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I have read the guidelines on here about moving from one host to another.Just to make it clear I want to write this down.

I have MyBB integrated with MKPortal and they use the same DB
Can I rather than use PHPmyadmin, use the backup DB tool in MyBB AdminCP and then restore it with that same function in AdminCP?
I will assume I make a DB on the new host in cPanel first then overwrite with old DB from within AdminCP in MyBB?

I also saw something about disabling any plug-ins before doing the back up.Is this true?

I have my entire site on my HDD right now ready to upload to my new host.
I just want to make sure the DB gets done correctly because I don't want to lose anything.
I find the best way to transfer a site using cPanel is to do a complete Backup from cPanel itself and have your new host upload it for you.

Or, just upload your stuff to your new host and create a database with the same database name and password and just upload a database backup from cPanel, if that makes sense?
I made a complete backup using cPanel with the backup wizard.It pretty much backed up the whole site.Even have files I wont need!
I was going to upload the site, make a new DB with same names/passwords and then let MyBB restore it but I think cPanel can do it with that same wizard.I just wonder if I need to make a DB in the first place? I should be able to just upload the site and then restore my DB without creating a new one
If the cPanel restore also restores your database, then you should be set, if it doesn't then you will have to create it manually and restore your old data using phpMyAdmin. Also you should make sure that the database names are the same. If cPanels restores your database into a database with a different name, then you will have to update this in the inc/config.php file.