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Full Version: Serious performance problems
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I'm having pretty bad performance problems with my forums. Threads open very slowly even in archive mode. I haven't also done anything to server config files or so and this problem appeared after I upgraded to 1.2.10 or at least I haven't seen it before. Most of the time goes in PHP processing and not MySQL so that might help to solve the problem. If any configs are needed I'll post those. Anyway phpinfo is available here.

To see the slowdown just test this page for example It comes one post and then it waits and then another..

And the server is:
2x 750Mhz Pentium 3
1024MB RAM
OS: Arch Linux

Hopefully this can be solved!
I believe it's better to tell your host.
And the posts it needs to load aren't exactly small ^^
Thanks for replies!

I know that those posts were very big and slow. It just hasn't been so slow before. Also I'll just test my forums with 100 posts showed at a time so it's not any problem with normal 15 posts.

Is it possible that UTF-8 made it slower? Also it seems to slow down very much with couple of long posts and not with many short posts.

EDIT: It seems that with same posts MyBB 1.2.6 is MUCH faster than the 1.2.10. Both forums run on same server (my own). I'll try to find something tomorrow after night.
Is it also slow on the normal showthread.php (full version) page? What does the debug info say at the bottom of the page?

Also what plugins/modifications are you using?

As I said in previous post 1.2.6 compared to 1.2.10 with same posts (ä and ö are shown wrong but I guess it's just because I imported that thread to test things out..) check MyBB 1.2.6 and 1.2.10 and you will see the difference.

I tested both without plugins but those didn't affect the performance. Anyway here's the plugins which I use:
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Debug info for 1.2.6:
Generated in 2.4239130 seconds (98.85% PHP / 1.15% MySQL)
MySQL Queries: 18 / Global Parsing Time: 0.0657570 / Memory Usage: 2.16 MB
PHP version: 5.2.5 / Server Load: 0.06 / GZip Compression: Enabled

Debug info for 1.2.10:
Generated in 86.3720219 seconds (99.96% PHP / 0.04% MySQL)
MySQL Queries: 16 / Global Parsing Time: 0.0419741 / Memory Usage: 3.02 MB
PHP version: 5.2.5 / Server Load: 1.48 / GZip Compression: Enabled

As you can see the difference is HUGE.
And which page is this debug information from?

Can you send me FTP details and give me a link to your forum?
Ok, I've done some debugging and it's because of the large amount of smilies you have. We switched to preg_match to replace smilies for this release because it fixes some problems with smilies getting parsed in links but it's significantly slower (just think of it as having to think harder) so I'm going to talk to chris about offering an option weather or not to use the faster method versus the less buggy method.
Thank you! I've deleted many smilies now and it's much faster!