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Full Version: My Website now display mode Archive mode? how can fix that
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My Website now display mode Archive mode? how can fix that

Hi Comunity

Need help to fix the style of my site I don't understand why he lost the Style

For Example when enter the site:
[Image: mybb-miss-style.png]

But must be like thise:
[Image: mybb.png]

When check the .htacces file its ok, that are the code of root:

Quote:  <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
DirectoryIndex ./index.php

That its the All code of .Htaccess
Quote:Options -MultiViews +FollowSymlinks -Indexes

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} winningeleven-games\.com [NC]
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

# If mod_security is enabled, attempt to disable it.
# - Note, this will work on the majority of hosts but on
# MediaTemple, it is known to cause random Internal Server
# errors. For MediaTemple, please remove the block below
<IfModule mod_security.c>
# Turn off mod_security filtering.
SecFilterEngine Off

# The below probably isn't needed, but better safe than sorry.
SecFilterScanPOST Off

# MyBB "search engine friendly" URL rewrites
# - Note, for these to work with MyBB please make sure you have
# the setting enabled in the Admin CP and you have this file
# named .htaccess
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
DirectoryIndex ./index.php
RewriteRule ^forum-([0-9]+)\.html$ forumdisplay.php?fid=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^forum-([0-9]+)-page-([0-9]+)\.html$ forumdisplay.php?fid=$1&page=$2 [L,QSA]

RewriteRule ^thread-([0-9]+)\.html$ showthread.php?tid=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^thread-([0-9]+)-page-([0-9]+)\.html$ showthread.php?tid=$1&page=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^thread-([0-9]+)-lastpost\.html$ showthread.php?tid=$1&action=lastpost [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^thread-([0-9]+)-nextnewest\.html$ showthread.php?tid=$1&action=nextnewest [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^thread-([0-9]+)-nextoldest\.html$ showthread.php?tid=$1&action=nextoldest [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^thread-([0-9]+)-newpost\.html$ showthread.php?tid=$1&action=newpost [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^thread-([0-9]+)-post-([0-9]+)\.html$ showthread.php?tid=$1&pid=$2 [L,QSA]

RewriteRule ^post-([0-9]+)\.html$ showthread.php?pid=$1 [L,QSA]

RewriteRule ^announcement-([0-9]+)\.html$ announcements.php?aid=$1 [L,QSA]

RewriteRule ^user-([0-9]+)\.html$ member.php?action=profile&uid=$1 [L,QSA]

RewriteRule ^calendar-([0-9]+)\.html$ calendar.php?calendar=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^calendar-([0-9]+)-year-([0-9]+)-month-([0-9]+)\.html$ calendar.php?calendar=$1&year=$2&month=$3 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^calendar-([0-9]+)-year-([0-9]+)-month-([0-9]+)-day-([0-9]+)\.html$ calendar.php?action=dayview&calendar=$1&year=$2&month=$3&day=$4 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^calendar-([0-9]+)-week-(n?[0-9]+)\.html$ calendar.php?action=weekview&calendar=$1&week=$2 [L,QSA]

RewriteRule ^event-([0-9]+)\.html$ calendar.php?action=event&eid=$1 [L,QSA]

<IfModule mod_env.c>

# If Apache is compiled with built in mod_deflade/GZIP support
# then GZIP Javascript, CSS, HTML and XML so they're sent to
# the client faster.
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css text/html application/xhtml+xml text/xml application/xml text/plain text/x-component application/javascript application/x-javascript application/rss+xml application/atom+xml application/json application/manifest+json application/x-web-app-manifest+json application/ application/font-sfnt application/font-woff application/font-woff2 image/svg+xml image/x-icon

# Note: You are able to choose a different name in the Admin CP. If you've done that you need to change it here too
<Files "error.log">
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all

# php -- BEGIN cPanel-generated handler, do not edit
# Establecer el paquete “ea-php72” como el lenguaje de programación “PHP” predeterminado.
<IfModule mime_module>
AddHandler application/x-httpd-ea-php72___lsphp .php .php7 .phtml
# php -- END cPanel-generated handler, do not edit

How can fix that?

when enter the web display me the right style and NOT the Archive Mode?

Thanks in advance for support

That's really strange. I don't have a solution, just an observation: shows in archive mode but shows as desired. That suggests a .htaccess issue, but I can't see any issues with your .htaccess file. Puzzling...
(2021-09-18, 12:10 PM)Laird Wrote: [ -> ]That's really strange. I don't have a solution, just an observation: shows in archive mode but shows as desired. That suggests a .htaccess issue, but I can't see any issues with your .htaccess file. Puzzling...

yes, it is strange issue since two days ago it was fine and today when I enter the web it always shows me in Mode Archive.

The .htacces its the same... but display the mode archive Huh

a few minutes ago I updated the file with default .htacces file mybb but the issue its the same, display mode archive and not the correct style Sad

thanks for support @Laird

I'm going to wait a while and find out more about what happened. Undecided
Very odd.

In any case, here are a couple of possibilities to try:

What happens if you disable all plugins?

Also, does file verification via the ACP show any issues?
what's the url you have set in board url settings ?
(2021-09-18, 12:45 PM)Laird Wrote: [ -> ]Very odd.

In any case, here are a couple of possibilities to try:

What happens if you disable all plugins?

Also, does file verification via the ACP show any issues?
I will doit to test

-  deactive the plugins but have the same issue
- i will try to file verification tool but cannot display that message:
(There was a problem communicating with the MyBB server. Please try again in a few minutes.)

Anexo image support of test:

[Image: A74085-BB-CB70-4-F2-A-87-EC-6-BBF16-BC4166.jpg]

[Image: 2-C44-A153-859-F-4-BCA-AA71-3-CB7-C8-E036-FB.jpg]

(2021-09-18, 01:02 PM)PARADOXP Wrote: [ -> ]what's the url you have set in board url settings ?

In settings have that url:

From setting Board URL
Super bizarre... feel free to PM me FTP login details and I can have a look if you like.
If this errors are occurring for some php issues then you can find by Andreas Klauer's this plugin.

(2021-09-18, 02:13 PM)Matt Wrote: [ -> ]Super bizarre... feel free to PM me FTP login details and I can have a look if you like.

Thank you so much @Matt now send you a PM with information of login

(2021-09-18, 02:24 PM)PARADOXP Wrote: [ -> ]If this errors are occurring for some php issues then you can find by Andreas Klauer's this plugin.

Thank yo so much @PARADOXP now download the file... I'm lost on something, this file is useful for?

thank you

to report that I was able to fix the error.
It's a bit complicated to explain, but I'll try to do it.

I have one hosting and two domains

I don't know why the .htacces file was taking the .htacces of the other domain, when I change the .htacces of the other domain I automatically change the .htacces of the web Huh

that fix the style of the web.

I don't know why it is taking the .htacces from the other domain but it is.

thank you so much for Support!
When I was unable to perform a file verification, I found I needed to enable the PHP directive allow_url_fopen. Some hosts leave that off by default.