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Full Version: how to add points per award using newpoints plugin
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i'm want to add points per a user get a new award but i can't find this feature.

so i create a new function but i think i have some errors can any one help me ?

I use Newpoints and OUGC Awards Plugins

	function newpoints_newaward()
		global $db, $mybb, $user, $awards, $parser;

		if (!$mybb->user['uid'])
		if ($mybb->settings['newpoints_main_enabled'] != 1)
		if ($mybb->settings['newpoints_income_award'] == 0)

		$categories = $cids = $thread_cache = $tids = array();
		$query = $db->simple_select('ougc_awards_categories', '*', "visible='1'");
		while($category = $db->fetch_array($query))
			$cids[] = (int)$category['cid'];
			$categories[] = $category;
		$whereclause = "u.visible=1 AND u.uid='".(int)$user['uid']."' AND a.visible='1' AND a.type='2' AND a.cid IN ('".implode("','", array_values($cids))."')";
		// Query our data.
		if($awards->query_limit_profile == -1)
			// Get awards
			$query = $db->query('
				SELECT u.*, a.*
				FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ougc_awards_users u
				LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ougc_awards a ON (u.aid=a.aid)
				WHERE '.$whereclause.'
			// First we need to figure out the total amount of awards.
			$query = $db->query('
				SELECT COUNT(u.aid) AS awards
				FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ougc_awards_users u
				LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ougc_awards a ON (u.aid=a.aid)
				WHERE '.$whereclause.'
			$awardscount = (int)$db->fetch_field($query, 'awards');

		// check group rules - primary group check
		$grouprules = newpoints_getrules('group', $mybb->user['usergroup']);
		if (!$grouprules)
			$grouprules['rate'] = 1; // no rule set so default income rate is 1
		// if the group rate is 0, nothing is going to be added so let's just leave the function
		if ($grouprules['rate'] == 0)

		// give points to the user of getting a award
		newpoints_addpoints($mybb->user['uid'], $mybb->settings['newpoints_income_award'], $grouprules['rate']);