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Full Version: duplicate key value violates unique constraint - Postgres
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Hi, it looks like plugins that use PluginLibrary's templates method are breaking in the latest version of MyBB. To test this, I freshly installed one such plugin, Symposium, which gave me the following error upon installation.

I am using the following:

MyBB Version: 1.8.33
PHP Version: 7.4.33
SQL Engine: PostgreSQL (PDO) 14.8

I created it using the official Docker Compose file (

	<friendly_type>MyBB SQL Error</friendly_type>
	<message>SQL Error: 23505 - ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "mybb_templategroups_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (gid)=(3) already exists.
			INTO mybb_templategroups (prefix,title)
			VALUES ('symposium','Symposium')</message>
	<back_trace>#0  errorHandler->error() called at [/inc/AbstractPdoDbDriver.php:388]
#1  AbstractPdoDbDriver->error() called at [/inc/AbstractPdoDbDriver.php:467]
#2  AbstractPdoDbDriver->query() called at [/inc/db_pgsql_pdo.php:52]
#3  PostgresPdoDbDriver->query() called at [/inc/AbstractPdoDbDriver.php:500]
#4  AbstractPdoDbDriver->write_query() called at [/inc/db_pgsql_pdo.php:193]
#5  PostgresPdoDbDriver->insert_query() called at [/inc/plugins/pluginlibrary.php:273]
#6  PluginLibrary->templates() called at [/inc/plugins/symposium.php:211]
#7  symposium_install() called at [/admin/modules/config/plugins.php:432]
#8  require() called at [/admin/index.php:830]