Read a couple of similar threads about similar issue & none helped.
The .htaccess is configured to redirect to portal.
It is working.
However, I see no way of accessing the forum.
Without showing the .htaccess, noone can help you.
oops, sorry
I am working on a theme @ a 'test' site
RewriteRule ^([^&]*)&(.*)$$1?$2 [L,QSA,R=301]
DirectoryIndex portal.php
Redirect /index.php /portal.php
maybe I was not too clear. What I am trying to accomplish is for Portal to be Home.
by removing the 'Redirect /index.php /portal.php' now is logging into the forum again.
by adding 'Redirect /index.php /portal.php' it logs into Portal but cannot access forum.
That was my issue. I tried a few variations with htaccess & can't seem to accomplish this.
I don't really understand what you expect.
You want to redirect everything to the portal but the login page ?
Sorry, I don't understand your trouble or your expectation.
I hope someone else will succeed to help you.
Unfortunately, I don't understand what you really want either
If someone clicks a link to a thread in your forum on Google, for example, should they still end up on the portal?
Ok - the Nitty Gritty 1&2...
1. I would like, when a user arrives @ site, to be met by the Portal.
2. ability to enter the Forum from the Portal.
Initially, The 'search here' had provided me with numerous accounts dealing with this very same question.
I tried most of the advice provided there this week; including from the Mybb 1.8 manual.
None of the suggestions have worked for me.
@ Crazycat & bv64 - I apologize if I have created a confusion. I thought I had explained it clearly @ my first post.
Quote:Crazycat - Sorry, I don't understand your trouble or your expectation.
I hope someone else will succeed to help you.
I understand, thanks for trying Crazycat, I appreciate your interest.
Quote:bv64 - If someone clicks a link to a thread in your forum on Google, for example, should they still end up on the portal?
Of course not - a link is a link.