MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Forum Activity Author
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Hello MyBB and Community.

I am offering my services towards Forums Activity.

I will comment, post high quality content post, or high quality content thread.
I accept payment in PayPal and Bitcoin/Dogecoin/BAT/ETH.

I will write 200 character message post (accurate to the forums subject) 5 times for $0.50
I will write 1,000 character thread 1 time for $0.75

I will comment between 50-300 characters 15 times for $0.50

I am not sure if your Forum support Multiple user accounts, but I can post on three seperate accounts and have an alterego for all three.
I will charge and extra $0.10 per task per account.

So for three accounts:

I will write 200 character message post (accurate to the forums subject) 5 times for $0.50 +$0.10 + $0.10 ($0.70)
I will write 1,000 character thread 3 times for $0.75 times 3 + $0.10 + $0.10 ($2.45)

I will comment between 50-300 characters 15 times for $0.50 +$0.10 +$0.10

I offer my services 7 days a week.
I am like gaming, TV, Movies, Passive Income, Cryptocurrencies, Writing, Reading, Music, Religion.

If you ask me to do something I don't think I am able to do, I will reserve the right to refuse work and I will not get paid for it.

Once I have been hire I will deliver the content within a decent period of time.

So message me on here and I will get back to you.
You can add me on Discord: 
