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Full Version: [Release] Image Rep (reputation images instead of number)
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License is GNU/GPL attached inside the folder.

Plugin Name: Image Reps
Plugin Author: Jesse Labrocca
Plugin Website:
Plugin Version: 1.1
Plugin Mybb Compatibility: 1.2x
Plugin File Edits: None
Plugin File Uploads: 8 (1 php and 7 gifs)
Plugin Description: Plugin alters reputation in postbit to be an image.


1. Upload repimages.php to inc/plugins/ directory.
2. Upload the images/reputations folder to your mybb root.
3. Activate the "Image Rep" plugin in admincp.

Note: The default for images is the following:

Less than 0 = Negative
Zero = Neutral
1-15 = 1 positive
16-30 = 2 positive
31-50 = 3 positive
51-75 = 4 positive
76-100 = 5 positive

You can adjust these in the plugins php file rather easily. If you have problems contact me. I may add in he future an admincp setting for this but for now it's manual. You can of course also make your own images if you wish. There is the layered PNG in the extras folder if you want to play with them.

I can be reached at either or as username LABROCCA

Download Link
Wow dude you weren't kidding o_O

Holy're like a plugin god...

*Bows down*
Let me know how the plugin is. I will probably improve it with admincp settings.
thanks labrocca Smile
It's good I just don't have that much of an active forum right now Toungue

Someone with a bigger forum should test it out and check out the reputations.
amazing plugin labrocca Big Grin
Well the plugin should work without problem but I am open to ideas for improvement or if anyone has questions about customizing it just ask. The code in the plugin is fairly straightforward for custom changes. I was thinking some title tags should be added.
Well to me it looks great Smile

Only thing I see that might be left to do is adding the options in the AdminCP for people to change settings around (on how many blocks should equal how many points/reps). Just for people who don't want to open up the file and do it manually Smile
Animal24 Wrote:Well to me it looks great Smile

Only thing I see that might be left to do is adding the options in the AdminCP for people to change settings around (on how many blocks should equal how many points/reps). Just for people who don't want to open up the file and do it manually Smile

Yes I can do that but I just thought to get this out now.
hi labrocca,can you show two of them in same time? points and images.
and who have got more rep points that user got 4 images.
how can i fix up this problem?
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