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Full Version: SQL error after update to 1831
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Hi all.

I have had to have PHP set to 7.x because the forum would throw up tons of errors. I was glad when I saw the recent update to 1831 would fix PHP issues. I have backed up the forum and the database, turned off all plugins (I only had a couple still active as most broke within the last few years) and installed the update.

I now get:

"MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:2027 - Malformed packet
Query: SELECT title,cache FROM mybb_datacache"

Can anyone help, please?

Best regards, Sam.
You'll need to contact your host to resolve that, not an error I've ever seen before, but it's an issue with the connection to MySQL itself.
Okay, thanks. I've reverted to php7.4 so it works (one of my Joomla sites goes down under 8.x too).
Seems strange, shouldn't be anything related to PHP version, it's an issue with the MySQL data transfer.

Definitely something you'll need to raise with your host if it keeps happening.