2023-12-08, 11:57 AM
Pages: 1 2
2023-12-15, 08:39 PM
can anyone help me on it ?
2023-12-15, 09:45 PM
the content is not showing can you enable for guest also
2023-12-16, 04:36 AM
what he said. make a test forum and allow guests to see contents in there, then make a post so we can see in order to help you
2023-12-18, 11:11 AM
(2023-12-15, 09:45 PM)Xferno Wrote: [ -> ]the content is not showing can you enable for guest also
(2023-12-16, 04:36 AM)Joey_Pham423 Wrote: [ -> ]what he said. make a test forum and allow guests to see contents in there, then make a post so we can see in order to help you
I have posted a video on Test Forum.
Link: Click Here
2023-12-18, 11:56 AM
(2023-12-18, 11:11 AM)jkcool Wrote: [ -> ]the video is still unavailabe for guest(2023-12-15, 09:45 PM)Xferno Wrote: [ -> ]the content is not showing can you enable for guest also
(2023-12-16, 04:36 AM)Joey_Pham423 Wrote: [ -> ]what he said. make a test forum and allow guests to see contents in there, then make a post so we can see in order to help you
I have posted a video on Test Forum.
Link: Click Here
it shows
Quote:Links in this message are blocked to guests. Please Login or Register to unblock them...
Part of this message is blocked to guests
Please Login or Register to unblock it.
2023-12-18, 12:09 PM
(2023-12-18, 11:56 AM)Xferno Wrote: [ -> ](2023-12-18, 11:11 AM)jkcool Wrote: [ -> ]the video is still unavailabe for guest(2023-12-15, 09:45 PM)Xferno Wrote: [ -> ]the content is not showing can you enable for guest also
(2023-12-16, 04:36 AM)Joey_Pham423 Wrote: [ -> ]what he said. make a test forum and allow guests to see contents in there, then make a post so we can see in order to help you
I have posted a video on Test Forum.
Link: Click Here
it shows
Quote:Links in this message are blocked to guests. Please Login or Register to unblock them...
Part of this message is blocked to guests
Please Login or Register to unblock it.
Fixed. Kindly, recheck!
2023-12-18, 01:50 PM
When your iframe has a fixed width and height, it will get cropped when the browser window is narrower than the width.
2023-12-18, 02:27 PM
(2023-12-18, 01:50 PM)HLFadmin Wrote: [ -> ]When your iframe has a fixed width and height, it will get cropped when the browser window is narrower than the width.
How to do that and if its manually code work than what code do I have to add on which file ?
Edit: I have used this code but it didnt worked.
Anything you like!
Regular Expression:
\[iframe width=(.*?) height=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/iframe\]
<iframe src="$3" width="$1%" height="$2%"></iframe>
2023-12-19, 07:31 AM
try adding this css to your global.css or wherever you want:
Remove the width and height option in your Regular Expression
Change your replacement to just accepting the url
Please note that the content inside the iframe also has to be responsive as well
iframe {
width: 100%;
max-width: 800px; /*this can be anything you wish, to show, as default size*/
aspect-ratio: 16/9; /*important to keep the aspect ratio*/
Remove the width and height option in your Regular Expression
Change your replacement to just accepting the url
<iframe src="$1" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Play around with the css to your liking. Let me know if this works for youPlease note that the content inside the iframe also has to be responsive as well
Pages: 1 2