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Full Version: Many error in SQL... What is B714AE? A colour?
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Hi everyone,

I'm trying to upgrade from MyBB 1.6.13 to 1.6.18; and then to 1.8.XX. I'm able to upgrade to 1.6.18 just fine, but unfortunately I get the following error messages if I try to upgrade to 1.8.0:

[Image: 1.jpg]

[Image: 2.jpg]
I tried clearing the cache of the DB mybb_session but to no avail. I'm currently running PHP 7.1.33 (I know it's old, I'll update it as well as soon as I can).

My questions are the following:

1) How can I solve the aforementioned errors and update to 1.8?
2) Is the fullpackage I'm using to update to 1.8 the correct one?


I've tried running more tests, updating to 1.8.0 and then importing the old DB changing config.php, but MyBB gives the following error:

[Image: 4.png]

And if I try updating, I get the SQL error messages of the first two images.

Do I need to make some changes on the DB to update to 1.8?

The following is the original data:
[Image: 6.png]
And this is the data after installing MyBB 1.8.0:
[Image: 5.png]

I apologize for the numerous questions, but I wanted to be as clear and precise as possible. I deeply appreciate your help and feedback.

Kind regards,
The error 43 explains what is wrong in the message - the /install folder exists, so you either delete it, or create a file in it called "lock"

Also I'm not sure if that 1.8 install is just a test, but you don't need to install 1.8 first, as that would overwrite your data.

I'm not sure what you mean by clearing the cache of the sessions table, but you can truncate it which will empty it, if there's IPs that are causing an issue for some reason.
Thanks Matt,
I know error 43, its ok, but not work even delete lock's file
I truncate the mybbsession table but is the same... error not die Big Grin

Im so sad...

the problem is in MySQLi version? mmmmh...
I don’t really understand what you’re saying the problem is with the lock file. Are you trying to access the forum or the upgrade script? If you want to access the forum, you don’t want to delete the lock file, you need it to be there. You cannot access the forum unless the folder is deleted or has the lock file.

As for the session error, it sounds like you’re not truncating the table, as there is still data in it if it’s erroring.

Your screenshots have different MySQL versions, so are you using different servers? It sounds like you’re looking at the wrong files and database if things aren’t taking effect.

Where is it you’re actually seeing this session error? If it’s your own IP address causing I have no idea why it’s being stored like that, it’s not an error I’ve ever seen before, so not sure what your IP address is being set to.
What is table structure of sessions? How does it vary from this one (1.8.30)?
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