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Full Version: Incorrect jump to anchor
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Hi all.
I have a problem with following a link (anchor) to a some post.
When I click on a link (post number) or enter a link into the browser, instead of going to the post itself, the page scrolls to the window bottom (end page).
I spent a long time looking for what the problem was and found out that this happens because 
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$mybb->asset_url}/jscripts/jquery.js?ver=1823"></script> 
in the headerinclude template.
If I disable other scripts and styles the problem remains.
I think, that it's bad idia disable this script, but i dont know how solve this problem.
Maybe someone has encountered this problem or knows how to solve it?
do you have a link to your live forum so we can take a look?
So, it's was undo.js.
This help me:
glad to hear you've figured it out