MyBB Community Forums

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Sent a PM. The multilogin was an older plugin that I tweaked a little to work with 1.8 for the boards.
I am pleased that you are upgrading an existing 1.6 production forum to 1.8 in a test environment. This is wise.

I have sent you code for a simple plugin to dump the $memprofile array. It is crude and unformatted but it works on a 1.8 relatively unmodified forum.

And I've given you an email address to attach your member.php file. Since that is where the memprofile array is built. I want to do a file compare. It is possible that other plugins have created modifications that is causing the IP problem.

I am interested in your project because I remember the same adventure when I brought my 1.6 forum up to date. It's definitely a challenge, but not impossible to resolve.
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