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Full Version: Post Move.. Gets an Error
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Hello everyone.

I have my mybb forum running good except one issue.
When i move a post to another section on the board, i get this error.

MySQL error: 1066
Not unique table/alias: 's'
Query: DELETE s FROM (mybb_favorites s, mybb_users u) WHERE s.type='s' AND s.tid IN (633) AND s.uid=u.uid AND (u.usergroup IN (1,2,5,7,8,9,1,2,5,7,8,9,1,2,5,7,8,9,10,10,10) OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',1,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',2,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',5,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',7,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',8,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',9,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',1,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',2,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',5,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',7,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',8,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',9,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',1,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',2,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',5,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',7,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',8,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',9,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',10,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',10,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',10,')

The post does moves ok.. but you are stuck starring at that error in your browser.

Any ideas how i can solve this issue?

Thanks in advance!
Tried a search ?
Yes i have m8, i found nothing that has to do with my issue.
There may be something, but i do not see it if there is.

Thanks anyways Smile
Fantastic Tikitiki, that worked perfect.

I am sorry i did not fine that in a search.
You must have used better key words to find it?

hehe.. all is good, thanks again for the help!