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Full Version: Postbit Full Height?
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Sorry guys, but how do I edit the author box? I'd like it at maximum height like in the old themes and, if possible, with the arrow to the right of the box. I've attached a photo to make it clearer what I mean. Thanks in advance for your continued help.
You must know that all themes must have two types of postbit and you can change it into your cp user options, at least i always make both styles to work in all my theme devs.

But you may decide that on the end.

The other part can be done by some css and jquery single option added and that was shared many times ago inside this forums. Basically this parts if i understand what you mean i think can be covered that way.
As I understand it, you are referring to the horizontal postbit author or, as in the classic photo, two vertical columns. I only set one view, namely the horizontal one, only I don't like the box at the top left but prefer it to be a full column as it was in the old themes with the addition of the arrow as in the picture shared.
If there is any guide to get that result could you share the link? That way I can try and see if I can do it.