompassword] => {1},

Thank you for registering on {2}. Below is your username and a randomly generated password. To login to {2}, you will need these details.

Username: {3}
Password: {4}

It is recommended that you change your password immediately after you login. You can do this by going to your User CP then clicking Change Password on the left menu.

Thank you,
{2} Staff,[email_sendtofriend] => Hello,

{1} from {2} thought you may be interested in reading the following web page:


{1} included the following message:

Thank you,
{2} Staff,[email_forumsubscription] => {1},

{2} has just started a new thread in {3}. This is a forum you have subscribed to at {4}.

The thread is titled {5}

Here is an excerpt of the message:

To view the thread, you can go to the following URL:

There may also be other new threads and replies but you will not receive anymore notifications until you visit the board again.

Thank you,
{4} Staff

Unsubscription Information:

If you would not like to receive any more notifications of new threads in this forum, visit the following URL in your browser:

------------------------------------------,[email_activateaccount] => {1},

To complete the registration process on {2}, you will need to go to the URL below in your web browser.


If the above link does not work correctly, go to


You will need to enter the following:
Username: {1}
Activation Code: {5}

Thank you,
{2} Staff,[email_subscription] => {1},

{2} has just replied to a thread which you have subscribed to at {3}. This thread is titled {4}.

Here is an excerpt of the message:

To view the thread, you can go to the following URL:

There may also be other replies to this thread but you will not receive anymore notifications until you visit the board again.

Thank you,
{3} Staff

Unsubscription Information:

If you would not like to receive any more notifications of replies to this thread, visit the following URL in your browser:

------------------------------------------,[email_reachedpmquota] => {1},

This is an automated email from {2} to let you know that your Private Messaging inbox has reached its capacity.

One or more users may have tried to send you private messages and were unsuccessful in doing so because of this.

Please delete some of the private messages that you currently have stored, remembering to also delete them from the 'Rubbish Bin'.

Thank you,
{2} Staff
{3},[email_changeemail] => {1},

We have received a request on {2} to change your email address (see details below).

Old Email Address: {3}
New Email Address: {4}

If these changes are correct, please complete the validation process on {2} by going to the following URL in your web browser.


If the above link does not work correctly, go to


You will need to enter the following:
Username: {7}
Activation Code: {6}

If you choose not to validate your new email address your profile will not be updated and will still contain your existing email address.

Thank you,
{2} Staff
{5},[email_newpm] => {1},

You have received a new private message on {3} from {2}:


To view, reply or forward this message, you can follow this link:


Please note that you will not receive any further notifications of new messages until you visit {3}.

You can disable new message notifications on your account options page:


Thank you,
{3} Staff
{4},[email_emailuser] => {1},

{2} from {3} has sent you the following message:

Thank you,
{3} Staff

Don't want to receive email messages from other members?

If you don't want other members to be able to email you please visit your User Control Panel and enable the option 'Hide your email from other members':

------------------------------------------,[error_invalidpworusername] => You have entered an invalid username/password combination. <br /><br />If you have forgotten your password please <a href="member.php?action=lostpw">retrieve a new one</a>.,[error_invalidpworusername1] => You have entered an invalid email/password combination. <br /><br />If you have forgotten your password please <a href="member.php?action=lostpw">retrieve a new one</a>.,[error_invalidpworusername2] => You have entered an invalid username/password or email/password combination. <br /><br />If you have forgotten your password please <a href="member.php?action=lostpw">retrieve a new one</a>.,[error_alreadyuploaded_perm] => This post already contains an attachment with the same name. Please either remove the existing file or rename the file and upload it again.,[error_invalidannouncement] => The specified announcement does not exist.,[error_uploadempty] => The file specified is empty.,[error_nopermission_guest_5] => You have accessed this page directly rather than using appropriate forms or links.,[error_nopermission_user_username] => You are currently logged in with the username: '{1}',[error_maxattachpost] => Sorry but you cannot attach this file because you have reached the maximum number of attachments allowed per post of {1},[attachments_disabled] => You cannot use the attachment system as it has been disabled by the Administrator.,[emailsubject_reportprofile] => Reported user at {1},[emailsubject_reportreputation] => Reported reputation at {1},[emailsubject_newjoinrequest] => Reported reputation at {1},[emailsubject_changepassword] => Change of Password at {1},[email_lostpw1] => {1},

To complete the phase of resetting your account password at {2}, you will need to go to the URL below in your web browser.


If the above link does not work correctly, go to


You will need to enter the following:
Your email address
Activation Code: {5}

Thank you,
{2} Staff,[email_lostpw2] => {1},

To complete the phase of resetting your account password at {2}, you will need to go to the URL below in your web browser.


If the above link does not work correctly, go to


You will need to enter the following:
Username: {1} (Or your email address)
Activation Code: {5}

Thank you,
{2} Staff,[email_reportprofile] => {1} from {2} has reported the following user:


The reason this user gave for reporting this user:

This message has been sent to all moderators of this forum, or all administrators and super moderators if there are no moderators.

Please check this user out as soon as possible.,[email_reportreputation] => {1} from {2} has reported the following reputation:


The reason this user gave for reporting this reputation:

This message has been sent to all moderators of this forum, or all administrators and super moderators if there are no moderators.

Please check this reputation out as soon as possible.,[email_randompassword1] => {1},

Thank you for registering on {2}. Below is your username and the randomly generated password. To login to {2}, you will need these details.

Your email address
Password: {4}

It is recommended you change your password immediately after you login. You can do this by going to your User CP then clicking Change Password on the left menu.

Thank you,
{2} Staff,[email_randompassword2] => {1},

Thank you for registering on {2}. Below is your username and the randomly generated password. To login to {2}, you will need these details.

Username: {3} (Or your email address)
Password: {4}

It is recommended you change your password immediately after you login. You can do this by going to your User CP then clicking Change Password on the left menu.

Thank you,
{2} Staff,[email_activateaccount1] => {1},

To complete the registration process on {2}, you will need to go to the URL below in your web browser.


If the above link does not work correctly, go to


You will need to enter the following:
Your email address
Activation Code: {5}

Thank you,
{2} Staff,[email_activateaccount2] => {1},

To complete the registration process on {2}, you will need to go to the URL below in your web browser.


If the above link does not work correctly, go to


You will need to enter the following:
Username: {1} (Or your email address)
Activation Code: {5}

Thank you,
{2} Staff,[email_changeemail_noactivation] => {1},

We have received a request on {2} to change your email address (see details below).

Old Email Address: {3}
New Email Address: {4}

This change has been automatically processed. If you did not request this change, please get it touch with an Administrator.

Thank you,
{2} Staff
{5},[email_changepassword] => {1},

You are receiving this email because you, or someone with access to your password, recently changed your account password.

Username: {1}
Email address: {2}

If you did not request this change, please get in touch with an Administrator.

Thank you,
{3} Staff
{4},[email_groupleader_joinrequest] => {1},

{2} has requested to join {3} on {4} (see below).

Reason: {5}

To accept or decline this request, go to


Thank you,
{4} Staff,[email_contact_subject] => Contact: {1},[email_contact] => E-mail: {1}
Forum profile: {2}
IP Address: {3}
{4},[pmsubject_subscription] => New Reply to {1},[pm_subscription] => {1},

{2} has just replied to a thread which you have subscribed to. This thread is titled {3}.

Here is an excerpt of the message:

To view the thread, you can go to the following URL:

There may also be other replies to this thread but you will not receive anymore notifications until you visit the thread again.

Unsubscription Information:

If you would not like to receive any more notifications of replies to this thread, visit the following URL in your browser:

------------------------------------------,[mention] => mention,[mention_link_title] => {1}'s profile,[mention_task_success] => The MentionMe name cache task ran successfully. Going back {1} days, {2} users were stored at a total cache size of {3},[mention_task_fail] => MentionMe found no users to cache information for.,[mention_button] => Mention,[mention_title] => Mention user,[mention_posts_selected] => You have selected one or more users to mention.,[mention_users_now] => Mention these users now,[myalerts_mention_alert] => {1} mentioned you in "<strong>{2}</strong>".,[myalerts_setting_mention] => Receive alert when mentioned in a post?,[mention_autocomplete_instructions] => type a user name),[cacheDays] => 7,[fieldList] => uid, username, usergroup, displaygroup, additionalgroups, ignorelist, avatar,[bannedGroups] => Array ([0] => 7),[query] => mysqli_result Object ([current_field] => ,[field_count] => ,[lengths] => ,[num_rows] => ,[type] => ),[gid] => ,[bannedGroupCondition] =>  AND usergroup !='7',[timesearch] => 1603954379,[nameCache] => Array ([sansombre] => Array ([uid] => 1,[username] => Sansombre,[usergroup] => 4,[displaygroup] => 0,[additionalgroups] => ,[ignorelist] => ,[avatar] => ./uploads/avatars/avatar_1.jpg?dateline=1435919028),[REDACTED] => Array ([uid] => 64,[username] => REDACTED,[usergroup] => 8,[displaygroup] => 0,[additionalgroups] => 10,2,[ignorelist] => ,[avatar] => ),[monitor] => Array ([uid] => 115,[username] => Monitor,[usergroup] => 8,[displaygroup] => 0,[additionalgroups] => ,[ignorelist] => ,[avatar] => ./uploads/avatars/avatar_115.jpg?dateline=1548168287)),[user] => ,[userCount] => 3,[totalCacheSize] => 704 bytes,[report] => The MentionMe name cache task ran successfully. Going back 7 days, 3 users were stored at a total cache size of 704 bytes)) called at [/home4/REDACTED/public_html/inc/tasks/mentiome_namecache.php:75]
#2  require_once() called at [/home4/REDACTED/public_html/inc/tasks/mentiome_namecache.php:75]
#3  task_mentiome_namecache(Array ([tid] => 15,[title] => MentionMe Name Caching,[description] => Caches active user names mention links to conserve queries during daily use.,[file] => mentiome_namecache,[minute] => 0,[hour] => 0,[day] => *,[month] => *,[weekday] => *,[nextrun] => 1604556000,[lastrun] => 1604384012,[enabled] => 1,[logging] => 1,[locked] => 1604490951)) called at [/home4/REDACTED/public_html/inc/functions_task.php:90]
#4  run_task() called at [/home4/REDACTED/public_html/inc/functions.php:236]
#5  run_shutdown()
Egads - what a mess.  I recognise several plugins in that deluge, including obsolete ones for 1.6x.  @Matt is on the file, I'd defer to him for your path forward.

So much for shortcuts, and good luck getting it all sorted.
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