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Full Version: Bootstrap and FA broken with 1.8.31 update
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Has the 1.8.31 update added new JS code ready for 1.9?
I have installed 1.8.31 and straight away all bootstrap and FontAwesome code has stopped working.

The strange thing is that all bootstrap and FontAwesome code works in responsive mode but in desktop mode it has been broken.
There's no changes for 1.9 in 1.8, no. Can you define what stopped working and broken means? It's not being loaded on the page?
Bootstrap dropdowns and FA just stopped loading the JS on desktop but are working fine in mobile version.

I have updated headerinclude with version numbers, disabled all plugins and ran file verification with no errors.
I can't see what the upgrade would have to do with it, it's not going to prevent an external asset from loading. Do you have an example URL? If the files are still included in the page but not being loaded by the browser, I don't see how MyBB would be related to that.
I can provide you an admin login so you can see. My board is currently closed till I can get it sorted.
No problem here... I am using FA v6.