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Full Version: Important Messages plugin
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Hey everyone,

I've installed the important messages plugin. I just tried to reinstall it, and for some reason when I try and access it in the admin panel, it gives me the error:

"Access Denied

You do not have permission to access this part of the administration control panel."

Any idea how to fix this?

Thanks in advance Wink
What exactly / which page were you trying to access?
I get the error whenever I click any of these options:

* Add message
* Edit message
* Reset messages
Login onto your admin cp, then go to:

Users and groups > Admin permissions > and make sure everything is checked.
It works now, everything was checked.

I had to make my account the super administrator in the inc/config.php file.
Glad it's working.
I'm getting this error - "This file cannot be accessed directly."

when I click on

Add message
Edit message
Reset messages

I'm the root admin. I changed the permissions of the files to 0777
Shouldn't it be 0666?
I tried it with default permissions and then with 0777. Same problem.