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Full Version: HP/MP/EXP plugin problem
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I am having problems with the HP/MP/EXP plugin made by Ryan Ashbrook.

$post['user_details'] = "{$post['user_details']}<span class=\"smalltext\">Level: <strong>{$showlevel}</strong></span><br /> 
	<table class=\"rpg1\" width=\"100\" cellspacing=\"0\" align=\"center\"> 
			<td class=\"rpg2\"><img alt=\"{$post['username']}'s Experience: {$ep}%\" src=\"images/rpg/bxg.gif\" width=\"{$ep}%\" height=\"8\"></td>

After some modifications, I removed the HP/MP and kept the Level and EXP. I want the table where the exp bar is in to be 100 pixels as you see above. However, the problem is that when the postbit loads, the table has a maximum width of the column. Then, when you refresh or post a reply.. it goes down to 100px. This fluctuates and I cannot see why. How can I fix this?
I got the same problem Sad didn't fix it yet.