2022-09-07, 04:28 PM
coder(s): lizilou
coding site: Lizilou Designs
policies: policies
• You may not remove or alter the credits on my skin.
• If you make edits to the theme, it must still remain recognisable. Using it as a base is not acceptable.
• You shall not post my code on a source visible to the public such as codepen or resource forums.
• The theme shall not be gifted or sold to others, and the purchaser shall be a member of staff where this theme is used.
If you purchase to gift to a site's staff for use, they are not permitted to sell or share the code either.
• I do not offer refunds on premade skins.
• I do not offer edits for my codes, please do not ask me to change the theme.
skin theme: simple, two columned. blue accent variable made for writing community roleplayers.
Marvel at Blue is a simple, two columned forum layout, optimized for Google Chrome.
Skin comes with:
• A hover mini profile Template.
• A board statistics section on the index, with affiliates bar.
• The main profile design, not an app profile.
• A sortable member list displaying member group variables.
• A small selection of variables for member groups, a dominant skin color, and fonts.
• Rolling news bar with staff icons, wanted icons, and a misc. setting icon layout.
• Integrated font-awesome icons kit script; fontawesome.com
• A base installation guide and notes of the theme.
• MyBB includes a plugin folder of those used in the theme.
sale spots available: unlimited
cost: £55
support: I will help with issues caused by the skin that I missed with the original code, or during install. But I won't help for free with installing it for you or in issues caused by you/third party codes or edits. I also have a contact period listed in my about page (10am -5pm). Outside these hours and especially weekends I would like to have time off to do family things.
purchase info: liziloudesigns.com/about lists my contact details. it links a discord support server too. All payment is taken via my ko-fi shop recently setup.
mybb download via shop
preview: I provide image previews in the shop, and on my blog. https://www.liziloudesigns.com/tagged/lizilou%20skins
Live previews may be available on request.
screenshots mix of mybb views
coding site: Lizilou Designs
policies: policies
• You may not remove or alter the credits on my skin.
• If you make edits to the theme, it must still remain recognisable. Using it as a base is not acceptable.
• You shall not post my code on a source visible to the public such as codepen or resource forums.
• The theme shall not be gifted or sold to others, and the purchaser shall be a member of staff where this theme is used.
If you purchase to gift to a site's staff for use, they are not permitted to sell or share the code either.
• I do not offer refunds on premade skins.
• I do not offer edits for my codes, please do not ask me to change the theme.
skin theme: simple, two columned. blue accent variable made for writing community roleplayers.
Marvel at Blue is a simple, two columned forum layout, optimized for Google Chrome.
Skin comes with:
• A hover mini profile Template.
• A board statistics section on the index, with affiliates bar.
• The main profile design, not an app profile.
• A sortable member list displaying member group variables.
• A small selection of variables for member groups, a dominant skin color, and fonts.
• Rolling news bar with staff icons, wanted icons, and a misc. setting icon layout.
• Integrated font-awesome icons kit script; fontawesome.com
• A base installation guide and notes of the theme.
• MyBB includes a plugin folder of those used in the theme.
sale spots available: unlimited
cost: £55
support: I will help with issues caused by the skin that I missed with the original code, or during install. But I won't help for free with installing it for you or in issues caused by you/third party codes or edits. I also have a contact period listed in my about page (10am -5pm). Outside these hours and especially weekends I would like to have time off to do family things.
purchase info: liziloudesigns.com/about lists my contact details. it links a discord support server too. All payment is taken via my ko-fi shop recently setup.
mybb download via shop
preview: I provide image previews in the shop, and on my blog. https://www.liziloudesigns.com/tagged/lizilou%20skins
Live previews may be available on request.
screenshots mix of mybb views