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Full Version: NEED help ASAP
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Well, a few of my clan members have reported not being able to log out of the forums even after I did the mods to the themes I have on my boards. So, I was going through the ACP and in the general settings, I figured I'd try to maybe change the cookie path to:
/home/xxx/public_html/forums/ where xxx=username and added the trailing slash as you guys suggested. After doing this, I wasn't able to log out period, so I went in and just made it /public_html/forums/ and now when I go to login, it redirects you as it normally does, but it just redirects you to nothing, as if you never logged in. It's just a continuous cycle. Now, without me being able to login to change the cookie path back to it's default /, the forums are just simply not usable.

You guys can test it out for yourself at:
username: test123

Is it possible and/or how would I go about modifying the cookie path for my forums?!!?!

Thanks a ton,
you aren't supposed to put the path to the filesystem path. Please see the wiki for more information about properly setting up cookies: [Wiki: Cookies] (Broken link, head over to instead)
Tikitiki, is it possible for me to get my forums back up and running without having to upload a backup of my database?
Shemo Wrote:Tikitiki, is it possible for me to get my forums back up and running without having to upload a backup of my database?

You don't need to upload a backup of your database. All you have to do is to change your cookie settings to the following:

Cookie Domain:
Cookie Path: /forums/
And you can still login to the ACP if you go to
Dennis, I'd change it back if I could get in to the forums. I can't login, it won't let me. I login and then it goes to redirect you back to the forums with your user options (theme, etc) and it just does back to before you tried to login. Basically, I can't login to change anything.

I can't login..that's the whole problem with resetting the cookie path. with the ACP login, it just cycles back/forth. you enter in your username/password and hit enter and it reloads the page back to the login screen again...

Do you have FTP access to your files?

If you do download settings.php to your desktop and then open it up in a text editor such as notepad, scroll down to where it lists the cookie domain and cookie path and edit them to reflect the right ones.

Once you have done this save the file and re-upload it to the correct place, clear all browser cookies and then try again to log in

did that and that was the trick. Thanks a TON!

Your welcome Smile
Shemo, you could have still logged in directly to the admin panel without logging into your account in the front end.
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