MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: ACP Images Do Not Use Asset URL
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Version: 1.8.33 specifically for me (but could be others as well)
Board URL:
File/Folder Directory: public_html/forum/[allmybbfileshere]

In the AdminCP images used for post icons, set as default theme, task manager icons, and so on look to be just coded as /images/etcetcetc instead of using the asset URL defined in the ACP.

So all of these images are not loading because they're trying to use (which points to the public_html directory) instead of (which "forum" is the directory where the mybb forum is).

This problem only occurs in the AdminCP. From the front end everything is fine as it is called forth with one of these variables in the URL.

The default theme for the AdminCP uses relative path for images in page and CSS files, and the path is relative to the AdminCP's folder which is admin/ by default.

From the screenshots, seems these image files are not accessible from your web browser. Perhaps you could open any of these images in new window and check the URL and the HTTP code.
I can see them if I put in the direct path to open the image.

HTTP code when opening the image is
<html style="height: 100%;"><head><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=0.1"><title>find.png (16×16)</title></head><body style="margin: 0px; background: #0e0e0e; height: 100%"><img style="display: block;-webkit-user-select: none;margin: auto;background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 90%);transition: background-color 300ms;" src=""></body></html>