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Full Version: Another Bug in Mod Site
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Musicalmidget Wrote:
D-r-a-g-o-n Wrote:In the archive of MyBB 1.1 there is no category "User Profiles". All other versions have this category.

Categories are only shown in the archive, if there are submissions in the category for that specific version. If a category isn't listed, then it's empty.
Ok, I didn't know that. But if you call is manuelly, you get an error:
Musicalmidget Wrote:
D-r-a-g-o-n Wrote:In the archive of MyBB 1.1 there is no category "User Profiles". All other versions have this category.
There is an other problem: The category "Themes" has white background but it should be grey. (

Categories are only shown in the archive, if there are submissions in the category for that specific version. If a category isn't listed, then it's empty.

I'll look into the alternating background error.

crsoft Wrote:
Musicalmidget Wrote:
crsoft Wrote:Well its better then making a new topic but yes i found one its seem to be not there when you go to download it jut tacks you to a error 404 page.

Should be fixed now.
Nop that one for is still like tacking me to a error 404 page when trying to download Confused

Hmm, it was working before, but the file doesn't appear to exist on the server anymore. I'll have to look further into that one.
Okay just make shire you get them all coz there is about 5 i found that give me that error so there could be more but can you post back when you get them fixed so i know so i can download them.
I found a bug well i should say Audentio ill now quote
Audentio Wrote:Dont play dumb. No theme in the world can get more than 4000 downloads in the first 2 days...

so if you go to it say it has been downloaded more then what it has Confused
And 'how much' has it been downloaded? There's no point in changing it if there's no proof that it's wrong in the first place.
Tikitiki Wrote:And 'how much' has it been downloaded? There's no point in changing it if there's no proof that it's wrong in the first place.

Well i am just saying i do not think it would of been downloaded 4815 times it just seems way over the top for just a so basic theme
Well what would you like me to set it to? -400? 2? What difference is it really going to make unless we have a correct number
It looks like this might be a problem with the license page - when you click on the "Download" link, it adds the number to the count. So, search engines visiting this page are causing the number to go up and up and up. The solution would be to either move the counter to the actual "I Agree" link, block the page through robots.txt, or detect that it's a bot and don't add to the count.

I doubt a theme posted 4 days ago ( has been downloaded 3x as many times as the previously most-downloaded Wink
The count is actually being updated after you click on "I agree" (looking at the code right now)

I've thrown a robots.txt file in place for now.

Edit: I've just finished searching the log files and it seems a particular IP address has been hammering that download - constantly. I've now blocked that IP address from accessing the site.

Chris Boulton Wrote:Edit: I've just finished searching the log files and it seems a particular IP address has been hammering that download - constantly. I've now blocked that IP address from accessing the site.


Wait so it was a person doing this? or some kind of bot?

Also another question when will all the themes be added to the theme demo on the mods site?
I'm going to be working on the theme demo next week and hope to have all themes added to it by the end of that week.
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