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Hello, my forum has suddenly stopped working without me touching anything for months.

Since this morning, it is impossible to access other pages than the first one of a topic.

I tried to put my htacces in .txt and to put a previous htacces, but nothing makes it.

I don't understand much about code, so I'm a bit out of ideas....

here is the error shown:
[Image: Arizpih.png]
And if you want to test by yourself, a thread with multiples pages:

Any help will be appreciated <3
It looks like an issue with Google SEO. The thread URL is but the pagination URLs are which is the standard MyBB format.
Hello there, I'm a moderator from Cookies team.
I have effectively remarked that google SEO was the problem since removing this
	RewriteRule ^Thread\-([^./]+)$ showthread.php?google_seo_thread=$1 [L,QSA,NC] 
in the .htaccess helped a bit, but still there's a 404 error in threads instead of thread messages (at least the redirect loop is stopped and the header/footer appear correctly).
I have added our current .htaccess in .txt format with the redirection problem as attachment if you want to check out what could be the problem. Thanks a lot for the fast and pertinent answer.
Yep still nothing :/

Weird thing, if i click on Go to page xxx it works

[Image: RpWZN2J.png]