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Full Version: mass mailing flaw
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OK, since you marked my bug report as bogus, I will post it as a suggestion. Please reference for details.

Let me expand on why I think this is a flaw. Let's say you want to send a private email to a select group of your members. Where you type the email comes first, so you happily go along typing away...but you hit the enter key instead of the shift. Oooopss, it just got sent to everyone on your board, because you hadn't gotten to the mandatory check marks yet.

THAT is why this is a flaw. There is NOTHING to stop that from happening. If that is the way the software works, that is a flaw. You want Mybb to be the best it can be? Then that needs to be fixed. There is no confirmation to verify you want to send an email to everyone. It just goes. In my opinion (and you can scoff at it all you wish) that is just WRONG!!

And also, I'd like to suggest that when you do mark a thread as bogus, you might want to still allow comments. So that when a staff member makes a comment or asks a question, the member can respond. For instance

Mr Doom Wrote:Why were you using the Mass Email to send one person a message? That just seems... strange to say the least
Let me answer that here. First, it really isn't your business, so you can think it's strange all you want. Second, if I'm already in the ACP for my own reasons and need to send a member a PM, I might as well do it there. Why is the PM function there, if it so "strange" to use that feature?

Staff members are not Gods. You guys make mistakes. You're human just like the rest of us. I am beyond tired of all the smart aleck remarks I have read on this board, because you guys feel you are better than the rest of us...and no Doom, this is not directed solely at you.

There, I've said my peace. Slaughter it all you want. I would think I've earned the right to be heard considering how long I've been a member and user of this software.
Well, not to sound "better" than you, but if you are using the mass mail function it'd miss it's point if you'd just use it for one or two people...
I know you think you are making a good argument, but I have to disagree. As you stated, this only happens if someone presses enter instead of another button. I.E, this is 100% a user error, and there are loads of examples of them which we could fix, but by doing so would just bloat the code.

For example, I type a long new post and do something in the browser that makes it crash, and I lose everything I've typed. Is this a bug? No. Is it MyBB's fault your browser crashed? No. It was down to either a browser or user error, and you have to retype your post.

Now you say that there should be a confirmation message that you want to send out the mail to everyone, and I would generally agree with you, however the Mass mail is most commonly used to send messages out to everyone, and if we put a confirmation message in, you know some people are going to complain about it. As I have said though, I'm in agreement that there should be some kind of message to confirm you want to send it.
judel Wrote:
MrDoom Wrote:Why were you using the Mass Email to send one person a message? That just seems... strange to say the least
Let me answer that here. First, it really isn't your business, so you can think it's strange all you want. Second, if I'm already in the ACP for my own reasons and need to send a member a PM, I might as well do it there. Why is the PM function there, if it so "strange" to use that feature?

Staff members are not Gods. You guys make mistakes. You're human just like the rest of us. I am beyond tired of all the smart aleck remarks I have read on this board, because you guys feel you are better than the rest of us...and no Doom, this is not directed solely at you.
That hurt, it really did. What have I ever done to you to cause that response? Ask a question because I was genuinely intrigued as to why someone was using a more complex way to do something simple?

I respond to people in the same manner they address me, so if you feel that I have been rude to some other users, I probably have, but they probably put my back up first.

The PM feature is there to send a mass PM to users, and yes, I will agree with you that there should be a confirmation message before sending the messages.
Woha! Phych down! If you wanted to email an individual from your admin cp just click view forum up the top then email the user. I also agree with destroyer, DrPoodle, MrDoom (as a normal user of mybb) that it is called a mass Email because thats what its designed for, mass emailing. I must admit that i have done it (emailed everyone by accedent) but that was because of my own carelessness and not because of the people who donate hours of their time developing and supporting mybb. I dont think it is mybb that is flawed if you need to confirm everything that you do to prevent yourself from making mistakes.
@DrPoodle great comment, and explanation for why this is no need to a feature like that.
As Chris said, the mass mailing in 1.4 will be on a scheduled system, so you will be able to cancel it if you make a mistake.